"SOLDIERS" meaning all the serving men and women of all the branches of the AFP, of the noble military. One has to forgive my natural affinity to the branch of service that I have once considered to be my own and where my own heart still steadfastly remain.
LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, O gates; rise up, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may enter.
Who is this king of glory? The LORD, a mighty warrior, the LORD, mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, O gates; rise up, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may enter.
Who is this king of glory? The LORD of hosts is the king of glory.
Psalms 24: 7-8
MILITARY DECISIVENESS is like shot placement. It's all about being at the right place at the right time. Military decisiveness requires all it's elements to function together that it may coherently and cohesively forge from the fiery chaos of the terrible fight through superior will of noble steel an ascendant form of military order diametrically opposed the enemy order of battle.
Thus, a corporal who is present at the right place and at the right time is as important as a general because placing a general in a foxhole will just not do. Therefore, for our AFP to become the victorious defenders of our people, there must remain no more foundation for any kind of undue discrimination to exist between the honored rank and file of our noble military. Officers preserve their sacred honor and the dignity particular to their scope of command and noncoms/enlisted preserve the same sacred honor and the dignity particular to their tactical expertise.
Thus do we rightly honor of their eternal remembrances by attaining to the order of the victorious peace for the life of Country (and on God's behalf) that our sacred military immortal dead have sacrificed so much of both their own blood as well as the sacred memory of their dearest ones to achieve for this present generation. Lest we forget. Lest we forget.
True, a full general is more significant than a private but both of them being basically human beings are equally important because each of them possess - at all times and places - an equal share of the God-given dignity that we should all be able to correctly and instinctively recognize, uphold, cherish and appreciate in our own shared humanity one with another. Too, a military can not function without it's generals and likewise the same if we exclude every private from the military whole.
Let us be mindful that to betray our eternal remembrances of our sacred military immortal dead is to sever our connection with the eternal Army.
And no victory is ever possible without the LORD of hosts.
With regards to our valiant soldiers as well as to all honorable returnees - love for love, honor for honor, appreciation for virtue, recognition for service, reward for merit and unrelenting national
justice for betrayal of our sacred trust in time and in eternity; those adulterers who wilfully and freely turn their backs on their own humanity against our peace, against sacred life, against virtue, against the individual as well as the common good, against the absolute good, against everything that God, the holy angels of God and all of our common humanity hold dear in our hearts to lie in bed with one of our most ancient of enemies, the beast of war, the devourer of peoples, the destroyer of human civilizations.
Where truth is lacking, let there be trust, where trust is fragile, let there be understanding, where understanding is in short supply, let there be common good will and everywhere that the common good will of the common Filipino (or any other human being) is namelessly threatened with violent force, let there be an adequate defense from all sides of the one side of our one indivisible peace.
Lastly, I am unable to verify my sources however, if what I heard was true, in the future, should we just let a "mere" corporal who is enfleshed in the same honored uniform and who bears, body and soul, the same noble emblems and insignias as all of our valiant AFP bleed to death? Not if we want to attain to the final victory, not if we want to keep our sacred honor intact in time and in eternity, not if we want to give glory to God, the one King of Glory and the victorious LORD of hosts upon Whom singularly depends the honorable triumph of all of the noble military that march in exile time upon all of captive creation.
In the vision of the paradigm of the peace, the noble military defends sacred life and sacred life in turn defends the noble military, one may not exist without the other in this midnight world of endless battle and probational suffering.
---<--@ a hymn of silence, in solemn praise of the passing of day, to the tomb the unknown soldier, the black of hope in the unsung dream.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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