Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi; quia per sanctam Crucem tuam redmisti mundum.
We adore you O Christ, and we bless you; because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
Sequence #09 Pax Pilipinas Series
AUTHENTIC HUMAN FREEDOM is always a choice among different paths that lead to the one Good. But the enemies of our souls would lead us to believe that true freedom is derived from a knowledge between good and evil. We all know what happens to those who eat of it's fruit from our roots in faded Eden. Knowledge of evil deprives us of our true freedom and enslaves our choice to the whim of sin. Authentic human freedom is therefore destroyed by opening our innocence to the choice between what is our one true Good and ultimate last end and what is not. The choice itself only confirms what God has already known in eternity. Therefore, let us say: We adore you O Christ, and we bless you; because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
Where we favored to enjoy the absolute freedom of the sons and daughters of God, we would realize that we are free because no choice is the wrong choice because all our choices are good, all of them are in accordance with the one will of the one Source of all good things, our Almighty God.
The elections in the United States are extraordinarily crucial not only for their own particular endeavor of Country but also because it shall inevitably affect the course of the lives of other nation-states either allied, opposed or neutral to her Federal Republic.
We shall do well to observe how Americans vote and with what dignity their own social democracy holds the right to suffrage. This peculiar dignity of course will never persevere unless the people hold it to be true and the only way that the people can hold true to their hard-won rights to suffrage is by being true to their own choice and therefore, responsible for their own votes.
My fellow Filipino compatriots; we shall also reach this crossroads at 2010; an election just as crucial and just as extraordinarily juxtaposed to either fulfill or to destroy our nation's potential to become, here at the void at the threshold of the third Christian millennium.
Just the same as the Americans, one shall see that - were we each at peace with our own soul and at one with the soul of our great and ancient nation then it shall matter not who we choose for all true Filipinos are all the right choices for our one nation-state. But it is how we should choose our leaders that will correctly determine for us the way ahead. And the only right way to choose is responsibly, quietly and secretly, each of us being true to each our own conscience and then to show respect for our social democracy by honoring the unity of our nation, to stand united behind our leadership in the face of our common needs, ever aware that the eyes of God, the holy angels and all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind are constantly set upon our Republic either as an aid or as a burden to the greater peace and prosperity of our one region, our one continent and our one planet.
Tyranny owes it's beginnings to we, the people, for it's birth relies on our common consent. Now, if we do not practice our rights to suffrage enough to understand our social democracy and it's inherent strengths, then all we have left to resort to in the face of a mature tyranny is the force of arms. We will hence be caught in cycles of armed rebellions that will not only stunt the growth and development of Country and place us ever under threat of military dictatorships but will also claim the lives of an untold number of our brothers and sisters, either by sword, pestilence or famine, as well as teach our common people to be naturally disobedient, disloyal and militantly opposed to the very state that exists on our own behalf and too, with our own permission.
The current administration may not be perfect but I do believe that it is better than a void of leadership or another coup de etat that will take our nation to the brink of another abyss the depth of which we can never really know until it is here in our midst in the form of anarchy, tyranny, lack of common good will and rule of law. I would rather support my fellow Filipinos who I know and I trust as a fellow citizen and a common peer to our common creation are just doing what is humanly possible to advance us forward. I would rather have recourse to trust, to hope in all things, to believe in all things, than to willingly surrender my own good will to the beast of war and resort to a kind of blind and hostile opposition to other people's truths just to feel meaningful.
I do not support the evils that our government does but I do steadfastly support our government because one can not judge them without hope the same way we can not judge each other without hope or understanding. But when you find that there is both hope and understanding that really and truly stands in between our shared humanity, you will also find that there is no more division between you and me than there are divisions in our one Almighty God.
We have to support our government and should there be any grievances to be had against any of our public officials, let us also trust in our belief in the strength of our social democracy enough to rely on the processes that are in-built within our system to be able to effectively communicate these grievances to the proper channels of state.
If we want to battle against corruption in our own midst then let us calmly build on the sacred honor within ourselves and speak our mind clearly, openly and with force of conviction about the necessary truths and avoid unnecessary militant and hostile confrontations with what is evil for it shall only serve to feed evil's own ambition as we can not long oppose war without sin. We should believe and speak our belief calmly and without any recourse to violence, trusting in Almighty God and in our people.
Mind your honor, O my Filipino compatriot, remember, there is nothing that other people can say or do to take away your own sense of sacred honor. Remember always what our Blessed Lord said because it is wisdom that applies to all mankind and true for always: it is what comes out of us, in the things that we think, utter and/or do that defiles us.
Therefore, should any of our public officials be openly and indisputably corrupt, their scandalous nature does not give us any reason to lose our own integrity.
If we openly disrespect our public officials, we disrespect our choice. By disrespecting our choice, we disrespect ourselves. By disrespecting ourselves, we disrespect our nation. And we do all of this in the eyes of God, God's holy angels and all of the other nations of the one family of the nations of mankind, to the delight of our common enemies.
Do not attack the person, attack the sin. For evil is not in the original nature of any human being. Thus, it is never without hope that we should judge others especially and specifically our own Filipino brethren and sisters. Let us speak our truth openly and clearly, let us speak our disgust about corruption and our desire for justice and have a recourse to prayer, let us allow God His own space to move their hearts into shame and contrition according to His own pleasure, and we should never have recourse to any form of violence.
Once again, we must resolve our internal grievances together using viable channels proper to our social democracy. Not all of us can be utterly corrupt and let this line be drawn here and now with each and every one of us and I tell you most faithfully, my honored and beloved Filipino nation, if we are to hold fast to our convictions - one and all, our nation as a whole shall outlast these evil days.
From this moment on, Beloved of God, let Filipino be your other favorite word besides God. It matters not the etymology of the word, whether you agree with it or not, it is what we do and who we are inside of us that really counts because it is the meaning more than the word, the substance more than the utterance that matters more than the shells of those things that remain empty without it's inner nature just the same as the soul is infinitely more than the body though both of them are good and necessary for our being human.
God turns all things to good for all those who love and serve Him with a righteous fear. Once again, what is important is to for us cast the vote conscientiously, prayerfully, orderly, responsibly and quietly in secret ballot and then unite under the democratic choice of the people whoever it is. For we shall always be right for as long as we stand together united, under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God, as one nation.
Finally, Beloved of God, never sell your vote. O my honored Filipino people, selling your choice is like selling your soul to the Devil and thus, laying our one Republic whole bare and vulnerable to the malice of Satan. I tell you, our military forces and police services can not defend us from this kind of hostile threat.
O my honored Filipino nation, we must break away from the patterns of the past and rest in our own sufficiency as one people.
For only then can we aspire again towards our one nation's dream to become truly free, only then can we begin to labor once again in our hopes knowing that one day, God Himself shall wipe away our tears.
Let us begin today to breathe the atmosphere our common hopes - one and all.
---<--@ for democracy and it's inherent promise to all our nameless suffering Filipino masses, today is our National Heores Day, August 25, today is YOUR day...
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Francisca del Espiritu Santo, Servant of God, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Next: Sequence #10: The Second Greater Whole of Three
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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