OUR SOULS are a near infinite finitude, a self-realized instance of pure spirit being capable of divinely loving and of receiving the divine love that creates, sustains, preserves and fulfills a noble and unique status born of supernatural purposes.
A human being is a one whole unit composed of body and soul.
A soul by itself without the human body is not fully human just as much as a body by itself without the human soul is incomplete.
Each of us needs the synthesis of both our human body and our human soul to make us fully human as well as fully alive.
Each of our being comes into existence the very instant the sacramental grace of our parent's wedlock union have successfully joined at the very moment of our conception, the mutual love they indivisibly share with each other in and with God into one flesh.
At that very same instant of our physical conception within our mother's womb, each of our being, male or female, receive at once the fullness of our humanity by the infusion of spirit life that our timeless soul and it's intrinsic powers of free will and intellect breathes into our flesh.
The human soul is the eternal principle of human life that unifies the whole of our being human and the oneness of our being alive into one self-cognizant, intelligent, cohesive, living, breathing motion in exile time from cells more numerous in one human lifetime than the stars wheeling above those vast, unconscious skies and the grains of sand from along the shorelines of all of the oceans of our inhabited earth combined.
For each of our souls contain within it's timelessness, the depth and the width of the whole of our living existence from the two parent cells of our real foundation in timeless love and in corporal temporality into the many trillions of constituent cells that comprise the near infinite sum of the whole of our being truly human and our being truly alive.
For even as exile time itself imparts physical motion upon the temporal dimensions of our visible universe, the soul itself imparts the interior spiritual motion outside of time that continually make each of us who we are within our being individually unique as human individuals as well as collectively unique together as the one race of humanity.
For we are each in the wholeness of our souls, completely present at the very moment of our conception, our being not only completely human but our existence also completely self-aware of itself from the instant of our founding in timeless love and in corporal temporality and this remains forever true regardless of the temporal reality of our corporeal development from conception to natural death, in sickness, disability or in health.
Thus, even a mentally disabled or an unborn human person is consistently and completely aware of it's own existence in the same degree as a mature and healthy adult human person, if not in the temporal sense of itself as it exists in exile time, in the eternal sense of it's timeless presence in God as it exists in eternity.
We are each as human beings, male and female, accorded by our one common Creator with an equal portion of the substance of Deity's infinite Spirit life as a kindred grace and a universal dignity we each naturally possess in our shared humanity as our one common Creator's own image and likeness seated deep within our being in each and every single human soul that contains the whole of that being.
Through recognition of the intrinsic dignity of our shared humanity, we discover the many windows that give us clearer insight into the vast horizons that allow us to perceive who we truly are and from a knowledge of who we truly are, we can come home to an understanding of our true place in exile time and in eternity which from it's original foundations have been prepared for all of the life of the generations of our humanity within the all of our Creator's wondrous and unimaginably vast creation as our one, true human habitation which is encompassed in the promise of the resurrection of the body into a new heaven and a new earth.
Beloved of God, when do we become human? Or better yet, when do we stop being human?
Abortion is not only a relentless denial that refuses to recognize of any and all of these sacred realities but the actual physical destruction of these precious and unrepeatable timeless human potentialities.
---<--@ to the 40 million victims of abortions and counting...humanity is truly made all the more poorer and weaker by your absence than by your presence in our midst.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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