OUR HAPPINESS is a destiny and not a reality of this world and this is evident in the world around us.
Everything about us require a frame of reference that is unyielding and independent of our own being, for we can not hope to arrive at happiness without this guidance for our ultimate destinations transcends our own human experience in it's totality.
This is why moral relativism is inherently flawed.
GIVEN THE WEIGHT of all that is written hitherto on this contemplative journey of ours, one who is particularly familiar with all of this should by now conclusively and instinctively understand that our hearts are the last of all hearts not to desire a true and lasting peace for our one whole Republic of the Philippines.
However, one must also be of an understanding that our hearts are also the last of all hearts to compromise on the truth of God, Country and true self, most especially and most specifically on this, our own particular endeavor of Country, the Philippine citizen-state, i.e. our one whole Philippine Republic, earned and merited from Almighty God by so much sacred bloodshed, noble toil and martyred tears, that represents the one whole social democracy of our one whole Filipino nation.
ALMIGHTY GOD defined as the everliving God of our reality, the one common Creator of our common creation, not a god of idols born out of any human religion however honorable or dishonorable nor any human fancy, vanity or imagination that any human being can possibly conceive, yesterday, today or tomorrow, God Who is the One Abrahamic God, eternal and true, the one supreme, inviolable, incomparable, holy, omniscient, omnipotent, beneficent, supernatural, transcendent divine Reality of the one ineffable Name, the one will of Truth, the one unity of Love, one in substance and Being, and the One Light that illuminates the sacred truths of all of faith. God Who is the one common Creator of all common creation, seen and unseen. God Who is pure Spirit barring all forms of anthropomorphism. God Who is above all things, seen and unseen, the One infinite Divine Mind that Foresees all things with the Wisdom and the Will that, without exertion, impart time, time which impart visible motion in space, motion which impart invisible meaning unto every soul and souls that with God's grace shape and define the continuum of existence that sustains all of visible creation, God Who is uniquely worthy of the highest form of every and all human and angelic worship, exaltation, praise, trust, thanks and adulation (i.e. Latria or true worship in our Roman Catholic faith that is reserved only for Almighty God alone as distinct in essence from dulia, which is the veneration we observe in honor of our Saints and Angels, and hyperdulia which is the greater veneration we rightfully observe in honor of the Theotokos, the Blessed Virgin Mary who is the Mother of God in the Sacred Humanity of our Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ. Now, those who love our Mother Mary know that her excellence and her virtues are greater than the excellence and the virtues of all the Angels and the Saints combined but even she, our beloved Queen, the chief terror of hell, compared to God - as Saint Louis de Montfort has so eloquently depicted in his masterpiece, "True Devotion to Mary", even our beloved Queen and Mother Mary, the Theotokos, is not a single iota, not even a particle compared to the infinite glory of Almighty God). Our one God Who is the singular regret of all of hell entire.
One who is truly of a monotheistic Christian faith such as our Roman Catholic faith will understand in faith as well as in reason this unity of God and the revelation of the principal cause of this unity contained within the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity as one reality that sustains
each other in a blessed synergy that we may not hope to fully comprehend in time or in eternity. Thus, one who is of this specific conviction does not have to impose or oppose the oneness of God with or against the triune nature of the Holy Trinity like it is to prove that the Truth of our Most Holy Trinity requires either imposition or opposition to validate it's own reality, for it is not so, God is existent independent of our own existence and the motion of our existence purely rely on God's immovable will. Therefore, we, as the one whole of blessed Christendom entire, do not need to antagonize the two other sacred and honorable traditions of the one Abrahamic faith who with us are each bound to the one Divine promise of hope and of peace.
Having said all of this, with regards to the internal peace process, one may rightfully only refer to this peace process in human terms, which is not secular but is also not religious. One must be careful in the way that one frames the wording of this internal peace process for none of us are excluded from the reality of Almighty God nor the reality of our own common humanity. It is our particular religious interpretations that at times mutually exclude us from each other but then again even in our own religions (the same with all of the honorable religions of the world) there exists certain commonalities that open to as well as lead the way toward the fostering of a greater understanding and solidarity though never in an atmosphere of war but only and exclusively in an atmosphere of peace.
Thus, it must be clearly understood that this is not a fight between Christians and Muslims but a fight against separatists and our one whole Republic and the aspirations (common hope) of our one whole Filipino nation.
Militant religiosity is an instinctive expression of the deep frustration of fundamental religion at the ever growing disparity of faith and reality in our world and it's nascent attempts to defend against war religion itself and the specific Divine revelation entrusted to it's own sacred keeping against the scandalous darkness of the will of war. Even Christians as well as every and all honorable religion when cornered by the will of war so prevalent in this day and age and confused by the prevailing culture of death in our world will instinctively resort to this kind of response.
This is both understandable as well as predictable in religion for what kind of true religion would not have the will and the wherewithal to defend itself. Our Christian martyrs as well as those who gave up their lives purely in defense of others - not just for Christians mind you, but for other human beings in general, stand as an eternal testament to this sacred defense of the Christian faith.
For a culture of death is a culture of contempt for sacred life as a whole and common humanity in particular who are the chief stewards of visible creation. This culture of death, being born of the prevailing paradigm of war, possesses a great disregard and common disrespect for the universal spirit of all the universal heroes of common humanity as all our patriarchs, prophets, judges, kings, queens, apostles, bishops, martyrs, virgins, doctors, saints and holy personages beloved of every honorable religion, and the one Icon of life, the one true Divinity, the one Creator of all sacred life in all It's revealed mystery.
Let us bear then bear into mind the pre-existence of the good and also that militant religiosity being a response that attempts to preserve a good of humankind, or a good that affects a segment thereof but still a pre-existent good. For no honorable religion can survive without being illuminated by it's own truths and this illumination is not mysterious for we all know it's one Source, lest we deviate from monotheism and begin to believe in gods upon gods, for if we were to divide in our hearts the unity of Almighty God into separate and distinct gods, there
would be no end to the idol worship that would follow thereafter. What kind of reality would that present to the future of our humanity to whom as we have previously established, we owe by sacred trust to add to the present good and not to take away or to aggravate what evil there already is?
Bearing in mind that militant religiosity, in whole or at the very least, in part feeds directly to the flame of this separatism, to frame this in the context of religion is not only dishonorable, it is self-defeating not only to our one Republic whole but to the separatists themselves whose hopes may never be disengaged from the one sacred trust at the fountainhead of the eternal vision that drive our one Republic will as a whole, for our destiny has by decree of Almighty God been intertwined from eternity otherwise the present picture of the reality of the one whole Filipino nation would not be as such, it would be something else entirely. For it is not to rest in our sufficiency to exceed the will of reality itself, unto God and His righteousness must we all place our trust, and then we do what we must according to His commands and that is all. And it has been 50 years since there has been peace within our one Republic whole, by all means pursue the peace but with much courage to believe enough to defend what is common in human life in each of us - and in all of us - and not anymore to believe in the easy pitfalls of the divisions that shall only lead us to further regret - for this is both the path and the ambition of war itself.
It must be admitted that there have been not shortage of mistakes as well as inhumanities inflicted one both sides of the one side of the peace, each being in response to the other and at times an escalation of the conflict that already has mired our one Republic whole not only into poverty but into deep divisions that without the aid of Almighty God threaten to remain forever in our hearts and in our midst. Toward this common woundedness is where honesty and sincerity must begin, it is here that we should being to speak the mother tongue of the peace which is the winged truth, the substance of which is understood both by the souls of men as well as the beings of angels themselves because they are come from the one illumination of our one LORD.
This separatism is a response, let us then ask ourselves (not as Christians) for we as the prevailing majority of the common citizenry of the one Republic whole, in justice and for reasons human and common, owe it to all our minorities, to be able to honestly ask ourselves this one question, "what do we owe them"?
How may we then respond to their hopes without betraying greater hope of the one Republic whole? How may we proceed to procure the peace for all our common citizenry, including the separatists, with the honor of our one nation intact, without compromise to either the truth of our common humanity as well as to the Constitution forged from the fires of our common Republic founding?
Will the creation of two weaker entities serve the common good of our common citizenry (bearing in mind the waters of our peace and including the separatists who may not be able to clearly think for themselves, their hope is our hope as well)? Which direction does this division lead us, is it a noble sacrifice toward the peace and the common good or a cowardly surrender to the will of war, a surrender that we will all (including the separatists) pay for with more lives, more promises lost, more poverty and suffering to our common people (born of 67 ethnic groups), in the long term for the next 1000 years? Or until the breaking of this midnight world at the Last Day - for neither man nor angel, nor our Blessed Savior Jesus Christ Himself knows this exact hour.
However, our free will is a divine gift that enables us to practice a certain magnitude of the virtue of prudence in our collective will and to project from the trajectory of the responsible choices we make today, what the future may bring for our generations tomorrow here in the quickening of our times at the threshold of our rapidly globalizing world. Therefore, like in the message to our youth (refer to entry: A Message to our Youth), we would be irresponsible not to build like natives, live like pilgrims, love like Christians while we are here in this world of ours down below. For there indeed is an unseen tyrant here in this world that seeks to accuse us and to deceive us in the person of Satan and his reprobate human and demonic mess but this world was still entrusted to us by Almighty God from original creation, to the responsible stewardship of our common humanity, and was never forfeited to the common Adversary of our God, the angels, and our suffering humanity.
Will this division eliminate corruption in both entities or even in just one? Will this further isolate our brother and sisters of the Way from our help should in case they need it (as they have in the past)? What would the intrinsic right to raise their own military serve, who are they willing to defend themselves from? Are they ready for this? Are we ready for this? Or is there a better way for both sides of the one side of the one whole peace?
Let us look into all of this as well as similar examples in the other nations of the one family of the nations of mankind as well as to our historical past for guidance and pray to Almighty God that we may not be misled into something we shall all as one nation (whose destiny is also one) regret in time and in eternity.
Let us also bear in mind that our military has a mission embedded in the constitution to defend the one Republic whole, a mission that is independent of the command structure of the one military whole and that means, the common defense of all our common citizenry regardless of any distinctions whether they be Christian or Muslim, rich or poor, brown, white, red, yellow, blue or orange, this is the calling of their service to our nation which is why the state of the military shall and will always reflect the collective will of the state to preserve the one Republic whole not for the state nor the military itself but for the people, from the very least to the greatest, for all the people - across time and dimensional space - for all the people of the one social democracy of our one Filipino nation.
Peace imparts the tranquility and the calm that allow life to prosper in hope amidst the turbulence of the uncertain world around us. Thus, peace is one of the requirements of authentic human freedom, of that path that lead to human happiness and ultimately, God-willing, to each our own everlasting liberation from the inherent evil and sorrow of this midnight world of endless battle and probational suffering. For no just and virtuous man would ever wish hell on another human being when Almighty God Himself desire that all men be saved.
Everybody here just wants to be happy, everybody just wants to have their common human needs with ourselves met. But happiness also is our eternal destination, it is not a place in this world but a state of being we will share with all the righteous of the nations, no longer a becoming in time but a being, the completion of our baptismal character in Jesus Christ, the crown of life which is the result of our justification in the Holy Spirit, the ultimate perfection of our common humanity, our absolutely across all dimensions of existence, physically at oneness with God Himself, the Beatific Vision - our being caught up in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son.
In the Republic, our peace is like the calm of the waters for this calm is descriptive of the equal order of our Republic citizen-state with Almighty God as the Sun above our native sky, shining upon our labor of Country, an endeavor of all our generations across time and dimensional space with waters clear enough and sunbeams sharp enough to enable the will (and therefore, empower the choices - fostering an authentic sense of human freedom) of the lowest of the low of our common citizenry. Therefore, to disturb the waters of our Republic means to say to disturb our one Republic peace.
So, my fellow Filipino compatriots - one and all, let us pursue the way of calm and tranquility and once found, nevermore to disturb the waters of our Country.
Whatever happens, O my beloved nation, we will live with our choices as well as the consequent history that our present generations will be remembered by by those who are sure as the sunset and the sunrise shall pass into this way the same way we did today tomorrow.
The choices we shall make today are the accountable items of either honor or disgrace that we shall each recall at both at our particular judgment with God as well as during the general judgment with God in front of all of mankind at the resurrection of the body and the verge of our new heaven and new earth, the advent of our new life and the new habitation of life that we were meant to forever live in from our God's plan in eternity.
Prosper the Peace! Prosper the People!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us.
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila, Pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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