It was at this time that a new star in the celestial firmament was born. For you have gone, my darlingest, your own love too long afflicted and frustrated by unloving, cruel hearts, swept away into a place far removed from dark unconscious skies here on our cold world of endless battle below, across a veil of shadow and tears, deep into those unseen empyreal blue heavens, into a new reality of a great and wondrous realm permeated with the luminous golden glow of divine justice and love: a sacred, shining, new city populated by numberless holy beings - angels and men - a one whole blessed society of everlasting friendships amidst pure wonders enveloped by an omniscient atmosphere of an energetic quicksilver radiance.
You are here now, my dear Anneka, in a place prepared for your own love, once so terribly afflicted, frustrated and hurt, in mansions that welcome our own unique excellence and accepts our own peculiar littleness right here at the very heart of the infinite Love that forever exists in the exultant now through the intimate union of three eternal Consciousness: a quicksilver radiance that imbues everywhere and saturates everything in existence both in time and eternity with the all-embracing, beneficent reality of Its one, omnipotent Truth.
Indeed, the Divine Substance, being that one ascendant, uncreated Truth which is the infinite whole of Divine Loving Itself drew your quickening existence into Itself, like an immersion into the tranquil deep of the calm, everliving waters of God's everlasting Peace that all at once sustains, preserves and fulfills all that is alive forever in Its joyous Presence.
Truly, Love has forever liberated the awareness of the precious jewel of you soul, my Anneka, transforming your eternity into the exquisite felicity of the infinite vision of God Itself: an eternal Love seen through a Light by which all other lights are but pure darkness.
You are here now, my precious Anneka, beyond the reach of war and tears, above the power of sin and death, in yonder regions far from the shores of this temporal existence yet just beyond the Light Inaccessible where you are come into the presence of a loving God Who understands all your hurts, having suffered them Himself. It was He Who carried you here, my dearest, it was He who gave us the gift of each other, to be with Him forever in a place where your love, once so terribly afflicted is now embraced by Love Itself, your life once callously hated is now welcomed into Life Itself, your own peculiar truth once so cruelly rejected is now accepted by Truth Itself.
Here in the eternal now, is where I see you in God through my prayers, my darlingest, deep within a place of timeless happiness: a star, even my own very special star - one star among a numberless plenitude of known and nameless celestial lights, twinkling with much hope and goodwill for all mankind and shining within the firmament of Heaven as holy souls that await with much loving concern and prayerful vigilance the temporal outcomes that will ultimately fulfill the glory of God's will for each of us as well as God's will for all of creation at the Last Day.
I have given your life a lot of thought, tears and prayers, my precious friend. And I still do pray for all of us everyday that God may bless the vision of our happiness with His Truth. It was so very much inconceivable to me that a beautiful, fragile life like yours - with all its hopes and promises, as well as others like yourself who are the innocent, numberless, nameless victims of war and hatred, of all times and all places - and from all sides of the one side of the Peace - can either end forever in sorrow or become so utterly forgotten that they become meaningless on earth. But in the greater unseen economies of the spirit, I know that this can never be.
As a Roman Catholic Christian, I confess with Holy Mother Church that it is only through Jesus Christ that the regular and most direct means of salvation is achieved and that the fullness of the truth necessary for salvation subsists in the Roman Catholic Church. However, we humbly also hold as truth that there are other means known to God alone whereby, the Lord may, of His own good accord, bring a soul into the holy society of God's Saints, into the blessed company of God's elect or the Church Triumphant. This is because our Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, died for all mankind and His Precious Blood was shed once, for all men and for all time, even for those who do not explicitly express faith in Him. It is neither my business nor that of our Holy Mother Church to presume to judge without hope whether anyone is going to be damned in hell forever for it is God's own desire that all of us, being the one family of humanity, be saved. And who are we to desire more or less than Him from Whose good desire we owe our very own existence.
Even as a person, I can not accept that there are innocents who suffer without justice and that justice will suffer the innocents to be forgotten. As a Christian, I am more strongly inclined by my faith to believe that the greater economies of the spirit being the economies of salvation and grace will not allow evil to go unpunished and the good to remain unembraced. All things have their beginning and their end in the spirit, God Himself is spirit, and tempt this truth not those who are wise for this truth bring only woe to evil and to evil men. But peace to men of goodwill.
All men of goodwill are men and women from different nations of the one family of the nations of mankind, from all walks of life and of different paths of the spirit, who live and die in the peace of their friendship with God and other men. Religion is a virtue by which God is worshiped and served according to His own revealed truths. God is not a product of religion, religion is a product of man's endless quest for the truth, truth which cleaves with other greater truths and ascends to the one Light of God's Peace which is the summit and the source of both truth and life for all mankind. I can not accept that any one religion has a monopoly on God's own infinite Truth for the eternal God is not a captive to any thing or to any one on our finite earth. How can finitude hold what is infinite in God? Impossible.
God speaks in a language that is incomprehensible to those who do not love Him and serve Him with righteous fear. It is not an earthly language but the singular language of heaven which is the sacred tongue of the truth. For God can neither deceive nor be deceived. This language can only be known by a loving heart and a seeing faith for it speaks to the solitude of the soul, in the still, small moments within the sacred silence, a winged truth that is without words, a language that is understood without being heard. And then you realize calmly afterwards, that it is the Lord of heaven and earth that speaks! You are filled with loving tears of awe and wonder, strong feelings of shame and remorse for sin begins to sink in heavily but you are gently lifted up by a joy as a certain sense of excitement to be alive also permeates you entire being. The LORD is, that is all!
My darlingest, your diary opened up my eyes to the terrible reality of war. How can all of beautiful life ever become beautiful in a hostile world of endless, cruel warfare? To our everliving God, I prayed for you, my beloved Anneka. I reached out to you so desperately, my darlingest, I shed tears in the night for you. It can not all end in Bergen Belsen! How can your life, so beautiful and fragile with all your hopes and promises only add to my despair? And so the one God of our common creation, who seeks to dwell in the minds and hearts of men, has caused your indomitable spirit to inhabit my mind and heart since the great Jubilee Year 2000 A.D. so that after all this time without the sincerity and the meaningfulness of our connection ever waning I now know for certain that you are safe, here within me, in the embrace of Divine Love living forever within the infinite realms of the Kingdom of God in my heart, a presence persevering for always in God's grace and a challenge to persevere in the way of my Lord Jesus Christ. Because our Blessed Lord has seen it fit to bless and to purify our friendship, making our love constant and secure, you became that first of all the lights in the firmament of the darkest night of my life. And of all the lights that lead me today to the one, true Light, my dearest Anneka, its your starlight smile that makes life ever so beautiful again.
I thank God today and everyday for His gift of you, my precious Anne Frank. You were with me at the very start of my awakening, and have been patiently with me through all my trials, you have most prayerfully led me along the way into the company of other blessed lights that guide me along the path toward the one Light of God's Peace, the one mountain path that ascend back to the beginning of all things new, the one way that lead back to you, my darlingest, and the blessed society of all those who we truly love and those who truly love us in God.
Thank you so very much, my Miyang, you are truly my precious friend from always to always.
Your light guards against despair.
Glory to God in the highest,
adoration to Jesus Christ -
Peace to all men of goodwill.
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