MUSIC is a conversation of the heart.
SACRED SILENCE has a rhythm to it that is inaudible to human ears but not to human hearts open to the one Divine Reality. Music is a praise, the original ode to the God of our existence. It is the worship that is sung by the grand angelic chorales in eternity that fill the spaces within our sacred silence with the hymn of the glory of God in all creation.
Thus, music is a conversation we have in the heart, cor ad cor loquitur, it is "heart speaking unto heart". This is why music moves us so much because it affects us deeply, right to the very seat of our souls.
Thus, music elicits from within us a deep and profound response for we all, in varying and unique degrees, possess within our souls a natural aesthetic sense. It is how our souls react to something beautiful. It is a response that we should rightly ascribe as a sense of Beauty, a sense of God being near to us in eternity, communing with us in our heart of hearts, beckoning us to listen, urging us us sing.
This deep seated aesthetic sense is also our vulnerability, for music taken out of it's context become dangerous. If music had a taste, it would be tasteless for it takes it's sense of flavor according to our conversation, it can be sweet, bitter, salty or even sour but the most
dangerous kind of music is poisonous to our souls. I do not even want to call it music, it is but a noise filled with lies channeled by misguided souls to give it rhythm and deceive other hearts.
The sacred music of our Holy Mother Church is undoubtedly safe and thoroughly filtered and made sweet for the soul, it is beneficial to our being, nourishing our hearts and filling our minds with the light of our God. The music of all of blessed Christendom that share a common vein with the Sacred Tradition of our Holy Mother Church is also good.
However, outside of our Holy Mother Church and of blessed Christendom entire, one must be very careful what one listens to for there are many things in worldly music that if we are mindless and unthoughtful of what is absolute in ourselves, will carry us willy-nilly into parts where even angels fear to tread.
To benefit from music, even all the genres of this world's music, avoid being a mindless victim of the ephemeral vanity of this world and agree with whatever music is fashionable at the time and disagree with whatever convention believes is obsolete. On the other extreme, don't be an absolutist tyrant and broadly condemn in wide sweeping generalizations, a whole genre of music (e.g. heavy metal rock, hip hop, folk, country, international etc.), without hope or understanding because if you allow yourself to become either of these, you will indeed miss much of what music has to offer both your heart and your mind - your soul.
For some earthly music is good, some are even inspired. It is not only the holy angels who have a song to sing. Our common humanity, being beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself, also has a song to sing about God, about how our LORD created us, about each another, about our relationships and about our greatest of hopes and deepest of longings. Songs that are addressed from one human heart to all human hearts; these songs inform us of our own selves and are beneficial as well for the life of our common humanity.
Music which is human and good are one of the elements of art that define the rhythmic nature of the sweeping, ethereal currents that underlie our contemporary culture from harmonious to discordant. Indeed, not all of this world's music is human and good neither is all angelic music heavenly and holy.
Therefore, to enjoy music, one must always maintain a watch over his or her heart. Once again, never go with the flow, never surrender to the ephemeral fashions driven by the vanity of the world. In fact, one must go against the flow and be thoughtfully selective on what one agrees with or not in terms of the substance of song or it's lyrics. One must filter out the sometimes meaningless, sometimes lethal noise from what is meaningful in our song or one risks being unconsciously carried away by the sheer hypnotic effect of the deception into the darkness by the descendant gravity of that one singularity, that one same lie at the core of all evil things.
If you love music, awaken first to what is Beauty and It will help you find all else that is beautiful and of good worth in our song, our one eternal song of the life of our common humanity in the one music in you and the one music in me.
And Who is Beauty Itself but God.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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