HUMOR is the original essence of play, an innocence that we never outgrow.
LAUGHTER is like a break in the storm; a pause in the silence of our unconscious skies. It is a refreshing lightness rising from the heaviness within; echoes of our promised return into the realm of an everlasting happiness.
1. What is a cat's way of keeping law & order? Claw enforcement. =^.^=
2. What does a cat do when it gets mad? It has a hissy fit. =^.^=
3. What do you call the cat that was caught by the police? The purrpatrator. =^.^=
4. Where does a cat go when it loses its tail? The retail store. =^.^=
5. What do cats use to make coffee? A purrcolator. =^.^=
6. If there are ten cats on a boat and one jumps off, how many cats are left on the boat? None! They were copy cats. =^.^=
7. Is it bad luck if a black cat follows you? That depends on whether you're a man or a mouse. =^.^=
8. What has more lives than a cat? A frog because it croaks every night. =^.^=
9. How do cats end a fight? They hiss and make up. =^.^=
10. Why did the judge dismiss the entire jury made up of cats? Because each of them was guilty of purrjury. =^.^=
11. What do you use to comb a cat? A catacomb. =^.^=
12. What kind of cat will keep your grass short? A lawn meower. =^.^=
13. What is a cat's favourite colour? Purrrrrrrple! =^.^=
14. How does the cat get its own way? With friendly purrsuasion. =^.^=
15. What is a cat's favourite subject in school? Hisstory. =^.^=
16. Finally, a cat fluent in four world languages would "mi how" in Chinese, "meow" in English, "miao" in Japanese and "miyaw" in Filipino. =^.^=
Oh, I just love them cats, lol! I hope you enjoyed these jokes as much as I did, my good friend. =^.^=
You know, I once had to answer a question, "what makes you laugh"? It is the unconscious realization that you and your friends instantly have when something really unpredictably and harmlessly silly has just happened to someone who does not expect it.
In retrospect, I guess that's just one of the many facets of humor.
Humor is an art of life; a certain sense we receive from Beauty. Like all of sacred life it is perennial. It is patient as well as constant. It is an innocence that we never outgrow; the eternal smile from which arise all hearts of good cheer. It's hymn is a quiet reminder of what is common in our humanity; a remembrance of innocent times and victorious personalities that is necessary for communal celebrations of feasts. As an aid to our common hope humor is meant to help wear down animosities, grind against divisions, melt away discord and renew the perseverance of the human spirit.
Incidentally, humor is an essential Australian Army trait (fair dinks). All of this reminds me of a mate of mine, a bloke from Down Under who was never without humor, little did I know he was suffering from an illness which took his life some years after I left the country. This good friend of mine always had a joke and a laugh. Never without a smile, he was in his late 60's when I met him and now he is young once more, this time forever. His name is William Eric "Bill" Adams-White.
Meowr, uh I mean, Cheers! =^.^=
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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