THE HUMAN FAMILY is the one institution entrusted by God from eternity with no less than the procreative act that ensure the continuity and Providential order of the lineages of our human generations and conduct in their succession the efficient transmission of the universal faith in God and our shared humanity that preserve the one lineage of our common human hope.
THE HUMAN FAMILY is not a democracy nor must it reflect the rampant social license corrupting the outside world diseased with so much sin and war for the human family is love's proving ground where all things must be earned, valued, respected and utilized with discipline and gratitude for the benefit of the heart and mind of our youth.
The human family is a dialogue of mutual love that implicitly recognizes the hierarchical nature of our natural as well as supernatural existence. Children are not equal to their parents nor must they feel as if they were and parents are not equal to God nor must they feel as if they were. The common good is more significant but no less important than the individual good and though they may seem separate and distinct, all that is good and therefore, all that is real work closely together in a synergy that along with all of God's holy gifts advance toward the greater purposes of the one immovable Divine will which we can not even begin to comprehend in it's infinity for we are finite creatures who only understand according to what light our hearts receive from eternity.
The human family has a responsibility to refer all things to God, to love without condition all things within itself and to add to the life of our one race of humanity.
Our youth represent the continuing lineage of our stewardship with God as co-creators with His grace and as regents of the visible universe, their task will be nothing less than the shaping of realities that will lend it's most definite substance in the form of our tomorrows.
There are set times and seasons within the human family that imparts a certain rhythm according to the sacred spaces within time itself. There is a wholesome discipline that works according to the loving vigilance and parental care and concern of the complementary wisdom's of the heads of the family in the unitive synergy of both husband and wife.
There are things that must be laid as law, that needs no explanations. There are things with no easy introductions or convenient answers. There are things that accept no questions being without tolerance to any kind of receptivity that will only serve to involve the exploratory mindset of our youth and open the way for evil to enter into their hearts.
One must do everything to empower the souls (will and intellect) of our young, enabling their own sense of authentic human freedom that allow them to make their choices according to right moral convictions freely and consistently.
For free choice (the act of free will) tends to growth and maturity but not with a false sense of freedom shall we achieve this. Let us now bear into mind that to stunt and restrict choice will lead to immaturity in our own fruit but to completely release this power in the context of our youth will surely lead to their own destruction.
It is here at this point in their life's journey (age 8+) that their own natural reason (before faith formation, (age 13+) must be opened by hands so much more gentle than the hands of strangers for if husband and wife fails to do this, justice dictates that both heaven and earth will see to it that it is done.
Enabling reason in the young is like the image of a child learning how to ride a bicycle for the first time, it is the parents supported by the local community (parish of that particular Church) who must now grapple with either releasing our grip on their freedom or securing the safety of our youth at the cost of their own vulnerability.
This is where parenting on level terms with our common humanity becomes both an art and a craft. This is the real test of an able human home.
Never force their choice, lest one distorts their image of the Divine and do damage to their lives even before they begin to live. One may channel their focus with a wholesome discipline but one may never rule their lives for our children will never belong to any of our present ambition nor will they yield the treasure within their own souls before their hour is come.
One must bear in mind that they are only ours for a time, so cherish them while they are children, for they are our common patrimony with life entrusted unto our common care by the God of all life, they will ultimately belong to all of sacred life (age 18+). It's not like they will have left our human family, they would have arrived. Love for love and from a place of love to another place of love unto eternity.
Morality will be their measure, religion their ambition and faith their daily exercise.
Where our youth is raised in an able human home, then they will more often than not be loyal to the divine destiny that Almighty God has set out for them from eternity.
A unique destiny and a promise that belong to no one else but to each of them on God's behalf for the sake of our suffering humanity.
- With parts excerpted from: A Request for Prayer
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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