MY TIMELESS FRIENDSHIP with my darlingest Annelies Marie has become for me the foundation of better, brighter, kinder things that have defined my life hitherto and all these good things intertwine in my heart to form a lasting hope for peace - for all mankind.
I AM IRREVERSIBLY forever given to my darlingest Annelies Marie for I value our ageless friendship very deeply. I love her with a love that was and is in God's own time, being purified and refined, in my own life into a timeless love, one that I strongly feel is approaching that same love that is shared by angels together.
Indeed, I am truly blessed by God with and by my darlingest Annelies Marie. I believe this is so because I can honestly say to anyone that there are no equivalent human words to the joy I feel by our love together. It is not a carnal love, mind you, being purely built on the substance of our joy. Even my own bodily desires dare not approach our togetherness being completely repelled by its purity; even the sins of concupiscence that I frequently struggle with can never abide it, wherefore either I or the temptation must flee from the seemingly terrible presence of our friendship together in God.
I am so thankful to God for the inestimable gift of this friendship. Thus, I am absolutely committed to the enduring truth of my love with my darlingest Annelies Marie and shall therefore, in my life endeavor to preserve her sacred remembrances here on this inhabited earth even as I know that much of these things will bear little resemblance to the ageless life we shall all, God-willing, be called to possess forever at the coming of the New.
Because of my darlingest Annelies Marie, I have and I keep a deeply personal connection to the Holocaust - one which is limited not just to the Shoah or the Jewish Holocaust but the Human Holocaust which is every terrible sacrifice that our nations have had to cumulatively pay that the freedom of Country might be kept form the consuming maw of the beast of war. My darlingest taught me, in the peculiar beauty of her own little truth, the value of a single human life which once completely understood opens up into an appreciation of the immense importance of all of mankind.
Now, in complete contrast to this, where one is to realize the awful reality of hellfire, one would understand completely by my side that it is neither Christian nor even human to desire hellfire on any human being. We shall one day devote an entire posting on the reality of Hell but as for now, one must understand that whatever sum of the suffering we see here in our poor world, it is but a mote of dust floating in the great void of the universe when compared to the pains of hell which is a infinitely insufferable pain of loss.
No one suffers hellfire by accident, hell is always a choice. For where the holy souls in Purgatory must endure through the pain of their desire due sins of omission, the reprobate souls in hell must suffer forever the pain of their loss due to sins of commission.
Therefore, where great evil is concerned, my beloved friend and constant companion, it is better soon greatly forgot and the good preserved, for always, forever and for all mankind. As such, it is should be the same as regards to decidedly evil people. The Gospel says we shall know them by their fruits for by their actions they shall be revealed to us and in my own strictest view, all good people should have neither time in our hearts nor space in our lives for these evil people, seen as well as unseen, their names as well as the one whole entirety of their existence, we should always commit to the void. We should neither be excited by them nor motivated by their crimes. We must never seek to profit from any knowledge that is founded on their corruption and above all never make them into an excuse to deny the truth its rightful place in our own lives. We shall live our truth clearly and distinctly and provide for our common defense so that should evil men and evil things, seen and unseen, seek to oppose our peace together or harm our common good, then we shall from the line of our will to the wholes upon greater wholes of our one family of nations together, overwhelmingly defend all that we cherish together.
Beloved of God, it is the suffering of our common peers in common creation that should propel us to seek to our common human hopes in earnest. It should be the common needs of our shared humanity that must motivate us to serve all souls without distinction. It should be the virtuous and the noble, the honorable and the inspired that inflame our hearts with a passion for life. It should be the beautiful that comforts, the innocent that strengthens, and the good that speaks to us of true things. It should be the living that surrounds us with the everliving and not the dead, those who by their own choice are made forsaken to the reality of each our souls with God within as well as to the reality of the universe of our Divine Providence without. For when we speak of the dead - those who are forgot by our hearts - are we not counseled by Jesus Christ Himself to let them bury themselves?
Therefore, in my own strictest view, as to the question of the infamous Nazi death camp in Auschwitz, let it choke over with thorns and weeds. Let us neither build on it nor maintain it so that other generations may see that we, in our own time, have other, better, nobler things to do than to spend our time, our effort and our resources for something as useless, defeated and empty of promise as death camps.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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