ONE OF THE THINGS I NOTICED here in my home Country is that our young are flourishing. There are children here and you will see them everywhere you go. Granted, we are poor and many people here live in degrading conditions in shanty towns and dirty slums. There are more poor people here than there are middle class and those who are considered rich constitute only a tiny fraction of our present population. But this gap is artificial and can be bridged by honest, transparent and effective government.
We only need to refocus our national will and redefine for ourselves our collective hopes as a people in the great promise of our particular endeavor of Country; to find out for ourselves what defines for us both our pursuit and our goal of happiness as a nation and we will discover who we are; who we have always been. Indeed, the world would have us believe that our children are not a treasure worth having and fighting for.
Abortion is illegal here in my Country, true to her calling, this Filipino nation knows better than to abandon sacred life, especially our unborn, the life which sustains our hopes as a people. My people, I know will bleed to see to it that our posterity is adequately protected from the ravages of sin and war for even though our times are evil times, we all know as a people that it is not life that is evil. Our Mother Protectress still value what promise there is in our young people but the world abhor the young who for a time in their lives exist completely immersed in the hope that binds two generations together. A most precious time in our lives that is so easily forgotten by us adults but a time nevertheless that our blessed Savior recognize and point out to us to imitate in children. We we're once so filled with hope that we could imagine anything and everything and we honestly believed in our little heart of hearts, our little souls, that all of the world was still the same as it was in faded Eden, good just as God originally intended everything to be.
Remember those times, my precious friend? It seems so hard because we have been so constantly invaded in our hearts by the forces of sin that we now live in a different world, what adults call the "real" world is really an arbitrary form of reality that we create because we have lost so much of our young hope to lose faith enough in the impossible and as the child-like God of our innocent, little lives recede, the dark of our reason slowly replace the light of our complete submission to the One who makes the impossible possible in our hearts and therefore, in our simple, happy, little worlds as well.
Indeed, a place with less young people, a place with less children, is less likely to be a happy place. It will be a place that will soon forget that simple little world, so full of infinite possibilities, so joyous and content in the vision within itself, to become a barren womb, a lonely place, darkened of hope and longing for life.
The problems that face life in this world can be overcome by those who yet believe in life for the problems that face life are artificial and can be solved by the people if only the people are unified and rightly guided. No one ever takes with them into those permanent eternal realms the temporal riches of this corruptible, physical world. For we all enter into this world naked and crying and in the same way shall we all make our exit from this place of probation into the real world that God had intended for us to inhabit.
But those who have lost faith in life itself face a more difficult time for they have lost their natural ability to overcome by strength of faith and spiritual character alone, the perils that face all human beings, the perils of sin and war. For how then can they build God's Kingdom and His righteousness in their hearts without first sanctifying their faith by a firm belief in the sacred nature of the many distressing similitude of suffering life that represents God's image and likeness in our world? How can anyone who have lost belief in the visible ever hope to profess belief in the reality of the invisible God without which everything turns to ashes within and to dust without ? For behold, my precious friend, truly there are enemies that exist in our world, those evil that exist in high places, that can never be defeated by force of arms alone. There are enemies that God alone can vanquish as sin and war but how can these spiritual adversaries be held back by those whose very souls have crossed lines to become the very scourge of war that inflict upon our suffering peoples defeat upon defeat.
Indeed, the prevailing weather of the world today and what has been the climate of our planet for millennia is one of war. The destruction of everything and anything seems like the norm for everybody in our present times that the violence of sin and war, even genocide, is looked at with a disturbing lack of natural human antipathy and in some quarters actual relish and delight. The life of our world, plant, animal and most especially human, which is the crowning glory of God's physical creation has become a cheap commodity.
In contrast, in a world of peace, we will be more preoccupied with building both our virtues and our world in truths that serve the good of all. For Peace is a builder, indeed Peace is a builder just as Jesus Christ Himself was during His time on our world, a builder. Peace is born of Law, which is why due process is important because law, which is a direction of reason, simply must be given time to shape our collective thinking. But if we are impatient with the law though it is just or if the law serves not the interests of sacred life, then how can law serve to direct us toward the sheltering wings of peace? How then without peace can any society and the social virtues that uphold the common good within our communities flourish, advance and mature? If it takes peace longer than necessary to become fully matured and realized in our needful, evil times, will the life of our nations, most especially our Lord's own, i.e. the poorest ones, our Lord's own poor whom we must put first, survive the assaults of the beast of war?
Ascendant Concentration, the teaching methodology of our community, works to counter the pale allure of evil things as sin and war and bring out the ascendant truth that man is created good and that good is by its very nature superior over evil and that evil is ephemeral unless it finds a footing in our soul. It works to create the conditions for us to be thankful, having realized with joy, the infinite goodness of the Good God because our minds through our catechists and teachers and our hearts through much prayer and the grace of God have come to behold the refined vision of the glory of God in creation through an awareness of the proper proportions of the truth in our lives and in the lives of others even here in our poor, suffering world.
Verily, we, as one whole humanity, have come to imbibe deeply in our consciousness the lie that there must be opposition in everything or else the order of the world will come crashing down. Opposition is wholesome if by it we are formed in virtue just the same as affliction is necessary if the truth is to be refined. But opposition itself is not a virtue just as much as affliction wrongly inflicted contain no ability to convince anyone. But people nowadays act as if this is indeed, a world ruled by war; a world where opposition have become an adaptation to order and affliction its method.
This same poisonous mindset, perhaps, have convinced those who support the murder of the unborn hope of our nations, those who clinically eliminate those of us who are the weakest and most defenseless of all, those who reduce the dignity of the most precious gift of all into something less than sacred life. Life begins at conception. But this mindset of war just had to go against the convention of things that have preserved the order of our generations since the time of our Father Adam and our Mother Eve. There really is no justification for the taking of innocent life and those who believe in the God of life know it. Even those who believe in nothing but this life, may God awaken in them the joy of believing in life more abundantly received in the promise of Jesus Christ and His peace, correctly perceive the monumental wrong that have claimed the lives of more than 40 million innocent human beings, many of them belonging to the global ranks and files of our own generation and, my precious friend and Companion, this is a very conservative approximation.
Those clean sounding, clinical words that the misguided and the untruthful use to scientifically describe the murder of innocents must be one of those dialects spoken in hell. Our Blessed Savior spoke the truth and our Lord's truth is like a sword, it cuts clean through lies and darkness. The mysteries of our Christian faith stands up to the scrutiny of reason because there is a part of our reason that is veiled and so reason itself knows it must believe because reason understands that for reason to become whole, it must believe in what is veiled. Reason must believe because faith then unveils and illuminates for it the ascendant truths that serve and defend sacred life. For St. Augustine said one does not understand to believe, one believes to understand. Now those who speak of abortion who use the words of science, though they speak the truth, believes without faith and therefore knows without reason and have no eyes to see what is plain to see to those whose reason is liberated by the light of the truth. Reason without faith is blind and so science without morality is dangerous because even truth when it descends to the gravity of evil things, ceases to become the truth because all light is borrowed and once it loses sight of it's ascendant Source, it ceases to become itself and becomes something else. In the Solidarity, science imbued with faith is pure science.
Instead of an artificial gap in the distribution of material wealth as in my Country, the great evil of abortion is creating a generational gap, a more or less permanent condition and a tear in the lineages of hope that must exist to carry through from past to present, in the shape of faithful Country, the undying hopes of all our patriarchs, prophets, judges, bishops, emperors, kings, queens and forefathers, all our uncommon heroes and our common loved ones who have walked this mountain path before us. For the life that those unborn human potentialities that abortion have taken away from us will always remain missing and the lines of the peace that stand against the evils of the present today will have to contain these gaps. And this calamity is particularly becoming widespread in those Countries with the potential to become Elder states. But the dissipation of all these hopes in general cause great suffering because we are all slowly becoming ignorant of our true purpose as a community to the effect that even as individuals, we encounter a sense of despair for futures that look bleak. As if the future is empty, as if our Lord Who goes before us is a defeated Lord, as if our God is a God Who is empty of promise. In a world of war, we slowly lose our peace within ourselves and as a result, we witness the deterioration of the peace of our present time, even the peace of entire nations that hold back the assault of the beast of war have been completely lost and as a result, their entire complement of peoples suffer what seemingly is a needless suffering. And all of the hate and the despair that result from this adds to the flames that feed the hunger and give strength to the beast of war.
One might say that I am over-analyzing things, that these things such as abortion and war can not possibly be related to one another. What possible connection can abortion and war have? My precious friend, inside every sin is the same lie that in faded Eden has robbed us of our heritage of life. The sin that invites us to worship it in place of our God Who is our everything. One can not say to a believing Christian that sins are not related to each other nor can any believing Christian ever entertain the thought that different sins lead to different outcomes for they are indeed related and their consequence well known to all honorable religions. Abortion is clearly a sin, in my heart of heats, a great and abominable sin, therefore it adds to the realities of the evils that we all must face in the present time, the evil that is consuming our poor world and our poor hearts in sweeping conflagrations of a relentless, endless war.
The unseen angelic realms which form part of our natural world have long been emptied of its peace and made desolate by the same scourge of sin and war that is now poised to turn our world into a lifeless, soulless, spiritless desolation. For there is a war in heaven; a war fought in those natural unseen spirit realms that form part of our native skies, an invisible reality that embrace and penetrate our living world. It is a war born of pride which is the first sin of Lucifer, a war in those timeless spirit realms of the angels that are also inhabited by the width and breadth of our human souls; a war that from the visible natural realms of man seem to rage from deep within our hearts ever existing, ever lingering in the rise and flow of our awareness, a war that afflict the very foundations of our being, already darkened and wounded by sin, here in the now of the moment. Their probation happened in an instant, the good angels ascended to the glory of God and shone as the stars of the celestial skies. They found their rightful places across the Light Inaccessible and the supernatural abode of the Lord in the heaven of eternity. But not before one third of their immortal brethren fell into sin, not before losing one third of those timeless friendships that the good angels of God used to enjoy with those who have now become their most bitter enemies. Having received the gift of supernatural glory, the holy angelic hosts of God reach out from heaven to serve and defend sacred life by the power of Almighty God Himself from the real threat of the evil angels, a threat that outmatch us in every way. For the numerous devils and Satan himself battle ferociously against the Church of Christ to pull every human being down with them into the fiery depths of hell. For Satan and the evil angels burn with an immortal hatred of God and so hate us all by extension. For they detest the most profound humility of the Incarnation and covet the great promise given to mankind by the Redemption, the unmerited promise merited by Christ for His Church to be able to love and serve the LORD FOREVER in peace and without fear. Satan and his fallen angels and the reprobate who will not serve life are all therefore condemned forever like the Devil to an everlasting death, a turning to dust and to ashes from within, a becoming forever imprisoned by the descendant weight of their own innumerable sins, to burn in the dark, unholy fires of their own evil creation, trapped and twisted under the immense crushing gravity of their infinite offenses against the liberating, one and ascendant Truth of our one triune God. For in the Person of our Savior, there is indeed, much reason for all men of good will to hope for our Good Lord have given us His peace and fights for us everyday with His grace. Now, the goodness of our God, most especially manifest in the Person of Jesus Christ, is all the more reason to let our Christian hope guide our choices rightly toward the liberating truth of the Love that guarantee that these choices can be made.
Therefore, I am not convinced that the so-called freedom to choose is justification enough to take the life of an unborn human being. Choice is not an excuse to commit sin, human freedom is not license. Only in a world where all choices bear no consequence whatsoever to the reality of our living can any rational person worth his or her moral and intellectual salt believe that choice and the power to choose redeems us from consequence whether good or evil. But here in our real world where every choice bear consequence, it is not permissible that evil flourish because some have chosen to ignore the good. Justice must see to it that true human freedom is the ability to choose the paths leading to the good. For evil destroys freedom. If all choices were equal, why then is virtue both recognized and encouraged by grace and vice both prohibited and punished by law. If all choices were equal, there would be no freedom. Is this is pro-choice?
Whatever good that this particular illusion may pretend to present for the consumption of the general public, it is the legalized ability to murder the unborn hope of nations entire. This is clearly a political good. Now, some political good are real but this one is clearly an apparent good, an expedient submission to the evil fashions of the world, fashions that fade and flee made of sins that leave us with only with tears and confusion. It is not a real good. It is a false hope, an evil desire that lead to the demise of the freedom of the sons and daughters of God, this is not just true for us Christians but the one whole human family. What's worse is this pretense that claim to empower choice leads the unwary who are already victims in themselves to lose their peace with God and their own conscience for how can a any mother not feel the loss of one of her own.
O Lady of Sorrows! O heart that sum up the completeness of thy maternal desire to see us live! How you must weep for our unborn whom thy Son has uplifted by His Cross yet are treated as something less than life.
Abortion is a surrender to captivity, it is a release from Christian accountability, an easy escape from paternal and social responsibility in the name of mere convenience, moral relativity and our so-called modernity - all of them, evil fashions of the world - and a real threat to sacred life.
I am a great supporter of women's rights which is why I stand for the life of both the mother and the child believing both to be equal in dignity. This is because I am a human being. However, as a practicing Christian in general, I will never support the choice to commit evil nor evil itself. For I believe in the choices that preserve what good there is in each of us and what good there is to be had for all of us. As a practicing Catholic Christian in particular, I will neither pitch nor subscribe to the lie that pits the rights of the mother against her unborn because God's Eternal law in my heart screams out to me that this is evil. I do believe our God has made provisions to protect both mother and child and the peace of my Lord Jesus Christ excludes none from His love.
To help our Lord's poor - particularly, single mothers united with their unborn, the Solidarity, if necessary, will raise and support units at the Squadron level of Promise Keepers made up of local flights that in conjunction with Holy Mother Church at the parish and diocese levels will function as foundation support structures that maintain the hope and morale of those victims of the sins of impurity. It will function to bring them together as penitents and petitioners alike and create for them and their children a community of hope built from the solidarity of their shared suffering and like all special Squadrons of our Lord's poor (AA, NA, Covenant Hearts, Original Freedom, Courage and Sanctuary) will benefit from the full support of our community across all our national Wings.
In the Solidarity, the poor is to be referred to correctly as our Lord's poor. Our Lord's poor is anyone and everyone in need whether the need be spiritual or temporal in substance. All the regular Squadrons of the Solidarity in conjunction with any functional Abrahamic, Ecumenical or Multi-Faith Squadrons have an obligation under the national Wing to assist all our Lord's poor beginning from the furthest and the greatest of spiritual and temporal needs respectively. The assistance must be intelligently directed toward healing and wholeness of being and material and spiritual sufficiency of soul and then body.
The Solidarity, aspiring to enrich the life of our Holy Mother Church, share also in her great missionary spirit founded on the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, on the question of conversion, one can only hope to convert one's own self. Any forced or deceptive practices of conversion that violate the seal of faith within our Solidarity - that all faith is personal in nature and exists only between the believer and the one common Creator of all life and truth - is an offense to the peace. Faith can not be forced. For the work of conceiving in the hearts of other people the capital grace of true faith in Jesus Christ is the work of the Holy Spirit of God. One must only hope to convince one's own self of the truth and speak when God calls for it of his or her own convictions of the truths of our Christan faith and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others who are willing to listen. We shall ever be ready to present the truth and deny it not to those whom God calls to embrace it. In all other times, we will witness to the truth by our lives and not by our words for we are called to the works of prayer, peace and mercy - the method of application by which we shall build with our own lives the promise of our Lord in our times and God-willing, change the destiny of our nations, shifting at the void at the threshold of the third Christian millennium, the destiny of our peoples from one of war and bondage to sin to one of peace and communal liberation from suffering, turning this long lingering darkness into the daybreak twilight of the new morning from on high, and a better, kinder, safer world for all men, women and children of all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Because life is uncertain, law is particular and this particularity and specificity of law is reason for legislators to make laws that are robust enough to embrace the whole sweep of the ideal good that it protects. It is not society that must adapt to law for the needs of society do not change, but the evils of the times that every society of every age must confront does change, and so therefore, it is law that must adapt to the reality of the times to take into account the changing natures of the evils that it confronts on behalf of the public peace and the common good of human societies.
If it were society that must adapt to laws that no longer serve it, it would be an outright and insufferable tyranny of words.
Now, there ought to be laws that serve both the mother and her unborn child for the good of both mother and her children constitute one truth and laws must not serve to divide that good much less pit them against each other. This is why there are parties and houses of legislation, to fuel the debate that serve to constantly refine the truth at the core of every bill that is passed into law to enable it to do the most good for the people. Parties only oppose each other not in principle but in the service of the people. They are in principle united in their effort at the end of the day to advance the hopes of the people and not to divide a nation's dreams. For law is meant to serve life for it is just plain unreasonable not to do so.
Verily, every nation is a common dreaming of life, the abundant life, even that life which is everlasting. How could any faithful Country trust to the illusions that rob her of her precious heritage of hope carried forward into the present moment by the unbroken lineages of the generations of life?
Fr. Frank Pavone and Priests for Life presents us with two videos that show the reality of the evil that we face in abortion. (Dismemberment abortion) and (Suction abortion).
How can any government sanction what would in the end weaken the body politic it is duty-bound by sacred oath to uphold and defend, how could any Country trample on the rights of those generations who ensure the survival of her unborn hopes, how could a nation who have fought so hard and so well to guarantee for her citizens a participation in the present forsake the fight to preserve the unrealized dreams of those who have yet to live in her bosom?
Unborn they remain, yet never unloved, nameless yet never forgotten, the unlived lives of those men and women who could have fought and died for things noble and true, who could have served our communities well, who could have discovered works of wonders for the good of all mankind, who could have helped our humanity make this world a better, safer, kinder world for all men, women and children of the suffering nations of all mankind.
The holy innocents and the promise of their lives shall not be forgotten, most especially within the Solidarity, the effects of the void left by these missing, unwritten, unfinished lives cut short by sin and war, violence and abortion, can never be overlooked for their blood soaks the very ground that we live on and their silent cries does not go unheard for if your listen all around you, my precious friend, there is a chorus that resound all around us that pierce our unconscious native skies into the heart of the reality of our one triune God.
And the time is late.
To all the children -
to all children of the Holocaust,
the innocent victims of war and sin.
Rest now, little starshine, close your eyes.
Let the past go now. Thy hurt shall fade and flee.
This evil will soon melt away.
Fly now, little ones, the LORD awaits thee.
Let His eternity embrace thee. All our tomorrows to receive thee.
And here in the present there will be much remembering to do.
Glory to God in His creation
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to all men of good will.
O Holy Innocents of God, pray for us.
O Blessed Jacinta, Flower of Fatima, pray for us.
Hail Mary, full of grace, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death, AMEN.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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