A Work in Progress:
A Global Apostolate of the Peace of Jesus Christ
Known only to God.
And faithful to God alone.
Both men and angels together.
Friendships meant to last forever.
Unknown and invisible.
Ordinary in the eyes of men.
Extraordinary in the eyes of God alone.
Beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself.
Who live in the heart of Christ.
And walk this world together alone.
Who brave the hard and narrow Way:
The spiritual sons and daughters of the One.
Born of the one firmament of stars.
Numberless lights spread across the sky.
Shining with forbearance, twinkling with hope.
The common patrimony of our Father Abraham.
Please read: Who Are the Nameless
I. Overview
Beloved of God, many times in our lives, I am sure, we have all been to the hallowed places of our beloved dead. From the burial places of our kith and kinsfolks, friends and loved ones so near and dear to us, to the row upon ordered row of our military remembrances, to the silent stone edifices of our heroes' memorials, to the venerated relics within the churches and shrines of all our Saints, known and known to God alone, we have all, at one time or another, been to these sacred resting places. But have you ever stood in the midst of those who have gone before us and contemplated how it is that the memory of the whole world itself is not enough to hold the names and faces of all those who have passed into eternity?
Try as we might, there is no human heart nor even all the hearts of the living present combined that can hold true to the proper memory of the unique and unrepeatable lives, the faces, the names and the undying individual hopes, dreams and promises of all the nameless for whom the bell tolls to remind us all of the terrible and near-infinite the cost of war and hate.
Even Sacred Scripture can not name them all and refers to them as innumerable. Verily, only the infinite heart of the one God Himself can hold true to these dear ones, and so, it is to Him that I return the glory for it is to God alone that I must steadfastly hope when I reflect on the sorrowful losses both angels and men have bitterly sustained from that fateful day when the first sin of pride gave birth to the dragon of war and hatred, the beast of war, whose sole thirst is the complete annihilation of all of living, breathing, growing things: To deny the Lord his glory in His work of creation. It has brought the downfall of many in the unseen angelic realms and now it is set lose upon a helpless humanity that was never meant, in the original plan of God, to be visited with so much tears, suffering and death. Beloved of God, it is of a truth that we are all victims of war and hate. When I try to embrace the hope that is constantly alive in the memory of all the the numberless, nameless human beings who have fallen in battle against the beast of war both inside of themselves as well as outside in our violent world since our first parents were lured by the serpent into sin whereby the dragon of war (Satan and his demons) was thrown down to our world, I must cling to God fo hope, for I must - lest, I abandon all my hope and sink into utter and complete despair.
This beast have threatened to consume all of our world - from the very start of our exile into time and uncertainty at the beginning of salvation history - and hurl us all into a fiery and violent existence. The conflagration that is war and hatred knocks first as sin lurking at the door of the human heart (as Cain with Abel in Genesis 4:1-15) and then enters to violently overthrow right reason and spread like a plague that indiscriminately cut the promise of numberless human lives short, deny all our children their promise and potential to be beautiful, spread lies, discord and unrest that threaten the peace of our common communities, mire us deeper in poverty and work to quietly but most certainly undermine and overthrow the laws that serve, guide, govern and unify the peace and the common good of our peoples, protect the rights of the individual and uphold our dignity as human beings - to leave us all naked, separated from God and one another, and dangerously exposed to it's own whim - the wicked will of the serpent, the Devil, the dragon, the beast of war - whose singular burning desire is the denial of God His sovereign right to glory as the one common Creator of all creation by the total annihilation of this universe of angels and men.
Therefore, for my own part and the glory of God in His creation - in me, however wretched and miserable I truly am: I shall yet struggle to overcome by the grace of God - with Jesus Christ Crucified as my pledge of victory and Mary, Queen of my heart at my side - the roots of the sins within my own self, fulfill what virtue and good God has most generously provided for me by the gift of His grace and to presevere in the way that my Lord our God has opened up for me in Christ Jesus, my Savior and Lord.
It is my greatest hope and prayer that God might bless and purify our world and bring all of mankind into a new era of peace and renewal; a world soaked to the very core with the blood of
God's own numberless, nameless innocents - victims of an ancient, undying war by 1) a living remembrance of all of their hopes - to carry the cross that they left behind which God Himself presents to me through Divine Providence along with mine own - and try to bring our common hopes of peace and a better world into fruition, in and around myself, under the guidance of the Lord, 2) the prayers, rosaries and masses that is offered for the peace and eternal salvation of all of their souls, as much as possible as proper individuals first, then as specific family groups, as common peoples, as distinct communities and lastly as whole nations, and 3) the constant struggle that I must wage against war to rid my own human heart, by the workings of the Holy Spirit, of the systems and the roots of sin that is the principal cause of the evil in our present times.
Beloved of God, it is of a truth that for war to decrease and for peace to increase in our world, we must first begin with our selves. Lest we forget, every sin, every act of rebellion against the will of God that turns us away from the pursuit of the absolute Good adds to the evil of the present times - an evil that hurt and harm not only our souls but also many times scandalize the souls of others who are all and without distinction precious for being ransomed by the Blood of the Lamb. For there is but one Savior for all mankind - and that is Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Above all, my precious friend, let us please remember that every sin denies God His glory in our world because each sin gives infinite offense to the infinite dignity of the infinite Lord and stores up for us the terrible wrath of God accroding to the degree and severity of the sin. Sin also is responsible for the confining, divisive and descendant gravity of the deep and terrible darkness that consume us as individuals - what in Scripture is referred to as the stain of sin, and envelops our world of nations of peoples spread upon this one earth as the one family of the nations of mankind in a fog of war - what is at the present termed as social sins, a festering web of lies that obscure and distort the truth, widen the gaps of division and discord between men and nations and sow the seeds of crime and corruption within whole human communities. I grieve for poor humanity whose singular, constant and most defining solidarity seem to poignantly be suffering the evil of sin and the wicked consequences thereof in our lives and whose greatest and most certain unity seem to be found in the death from which no human being can escape, the death that will claim all of us unto the very last of our generations, a death which is the punishment of sin.
Beloved of God, it is of a truth that the war that had begun in heaven with the angels with the first lie of Lucifer that denied God His infinite dignity as the sovereign Lord of glory caused evil and darkness to come into being where once was only goodness and light is still the war that we are all fighting as the one family of humanity. Many, many times we will feel that this war is distant or that we are alone in the fight. Then when those times come, let us stir our hearts to the unsung remembrance of those for whom the bell of the nameless tolls and rouse ourselves to the reality of this spiritual combat and remember that we fight this war in defense of sacred life and true human freedom with God in our Lord Jesus Christ, the innumerable hosts of the holy Angels of God, all of our Saints, known and known only to God and the Holy Mother of God, Mary, our glorious Queen and as the new Eve, the Mother of all mankind.
In our present world, the weapons of war have evolved and will continue to evolve in time but the ancient roots of war remain constant and the same. It is often worth thinking about sometimes that the instruments of our destruction today, in the arsenals of the world, have evolved so much with time that it is now collectively capable of our complete and total annihilation - the very purpose that, our common and unseen enemy, the beast of war desires to attain. May this thought bring us to the sobering truth of the unseen reality of this beast, this dragon, this serpent of faded Eden, our greatest enemy - Satan the father of lies.
Where do we make a stand, Beloved of God? I look prayerfully with much firm hope toward the three great branches of the one Abrahamic lineage each of whose honorable religious traditions
have much to offer our poor and suffering world. But I particularly look to the whole of blessed Christendom and specifically to my own Holy Mother Church - the Roman Catholic Chruch -whose faith and obedience I clearly confess - to guide and give shape to the undying hopes of all of those nameless, numberless lives who have not seen the promise of a better world for all of mankind, men, women and children, fuflilled.
One who is completely deceived in his own will into becoming an instrument of war and have his heart robbed of his love for life, faith in the promise of life and hope for all of God's living creation, who become mired in a world of hatred and death will soon find his interior world darkened and distorted by the will of the beast of war and the eye of his faith will take on a new sight. For the beast of war looks at all human beings exactly in the opposite way that God looks at each and every one of us. Through the eyes of faith that sees in God, each and every one of us is perceived to be alive with a unique promise in the infinitely different degrees of gifts and virtue endowed by God to each individual, a common human dignity as the sons and daughters of one common Creator as well as a special, unmerited, supernatural dignity of being saved by the Blood of Christ Jesus, inalienable, God-given rights as human beings capable of love and of being loved by God and endowed by God with grace, beauty, soul, and a proper name known only to God - that each life is something precious and worth living and dying for. But the eyes of the beast of war, as well as those who have taken in the will of war in their hearts look at all human beings as nameless and without promise, purpose or potential and fit only to be fed into oblivion in order that it might gain it's goal of our common destruction. For it is of a truth that there are no two or three or four sides to war for war itself is one beast - it serves but one master - Satan - it is the reality of Satan's relentless hatred of life and the glory that life returns to it's common Creator, our one, triune God - War is an immortal, unflickering, consuming spirit of evil; it is a raging beast which exists to turn love into death, worlds into ashes and souls into dust. It takes to one side and one side alone - it's own side which is oblivion.
Beloved of God, human restraints being the well-meaning laws of war tie the dragon down serve only to make it fiercer and inflame it's relentless rage because of it's confinement. The records of our written history is testament to the many efforts that have failed to contain the immortal hatred of this beast.
War is a friend to no one, it is the enemy of everyone - it is the bane of all life. It is of a truth that, ultimately speaking, war serves no side but it's own. War deals in untruth and speaks in lies. It seeks divide, dilute and destroy the infinite worlds within a persons, gnawing away at the soul of a man, a corruption that begin from within and then spreads to many worlds without - into the blood soaked soil of the earth. Those who choose to serve war and freely allow themselves to be consumed by a lust for it shall in the end become prey to it for war's ultimate purpose is the destruction of all life.
The great sin of war is the sin of pride, it is the first of all sins and the same sin that gave birth to the beast of war at Satan's obstinate refusal to serve life and the God of all life. It is from the sin of pride that the beast of war draws its strength to endure and persevere. Pride is the lie that seeks to dethrone the Lord of life and make an idol of the self in the place of the God who is the one rightful Master and sovereign Creator of all truth and of all life. Pride is also this same lie which is the original and principal cause of the sin that brought about the fall of our first parents from grace and the start our ever growing ocean of tears. This original sin was wrought by this same dragon who seeks to devour us and have hunted and harrassed us in all our generations, at all times and at every age, being the patrimony of our faded Eden - the one family of humanity.
Peace is a person of goodwill. There is a virtue most forsaken in our world - a degree attained through the virtue, prudence - military, political and domestic - Beloved of God, let us call this virtue, peace. Now, in our present times, peace has been painted as weak, frivolous and even emasculating - verily, all the things that peace is not.
Peace is the virtue that preserve the sanctity of the soul of the soldier who is at war with war itself, a virtue necessary for Christians who are at all times in direct combat with the agents of hell and also for the just and the wise persons of mankind who - regardless of differences - walk our world with goodwill in their hearts and who wage alongside of us an active resistance against the evils of the present time.
Peace as a virtue, I present, begins in the intellect but reaches it's prefection in the will of man. This virtue serves as a beacon that illuminate the heart and mind of a person not so much to drive away the darkness of sin in the mind but to open for the soul a new path that lead the heart away from the darkness the nearer it shall brave to walk closer into the Light and see itself as it truly is. This Light is of course, the closer we are to it become familiar to our hearts as baptized Christians for it is the very Second Person of the Holy Trinity - Jesus Christ, our Lord, beckoning us from afar. Therefore, peace as a virtue is not an acitve resistance to war but a certain release from it. All virtues being a power to act, the proper action of peace is not hatred of war and the evils of war but love of the good and the promise of the good.
The actions of peace when infused by charity serve life, uphold all life - at all stages and without division or distinction - as sacred and if necessary will defend life from all untruths that deny it's God-given dignity and right to exist within itself. Therefore, Beloved of God, this virtue of peace, in all it's acts ascends to unity, accepts no division within itself, embraces all sides as one and excludes no one from itself. It abhors every kind of division and discord among men. It denies war a footing in the heart because it recognizes only the goodness of itself and speaks only in the tongue of the truth. It acts only to defend and never to offend. It is patient and steady being sure of it's own truth. It defends because it loves and is likewise defended because it is loved. Peace does not recognize war and never acts because of anger or hatred because the ways of war are foreign to her. For the actions of peace are always the actions of love being her divine love for life and for the God of all life that animates and informs her as a virtue.
Light is light and darkness is darkness. Darkness can neither overcome nor comprehend the light and even the smallest of lights shines in the darkness. The Light loves the light and the darkness comprehends this not. In the same way, peace only recognizes the truth and seeks the truth in all things seen and unseen and like a spear flies swiftly through war and the darkness of war to cleave unto the one highest of Truths unseen, our Lord God Himself - in the Light which is the life of men. Those who are gifted by God with this virtue rise quickly to defend all of living, breathing creation - not because of honor or praise or glory or any personal gain - but because there is love of God in them and God's love for life is in them. They know to serve only one master - the one common Creator of all life and take only to one side, the side of God's peace. They serve out of love for life and by doing so give glory to the God of life and all creation.
Beloved of God, the virtue of peace that live by the grace of God within the heart of each preson - stay the beast of war - allows goodness to flourish and diffuses God's grace in the world. When charity wholly informs and completely animates the virtue of peace it brings to the fore the noble steel that give fiery sharpness to the base metal of the swords that strike at the wicked heart of the beast of war - as in the sword of the Archangel Michael, which is a symbol not of the sword itself but of the true nobility and exacting sharpness of the fiery love hidden behind those lives that live only to serve God and defend sacred life. Verily, this is the one sword that can wound but not completely defeat the beast for only God Himself will put an end to the beast at the closing of our age, at the Last Day.
Peace does not seek to murder nor destroy the habitations, systems and institutions of life but to deliver all from fear and to build and uphold the good which fulfill the promise of life, life which is the glory of God in creation itself. Peace, therefore glorifies God because it upholds the common good and allows the order of law and reason to flourish and to give honorable religion the genuine freedom to sow the seeds of happiness within God's creation.
The power of peace to act as a virtue is driven by the strength of the truth of the reality of itself which is from God alone. Peace is real - it is true to its promise both a means and an end to itself. War is not real - it is an abyss and an end to its own self, being in itself by nature an end to all means.
One is wholeheartedly invited to quitely and prayerfully meditate upon all of these things and to take counsel within one's own heart to find out for one's own self the reality of these things that I share - a movement of faith which once realized and distilled into truth in the heart, no man can create for only God Himself deals with realities. Therefore, let yourself not be decevied should I be speaking in lies but if I were speaking to you of true things then glory to God and peace to men of goodwill.
From the virtue of peace come valor, honor, fidelity, integrity, political justice, mercy and duty which are social virtues essential from the most ancient of times not only in the honored traditions of the profession of arms but also to the common citizenry as servants one to another.
I truthfully hold, Beloved of God, that all inhuman acts perpetrated throughout the whole history of mankind were, in reality, never made in the name of peace - how can it - but is the result of war breaking like waves of the ocean at the impregnable rock of Peace. But this, in my own mind, neither excuses the crimes of the past nor the perpetrators of these crimes, it only gives me a deeper insight into the causes of their evil and with this a keener realization of the very significant importance of every life that was ever lost on every side on the one side of peace in the unholy name of the beast of war.
My precious friend, I deeply feel that many of us is grieved to witness each day, in the globalizing climate of our world, the ceaseless violence and inhuman brutality of war and hate repeated over and over again in various incidences of crimes all over our world. But I do sincerely know in my heart of hearts, my precious friend, that if we should turn to God in fervent prayer with sincere hearts longing for repentance and peace in our lives and in our world and if we are brave enough as Christians and as believers of the peace to overthrow the roots of war within our own selves then, by the grace of God Whose Heart is so full of mercy and rich in loving-kindness, I honestly and humbly believe there is good reason for a new season of hope that all of the sacrifices of our terrible past and suffering present shall have not been in vain.
This Solidarity is dedicated to the Nameless of God - the Holy Innocents of all peoples of all times and places, most especially our war dead, civilian and honorable military, of every state and of every age - and is meant to be a tomb and a living remembrance in the collective hearts of all true believers, a silent stone memorial made from the black of hope of all their unborn dreams.
Beloved of God, all together towards the Light, towards Christ, towards a better world of brighter tomorrows for all the generations of the men, women and children - regardless of creed, race, age, sex, class and ethnicity - of the one family of the nations of mankind in general and of the one Republic of the Philippines in particular, my own precious Pearl of the Orient Seas.
1. Charity
"I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
- John 13: 34-35
Simply put, the theological virtue of charity is the love of God and of others in God as true self. This is the mark by which the fruits of our faith in God shall be measured - charity shall be how heaven and earth shall recognize us as Christians.
Beloved of God, it must be remembered by all Christians that this love is radically different from human love. It is the love of Jesus Christ in us, it is our life of grace, our share in the supernatural interior life of the Trinity, it is the very presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, our share in the divine Love. Human love is perfected in charity. By this virtue we love God above all things with all our minds, hearts and strength - because we love the God who loved us first, even while we were still enemies to Him, we will learn to walk in His ways and work to become more like our Beloved.
Because we love God, we shall learn to love all the things that God loves and hate all that God hates. For love makes us like unto what we love. Since God loves all that is good - we must love all that is good in creation and return this love as glory, honor and praise to the one Source of all that is good in creation, God Himself. Since God hates all that is evil - we must learn to forsake the one thing that lead away from God: Sin which is the root of all evil which is the cause of all the suffering and death in our world. Sin and the agents of sin - the Devil and his angels, the world and the flesh - are the most bitter enemies of God, God's holy angels and men.
Beloved of God, because God created mankind to be good, we learn to love others in God because we also recognize and appreciate what is good and true in a human being - a truth that can only be seen through the eyes of our faith and therefore, in God alone.
Now, because God Himself is infinitely good, God loves Himself infinitely. Hence, as we love the Beloved in charity, we are to love others as we love ourselves like Him. And to love ourselves as our true selves and not the false self corrupted and deceived by the concupiscence of the flesh, the evil fashions of the world, or the malice of the Devil. We must learn to love the self that God sees in us as true self and allow His image to reflect His Beauty within us - to be beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself. We must be docile to God and the will of the Holy Spirit within us and allow us to obediently be and so in God's grace become united to His Son, Jesus Christ whereby the peace of Christ and the order of grace is restored in our lives as everything turns to good for all those who love and fear the Lord our God.
Now, love of God, others and true self is one love - it is not three measures of three different loves - it is but one love, it is but one virtue and that is charity. It has but one measure for all three parts are joined together seamlessly into one love - the love of God alone.
Therefore, how we love God and the fruits thereof shall be manifest, in the eyes of heaven and earth, in the way we shall treat the very least of our fellow human beings, it shall be seen in the way we treat the most defenseless of living things, it shall be seen in the way we treat our enemies to whom we owe no debt of love but who are in themselves - and like us, despite of themselves - are all loved by God. For Christ did not choose to give His life for a select class of elite people, our blessed Lord gave all for all without distinction. It shall be a lie to say one loves God and at the same time has no love for the very least of men, the poor, the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the unborn, the elderly, the disabled, the weak, and the defenseless. It shall also be a lie to claim to love the Lord and has no love for the true good of the true self - seeks not the path of repentance, virtue and life and has no taste for the promise of heaven and the ultimate good of the self which is the possession of God.
2. Unity
"And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment."
- Mark 12: 29-30
There is but one Lord. The implications of this are vast. At the time it was revealed to our Father Abraham, it was a radical revelation in a world divided by wars and idolatry. It is still a radical revelation in our world today, a world still divided by wars and idolatry.
What does it mean to love the Lord as one Lord, Beloved of God? As Christians we claim one baptism, one Savior and one God - that we are not one Church and living under one communion is a sin we should all work hard to undo - for this is a sin we are all guilty of being Christians of every denomination for as long as the Chruch of God is divided - for this is plainly not the way Christ intended His Church on earth to be - we should be one Chruch, and this is the work of ecumenism, a work that all Christians, of every denomination, who is true to the faith in the unity and acendancy of God, in the oneness of the triune God, must be passionate about.
What does it mean to love the one God, Beloved of God? God is an infinite and onmipresent spirit, the unmoved Mover, the uncaused Cause - the Creator and sovereign Lord of all creation. To love Him is to allow ourselves to be possessed by Him. Since God is infinite and we are finite it can never be said that we love God when we possess Him - even in the vision of God in heaven, the Saints can never really completely possess Him for God shall always be infinitely more wonderful and more loveable that we can ever imagine, in this life or in eternity. This is a cause for us to be humble. For the only way for us to possess God is for God to allow ourselves to be possessed by Him. The revelation of the oneness of God means, to me in my mind, that God who is infinite and unkowable have initiated a relationship with men because by this revelation He has allowed Himself to become knowable - one God - so that men may begin to know and to love Him.
God is omnipresent and omiscient - therefore, we can find God everywhere for He is in all things the existential principle by which they appear real to us. God must participate in the reality of things for them to exist. Should God forget us for an instant, we would all instantly return to the nothingness from which He called us. But God never does forget for it is a fact in Scripture that God is faithful and true to all His promises.
God is found therefore where He works and that is everywhere and in all things, He is indeed closer to us that we can ever imagine. But since Scripture also reveals that God is love, God is most especially present where love abides - in us and everywhere around us.
Our Christian faith is a response to this love. A love most clearly and most especially witnessed in the life, Passion and death of our blessed Lord, Jesus Christ presented to us through the eyes of our faith in the cannonical Gospels. But love, like God, is not a thing to be held in the hand, love is an act - a motion set in time and a truth rooted in eternity.
Therefore, the oneness of God is not only a characteristic, static knowledge of Him to be grasped by the mind alone. We may know by faith that God is one but if the belief in this unity does become distilled through prayer and interior contemplative experience and by grace of God into truth in the heart, it will not serve us. For belief unless quickened by God Himself into the truth will never amount to anything real because God Himself must make it real in the heart of a man before a man is drawn to the awesome reality of His truth. Which is another cause for us to be humble. Because no matter how hard we choose to believe, however much effort we may put into believing, unless God makes it real to us - we will never be drawn to the truth of Him. This is why a habit of deep and quiet contemplative prayer is so vital to us, Christians - of all ages and all walks of life. Because, Beloved of God, our baptism has forver removed us from the natural order of the world and have effectively placed us in a new and infinitely better order in the unseen order of God's grace, a supernatural order where nothing depends on us because here, everything depends on God alone.
The oneness of God then, in my own mind, is more importantly a motion of the spirit - it is the direction we must take to find Him. It is a direction of the soul toward ascendancy into union with all that is good, true, beautiful and of real worth to life and the salvation of all life in God. It is like a mountain path that demands much effort, struggle and sacrifice to reform, conform and die from the self but at the summit leads to a feeling of expansiveness, true freedom and union with the Beloved and all things in Love.
Simply put, the ascendancy of the truth will lead us away from the imprisoning walls of the self and into the freedom of the sons and daughters of the One, into union with the heart of God. This leads us to be other-centered and therefore, Christ or God-centered.
In contrast, the diametrically opposite way - the descendant path of sin, war and hatred leads most surely to division, dilution and ultimately the dissolution and eventual destruction of all that is real - all that is good and true. In the words of our blessed Savior Himself, this is the broad and easy path - the path of sin, war and hatred, and all things that are opposed to unity and peace. Many people take this path and the world around us is witness to their wicked fruits.
And the wicked shall know no rest.
The unity of God ascends to peace - with God and with all men in God as true self.
3. Country
"The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."
- Mark 12: 31
Beloved of God, know that our God is not a product of religion, rather, our religion is the virtue by which we are led to the living faith and friendship with the one reality of God and the loving service of our fellow human beings in God as true self.
Therefore, the state may be separated from religion but the reality of the ascendant unity of our one triune God must always be preserved and must transcend both the realities of both church and state. Lest we forget - glory to God in creation and peace to men of goodwill. Lest our common efforts at our paticular endeavor of Country prove wasteful and futile.
For my beloved Philippines in particular, O Saint Lorenzo Ruiz
What is Country but a sacred trust? Who is Country but each other? Country is the work of all the generations of one people and is charged with the safety and welfare, both material and spiritual, of her citizens at all times and at all places - the goal of Country is to provide the vision of the ideal common good that bind together the sacred oaths of a people and to give continuity to that hope of a nation entire, and to advance this hope until the purpose for Country has been fulfilled and a new heaven and a new earth shall take the place of this old system of war and all men shall be ruled by the God of life and peace.
This ideal common good may be elaborated in a vision or a declaration. But in the case of my one Republic of the Philippines - I envision this to initially be a secession - a complete and irrevocable secession from the system of the world, a system of war - and a declaration of allegiance to the peace and the system of the peace.
The heretical materialism and secular atheism of the times seek to expose entire societies and leave entire groups of people vulnerable to the ravages of war and hate and mire poor nations ever deeper in poverty. The forced removal of God from all walks of public life impoverish the vital spirit of selfless service that is the foundation of human governments - especially Republic govornments who have but one class, and the denial of the ascendant unity and truth of the one God by the lie that makes Him a mere product of the many and diverse religions of men divide the universal faith essential to the practice of true freedom and Christian liberty.
The resultant moral relativism and social Darwinism deny the young with the opportunities and centers of spiritual control that are necessary for them to develop into strong and virtuous citizens, faithful to both God and Country - regardless of their religious creed. Because it was never a choice between God and Country - to serve God is to serve Country. For the work of salvation is the work of a community, no one man is ever saved only because of himself - we are all - as a nation under the eternal vigilance of God - expected by heaven and our God to work out our salvation together - and in the shelter of His peace. Our individual happiness is the liberation of the self from evil but this liberation is worked out through the liberation of others souls from evil - without distinction.
Beloved of God, please consider that all of this is to be worked not by revolution but by a much harder road - that of repentance, the royal road of the Cross - the way of peace: The only road that leads to the new morning, the only way that shall lead us to the bright new morning of a new dawn for our one beloved Republic, the Mother Protectress of the one Filipino people.
Beloved of God, revolution is a temptation to anarchy. Who knows how close we have come, if not for the grace of God, from the edges of this dark abyss - the depths of which we have no knowledge of? There are countries in the world that are in chaos - and may God see them safely back into the rule of law and reason - but as for ours, even after many attempts, we are held back by Divine Providence from deteriorating easily into dissolution. Indeed, it is always much harder to climb up than it is to fall down along the mountain Way.
We must be thankful to God for His Providence because even though we are poor in the material things of the earth, I hold our nation to be rich in the gifts of the Spirit. We only need to be and in God become single-minded in heart and mind in terms of our faith in ourselves, in the great promise of Country and in the unity and acendancy of the one God of our common Creation, to Whom we can as one nation entire entrust all in All, and this, regardless of our differences in creed, race, sex, age, class and ethnicity.
See entry - Mythos of Country
See entry - Pax Pilipinas
For there is but one God Whom we must love with all our mind, heart and strength and to love God is to love others in God as true self: Charity. Unity. Country.
III. Insignia
A simple black shield (shaped like the Dominican shield) with a single white five-pointed star at the center and "PAX" printed in white at the bottom of the star.
The shield is primarily a symbol of defense, it is used to block, deflect or absorb an attack. The white star represents both the guidance and protection of the Light of God's Peace which is both truth and life and the black field is the unrealized hope that is shielded by our peace.
The word "PAX" is a clear statement of our absolute allegiance.
The star represents Jesus Christ, our Exemplar of the Peace - as in Revelations 22: 16 - "I, Jesus, sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star." For Jesus Christ is both our Path and our Destiny.
The five points of the star sybolize the four cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude plus charity, the queen of all virtues.
Black - unrealized hope, the color of the unborn dream.
White - the color of truth and life, the Light of Jesus Christ, God's Peace and the Light of the human race.
PAX - Latin for "Peace", the truth of our absolute allegiance.
A scroll with the words: Charity Unity Country, may also be added at the bottom of the shield.
IV. Motto
"I am my brother's keeper".
This motto is our answer to God's question to Cain (Genesis 4:9).
V. Vision
"A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars."
- Revelation 12: 1
O Immaculata!
O Immaculata!
My Mother and Queen of my Heart,
I love thee but do not deserve thee.
For it is the boundless mercy of God,
O Blessed Virgin Mary,
that made thee my Mother
and I thy unworthy son.
O Refuge of Sinners,
without whom I would perish,
I am thankful to God for thee!
O dearest Lady,
may my love and appreciation for thee grow,
by special grace of God,
with each day I walk this life with thee
in the path that our Savior has chosen for me.
O great Mother of God!
I humbly beseech thee,
give me strength against thy enemies
and allow me to praise and honor thee.
O glorious Leader!
Help of Christians, lead us to victory -
toward a new age of peace and renewal for our world
through the Eucharistic reign of Christ
in the hearts of all Christians
in the Name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
> The vision of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the establishment of the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus Christ in the hearts of all true believers and the vision of the building of a better world for all men, women and children towards a new era of peace and renewal for all of humanity, is our one vision. Because of our vision, the Solidarity shall adapt a strong Marian character and devotion.
> From Saint Maximilian Kolbe, (in my heart) the greatest of all Marian Knights, to the little Flower of Fatima, Blessed Jacinta Marto (See entry - O Blessed Jacinta), each member of the Solidarity will have free recourse to the Communion of Saints and Mother Church's treasury of hagiographical wisdom for the many blessed lights that shall lead the way towards true Marian devotion. It is also further recommended that, with regards to dulia, each member develop close personal ties with the particular Saints, Angels or Holy Souls that choose to draw near to them and to form their own interior company of blessed lights in a more personal intimate way instead of having a prescribed common regimen of Saintly or Angelic companions which are the same for everyone so that all may learn from each others unique devotions to their particular company of blessed lights. What everybody in the Solidarity will have in common is hyperdulia to the Blessed Mother of God and latria to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - the Holy Trinity - our one Triune God.
> The Blessed Virgin Mary is our most clement and gentle Mother privately as individuals by ourselves, alone with the Alone, but when we are come together in community with each other in the Solidarity she is our most majestic Queen, our Immaculata and glorious leader against the ancient serpent of our faded Eden (Genesis 3: 15) and is to be treated with the respect and the dignity proper to the Queen of heaven and earth. This is our Marian Protocol and is in effect at all times and at all places within the Solidarity - in our private times with her we shall cherish her as our personal, sweet and gentle Mother with the Sacred Humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ but in community she shall be obeyed, respected and venerated, in thought, word and deed, as our brave Immaculata, the terror of hell, our most glorious Queen of heaven and earth, Queen of angels and men, the Mother of God and of all humanity. In private, she is "Mother" but in community, she is "Our Lady or Our Blessed Lady", "Our Immaculata" or "Our Beloved Queen". It is through her Immaculate Heart that we shall triumph.
VI. Mission
"Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. The dragon and its angels fought back, but they did not prevail and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The huge dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world, was thrown down to earth, and its angels were thrown down with it."
- Revelation 12: 7-9
Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protector against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God, cast into hell
Satan and all the other evil spirits,
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
- 1888, Pope Leo XIII
Salutation to the Holy Angels
I salute all the angels of God!
From the least to the greatest -
I salute all the angels of God!
From the highest of Seraphim
to the guardians of the souls of men.
I acknowledge your unseen presence
with due respect to the unseen reality
that hold back the assault of demons
in our poor world and in my poor life.
I salute all the angels of God!
To the angels of my enemies,
To the angels of my friends,
As well as those of my family,
Above all to my guardian dear.
My own angel, faithful and true!
Who have known me from eternity;
Who came to this world at my birth;
Who shall fly me away at my passing.
May God's grace see us through evil
with bonds strong against temptation.
May God bless and purify our friendship
into an union of love that will last forever.
I give thanks and adoration to God
For all the angelic hosts of the Lord.
For the battles they fight
and the victory they proclaim
under the banner of the Lamb,
the leadership of Michael,
and the Queenship of Mary,
by the power of God,
on behalf of suffering mankind.
To the most high and sovereign God
who rules all true things
seen and unseen.
And turns all things to good
for those who love and fear Him.
May glory, honor and praise belong
forever and ever.
> We are expected to work and fight alongside our guardian angels as well as the angels of other people. Please read the previous blog entry about "The Angels" for more information. We shall consider with the Angels our own humble position in the order of God's living creation between pure spirits and pure matter as true human beings.
> We are expected to stand the final line of the One Peace against the beast of war, to bravely defend the threshold of our own hearts that lead into the sacred sanctuary of our souls from the invading forces of sin in the concupiscence of the flesh, the evil fashions of the world and the malice of the Devil and win the necessary battles within our selves - alone with God and in community with the Solidarity to extend the empire of the Peace of Jesus Christ into the greater Church of God, our Holy Mother Church and all of blessed Christendom, and out into the world of mankind's common hopes.
> See entry - Peace as Prologue
> See entry - The Beast of War
VII. Basic Organizational Structure
> The four magnitudes of the Order of the Peace are a measure of stellar brightness and symbolize each preservator's substance and capacity to be able to at lead their particular level within the Solidarity by virtue of their own example. For even as we all follow the example of our one Examplar of the Peace - Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today and forever - we shall also look to our leadership as individual lights to guide us on our way out of the darkness and toward the one true Light of the Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord.
> Our Individual spiritual maturity will be the measure of our Christian commitment to serve both within the Solidarity as well as outside our community. Servant leadership, in the image of Christ washing the feet of His Apostles at the Last Supper, will be the measure of our rank and seniority within the Solidarity. Loving service - one to another - will be the only true and acceptable form of relationships within the Solidarity. Among all regular members spiritual maturity within the Solidarity shall be measured by the length of years of continuous, worthy reception of Holy Communion. This being his or her cumulative unitive experiences with the real Person of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic Host at Sunday Mass. For we shall all - without exception - trust in the Lord, for we love Him above all things, and rely on His grace to keep us honest, honorable and useful in His service.
> For this purpose the Solidarity shall maintain a diligent public record of Mass attendance. And instructions as well as mutual spiritual support within the Solidarity with regards to the proper and most useful ways of celebrating Holy Mass as well as Eucharistic Adoroation is to be taught and practiced in order to make the Eucharist our true source and summit of our life of grace which is that Charity (Divine Love) that animates and informs the charism of our Apostolate which is Peace, the Peace of Jesus Christ, a Peace that is from God, a Peace which the world can never give, that same Peace that serve God and Country, Country being nothing less than each other. Toward this end, the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis, is a good start towards execution of that vision of the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus Christ within our community, being with each of ourselves first, with God's most generous blessing, in our own hearts as members of the Solidarity.
The one Solidarity also must be careful to add to the parish or diocesan ability to extend the reach and efficacy of our Holy Mother Church as an asset to our Savior Jesus Christ and not to take away from what is already strained ecclesial resources that are being severely tried by pastoral and social challenges at our present time. Mass attendance records will be kept by the appointed Guardian who is a member of our community.
> The ranks within the four magnitudes of the Order of the Peace is to be determined by length of years of continuous, worthy reception of Holy Communion being the True Substance of an individual member's spiritual maturity: 1+ year for the fourth magnitude, 2+ years for the third magnitude, 3+ years for the second magnitude, 4+ years for the first magnitude. Preservators who are 4+ years and do not hold a position of responsible servant leadership will serve in elder councils who hold an advisory as well as a mediatory capacity with the pastors of the parish or the bishop (or archboshop) of the diocese or with the Holy See to guide and to mentor the intentions of the one Solidarity as a whole to make sure that the community stays relevant and effective in throughout the entirety of the time that God is calling our apostolate to serve in His Name and on His behalf His visible living creation here on our one planetary whole.
> Leadership of a Wing, a squadron or a flight is determined by a democratic vote made by all practicing members within their particular level of the Solidarity of all the available members of the Order who are of that particular magnitude prescribed for that particular level and once elected will have the opportunity to accept or decline his or her election. Those who humbly accept this position of servant leadership is to expected to serve for life.
> Members of the Solidarity who have attained 1+ years of maturity are to be given the rank of sergeants and included into the ranks of the fourth magnitude of the one Order of the Peace. The primary purpose of every sergeant is to maintain the morale of the community by encouraging through word and example, those who yet struggle to purge themselves of the sins and the stains of sins that keeps them from ascending higher up the Mountain Path and making steady progress in the spirit toward eventual inclusion into the Orders of the Peace. They are to work closely with those who are yet suffering from the effects of sin. The secondary purpose of all our sergeants is to work to with the teachers of the Solidarity to implement and integrate lessons learned into effective tools of spiritual instruction that can be used to better the knowledge and deepen the understanding of all the members of the Solidarity.
> Toward this end, all members are expected to use every and all effective sources of grace at their disposal, in 1) the Sacraments - especially Holy Mass and Confession, in 2) prayer - especially the Hours, the Rosary, mental and contemplative prayer - and 3) the Holy Spirit and associated devotions to our Giver of Life. Though all of the community is expected to celebrate Holy Mass in common with all of Holy Mother Church and receive Holy Communion in a way and manner that is pleasing to God and profitable to the soul, private prayer which is to be emphasized and understood by every member as equally crucial and it's proper form and structure will be left to the initiative of every individual and its habitual practice is to be encouraged by all - each unto the other - within the Solidarity. This will allow every individual the freedom to develop his or her authentic, personal relationship with God at his or her own pace as dictated by God's own pleasure. The Hours may be celebrated in common or in private according the the needs of the community. A minimum of one rosary (five decades), prayer during meals, one morning, one evening prayer as well as one hour of Christian meditation (According to St. Francis de Sales book, Introduction into the Devout Life) per day may be prescribed according to the needs of the community. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is encouraged. Total Consecration to Mary in the way of Saint Louis de Monfort or Saint Maximiliam Kolbe is also encouraged among the members of the community. Membership into the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary and the Brown Sacpular of Mount Carmel is also encouraged. The Stations of the Cross both the old and the new is also encouraged most especially during the Lenten season. The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are also encouraged to foster a contemplative Christian mindset. Knowing the assymetrical rhythms of consolation and aridity that is common to all Christian prayer life, it is important to stress flexibility in prayer to suit the individual faithful's active resistance to the desolation that is the direct result of not having a prayer life at all.
> A servant leader within the Solidarity is known as a preservator (male or female). The purpose of all preservators is to preserve the principles which safeguard the unity and common good of the Solidarity and to preserve the integrity and the unity of the spirit that informs and animates the charism of the Apostolate existing within each local community. They are entrusted by the Solidarity with the authority to guide and direct the activities of his or her community toward the practical means that achieve favorable results that advance the good of the community. This is to be done always in conjunction with the equivalent guidance of the proper ecclesial authorities.
All preservators serve for life on the condition that the supernatural life of grace in Jesus Christ is unbroken and untrammeled within them. All preservators should know in their hearts that this life of grace is the necessary lineage that has enabled them to respond with grace to the call of the community and is the same authority that empower them to serve meritoriously. They have an obligation under God to faithfully preserve this lineage of living grace for the sake of all those who are entrusted to his or her care in the Name of Christ within the communities of the Solidarity. Should a preservator fall into grave sin it must be purely out of weakness and never out of evil intention - must repent immediately and seek sacramental confession so that they are able to worthily receive Holy Communion on that same week or seek shelter and healing within the ranks of the community by a humble confession of no confidence whereby the community has a chance to respond and work out an amiable solution to the problem. During times of critical leadership crises that threaten the unity and the common good of the Solidarity 2) a 2/3 quorum of all the common members of the Solidarity may choose to vote to remove the preservator of their national Wing or 3) Papal intervention is generously effected to resolve the matter.
> Members who fall into grave sin do not lose their cumulative years served unless they fail to immediately repent, confess and worthily receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion in the same week (or as soon as possible with good reason) that they have fallen without good reason. Those who fall and fail to immediately repent and break continuous, worthy reception of Holy Communion will immediately be suspended and will not be able to gain any more time served until they regain active status within the Mystical Body of Christ. Should the member feel that he or she can not acquire the proper disposition to receive Communion that same week, it should be referred to his or her confessor (a Roman Catholic priest) who will prescribe a course of action that will help the member regain his or her active status within the Mystical Body of Christ. Once a member regains his or her active status to be able to worthily receive Holy Communion, he or she is restored to his or her cumulative years served and shall begin again to accrue time served within the Solidarity.
> Above all, it is the obligation of all the teachers of the Solidarity to stress the grave nature of the sin of sacrilege so that all the members of the Solidarity shall adequately understand that the sin of the unworthy reception of the most holy Blood and Body of Christ must never be found or heard of within the communities of the Solidarity and that this sin is comparable to high treason within the Solidarity and sanctions the highest punishment which is public expulsion and permanent exclusion from the Solidarity. Since the only rationale for this sin must be pride or personal gain, Holy Communion being the absolute measure of the dignity of our ranks, it is despicable and repulsive to even think about. A permanent record of the names of these is to be maintained and kept within all the national Wings of the Solidarity.
> Along with the living awareness of the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Host, proper Christian etiquette inside the all the Churches and Holy Places of God must also be observed, most especially silence, a holy reverence for the Real Presence of our Lord in the Tabernacle and genuflection immediately upon entering the church, when crossing the middle aisle (just the genuflection) and before leaving the church (full genuflection with grace and facing the tabernacle aware of the Real Presence enshrined within - also of the sacred reliquary of our Lord in our heart, like a love longing for Itself - NEVER turn your back on the tabernacle without first taking one step back).
> Active participation in the celebration of the Mass so as to preserve the greater dignity of the Mass and the honor and reverence that is proper to the Real Presence of our Blessed Lord in the Host. Because the Eucharist being the source and the summit of our Christian life is to be fervently embraced encouraged, taught, emphasized and inculturated back into the minds and hearts of our proceeding generations. Any practice that will enhance the intensity of the Eucharistic experience without compromising its great dignity and is in accordance with the spirit of the Solidarity such as coming to Mass as a family of groups of families, apostolic works or works of mercy sought directly after Holy Mass that reinforce the necessity of bearing the fruits of every prayer, most especially Holy Mass, for the glory of God and the good of all His Church.
> It is our Christian responsibility to actively pursue the Justification that through the workings of the Holy Spirit and the free cooperation of our will apply the fruits of the Redemption of Christ into our own souls and brings true honor to the name, Christian, in the eyes of God, angels, demons, and men. Justification is a process of collective intimate encounters with the Person of Christ in the silence of our prayers, most especially through Holy Mass and the Sacraments, that through the active participation of the Holy Spirit bring into motion deep within our souls certain particular graces within us that illuminate and encourage certain particular virtues that with the free consent of our will lead us promptly to certain particular good works that earn for us the merits which by degrees increase both our capacity for greater, more specialized graces as well as greater glory when we shall receive a crown of life in heaven from the Holy Spirit Himself.
> This is why it is paramount that prayer must be seen as a means and not as an end to itself, right prayer must always rouse our hearts toward right action. Prayer without action is impotent and is like a tree without fruit, useless. This action is either internal or external - both actions are like a love longing for Itself - Love embracing love, internal, and love embracing Love, external. Chritian prayer is our most proactive means that through the Immaculate Heart of Mary open for us the most direct way toward Justification and glory in heaven with Christ.
> Prayer is the beginning and the end of all things in God - prayer being a source of the grace of God merited for us by Jesus Christ, grace which give rise in our hearts to charity which is both the strength as well as the motive for virtuous action. Fasting augments our prayer life by subduing the rebellious gravity of the flesh that we may be raised up with Christ so that the liberating fruits of the Holy Spirit may increase in our souls. Almsgiving perfects prayer and fasting by providing for the vigilant and prayerful heart the Providential opportunities to meritoriously fulfill our Christian obligation to God through the intrumentality of God's poor - toward the least of our brothers and sisters who are by their various sufferings as Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, our Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, in His many distressing disguises.
> Prayer, fasting and almsgiving form the three eminent good works that when understood and the synergy of their relationships utilized together in charity propel the soul powerfully upward along the mountan path which is sure and steady progress in the spiritual life.
> The Solidarity is also meant to directly and visibly safeguard the honor and the dignity of our Blessed Lord in the Sacrifice of the Mass, which is more than a duty in our community but an inesteemable privilege.
> Finally, it must be stressed that all the external practices of the Solidarity must flow from a richness and a fullness of the interior life which must be rooted in authentic Christian hope, faith and most importantly, charity, because we must always be on guard ourselves in, with, through and for Christ never to become what our Lord Himself hated - but an empty, meaningless gesture and an outward hypocrisy built upon the fickle traditions of men.
> Each National Community shall comprise a Wing, led by a preservator of the first magnitude Order of the Peace - all first magnitude preservators swear an oath of absolute obedience to our Holy Father, the Pope, and vow allegiance with all the Bishops in communion with the Successor of Saint Peter and works to prayerfully and vigilantly uphold the common principles of the Solidarity and dutifully pursue the common good of the national wing of the apostolate - for God and Country - by guiding and directing, enabling and empowering, the measurable effectiveness, efficiency and integrity of it's regional squadrons.
Each Regional Community shall comprise a Squadron, led by a Preservator of the second magnitude Order of the Peace - a second magnitude preservator swears allegiance to God and Country to prayerfully and to vigilantly uphold the common principles of the Solidarity and dutifully pursue the common good of the regional squadron according to the directives of the preservator of the national wing by guiding and directing, enabling and empowering, the measurable effectiveness of it's flights.
> Each Local Community shall comprise a Flight, led by a preservator of the third magnitude Order of the Peace - a third magnitude preservator swears allegiance to God and Country to prayerfully and to vigilantly uphold the common principles of the Solidarity and dutifully pursue the common good of the local flight according to the directives of the preservator of the regional squadron and is expected to lead the local flight by example and good leadership as a useful intrument in enlivening and enriching parish life.
> Each member shall be known as a precious friend, star of the firmament, Companion, Beloved of God, or a nameless of earth - from always to always - who carry in his or her hearts the living hopes of all the nameless victims of war and hatred, sin and crime. A walker of worlds or a walker is a traveler of the worlds within, infinite worlds ravaged by sin - a nameless who is principally active in external good works and leads the community in social activities. Each is likened to a reflection on earth of one star in the firmament of our darkest of nights - our longest night - a star of Jesus Christ and a patrimony of our Father Abraham. He or she is expected to be 1) a defender of sacred life, 2) a shield of the peace, 3) a builder of the state, 4) a conservator of creation - a lover of nature, 5) a blessing of hope for the people, and 6) a guard against despair. A nameless is a star that is born in faith to walk into the heart of God and see our debt of sacred life through this, our longest night, into the hope of a new morning and a new age of peace and renewal for our nation and for all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
> All members of the community must be baptized, confirmed and practicing Roman Catholic men or women, at least 16 years old, called from all walks of life, living in full communion with Christ and His Church and must meet the three minimums.
> Mature candidates who desire to join the Solidarity but require further education and practical training on the three minimums may request from the local flight to form a training group
(minimum 10/maximum 15 members) where the teachers of the community as well as the entire flight will help prepare them for inclusion into the ranks of the Solidarity through the proper instructions on the necessary catechesis that will help them meet the basic requirements.
> Younger candidates both male and female below 16 years of age, eight years old and over shall be called junior stars or starshine and will train in prayer (vocal and mental), scripture and catechism with the teachers of the Solidarity (in junior flights of 10-15 children each) to be able to meet the three minimums by age 16 and be allowed full membership into the community.
> After the establishment of our one Solidarity and it's regular squadrons within the national wing, provision shall be made for the Ecumenical (permanently - by open invitation) mission of our community by the commissioning of Ecumenical squadrons with our brethren denominations of the Christian faith. Our brethren denominations include Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant Trinitarian Christians, Iglesia ni Cristo, Aglipayans, all Filipino denominations as well as all other denominations holding Jesus Christ as our true Savior and Lord - Latter Day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, Quakers, Mennonites, etc.
Further provisions for Abrahamic squadrons (Muslims or Jews) and/or Inter-faith squadrons (all non-Christian, Non-Abrahamic faiths, honorable and true) built from their necessitate flights from the ground up within the particular national Wing primarily on an honor but do not offer basis and then as necessary according to the Abrahamic and Inter-Faith mission of our one Solidarity.
These units, Ecumenical, Abrahamic and Inter-Faith, are to be composed of peoples of all walks of life, male and female, 16 years old and above from different paths of the faith who live by the common principles of the one Solidarity and walk by the one Way of virtue. Note that these units are exempt from the rule of the Three Minimums as this rule applies only to our regular rank and file. For as long as these units in principle are willing to live the common values of one peace, one humanity and one common Creator of our common (original) creation, they are eligible for inclusion into our one Solidarity to benefit from our community's particular sprituality and work at their own initiative or by invitation alongside any of the units within our national Wing and across all our national Wings.
These squadrons and their necessitate flights are expected to live by the common principles of the Solidarity that govern the common good of all it's members regardless of personal differences and religious distinction. These squadrons work with our regular squadrons to further common social missions as well as to foster genuine dialogue that help to advance religious understanding and increase tolerance by the shared positive personal experiences gained by all it's members in an authentic spirit of peace, trust, goodwill, and truth. These particular squadrons respond in the much same way to preserve the common unity and defend the common good of the one Solidarity with our regular squadrons one with another but retain their own freedom of worship as recognized, upheld and protected by the seal of faith* within our community across all our national wings.
Furthermore, these squadrons and their flights shall be able to democratically elect - by secret ballot - their own preservator. These preservators once elected will serve for life the same way as the other preservators of our regular squadrons and will be allowed to either accept or decline the position. However, at the squadron level, the elected preservator, once he or she has accepted the responsibility of servant leadership, will have to first be cleared and duly authorized by the national wing before taking unto himself or herself the position. These preservators will be included in an honorary but real sense, into their respective magnitudes within our one Solidarity's Order of the Peace - they are to be recognized as equal in significance in every way but will always retain the magnitude proper to their position and will not be able to progress in the same way as the regular ranks of the Order (bearing in mind that the mindless labels and mutually excluding stereotypes of the outside world does not have a place within our community, in fact, each our members from across all our national wings are duty bound to combat these lies with the truth - for the equal order of our one Solidarity has no place for the evil prejudices of the world, the only prejudice we will, in fact, retain will be our very substantive prejudice of every and all evil things - as much as we humanly can).
Additionally, these particular honorary preservators are also able to, in consultation with their common ranks, commission capable sergeants of the fourth magnitude (max. 3 per flight, 10 per squadron) Order of the Peace, to assist in the care and concerns of it's common members, the daily functions as well as the relevant missions of the particular unit whole.
We shall be severely stringent in keeping the ROMAN CATHOLIC character of our one Solidarity intact. This character is essential to the entire mission of the apostolate. Where there is a need to raise any unit besides our regular and Ecumenical Christian units, they must acknowledge first the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN NATURE of our one Solidarity even before we shall consider allowing these units to be commissioned primarily on an honor but do not offer basis, then as necessary.
Where honor our commitment for our Abrahamic and Interfaith mission, and commission these particular squadrons from their necessitate flights, we shall also give due honor to the seal of faith and take note of the particular nature of the missionary mission of the apostolate that prevents syncretism and hypocrisy from sneaking into our community to add a disgusting air of dubiousness that makes our waters murky, impairing our vision and slowing down the continuous work of our one Solidarity.
Since we, in our regular squadrons will also be serving those various Abrahamic and Inter-Faith communities as made necessary by our system of common needs, it will soon become inevitable at the proper time and place, by will of Providence and word of our own example, to raise units from these communities with the aim to foster greater tolerance and wider understanding between honorable religions outside of our Christian faith.
The principle of the seal of faith can be summarized in this statement; that "in matters particular to our own faith, we may only hope through the Holy Spirit to convince ourselves and to speak with conviction where God asks us to speak His witness in us but in sundry times, we will speak our witness by writing with our own lives our Savior's love and His peace into other people's hearts."
This seal of faith forms an airtight seal where it specifically and directly concerns our Abrahamic and Inter-Faith brethren. However, bearing in mind the second arm of the twofold synergy that is the one mission of our one Solidarity, we may with due diligence and utmost respect, initiate positive discussions about our Christian faith with our Ecumenical brethren (and sisters) without any traces of syncretism or hypocrisy (or even contempt or prejudice) but with a proper sense of justice for our Lord Jesus Christ's utmost desire for us to be one as He and the Father are one and with an abiding sense of Christian charity one unto the other in the Name of God on our poor world's behalf.
We will never seek to impose or pretend to apply - directly or indirectly - our own Sacred Tradition on anyone who is unwilling and thus, give the Holy Spirit the freedom to breathe where It wills, liberating hopes, opening hearts, enabling minds, and quickening souls according to the good pleasure of our God and not ours.
However, to those whose hearts are willing to see Jesus Christ - whose souls are thus quickened, they will never be denied - neither by our one Solidarity nor by our Holy Mother Church as a whole - the vision of His eternal glory with the Father Who sent Him - for in this truth is derived our Christian definition of the reality of the Gospel promise of eternal life - something we must always, always be eager to share with all of the willing - this is the missionary spirit of our community.
Please read: The Abrahamic Branch
> Each squadron and it's flights, depending on it's constituent elements, may be able to specialize to specifically fulfill a certain common need, several of them or be able to respond to all of them and have the ability to choose their own name drawn from Scripture and Sacred Tradition and in the case of the Abrahamic, Ecumenical and Inter-faith squadrons from something meaningful and relevant drawn from their respective faith traditions but every and all national wings will always retain the official name of the Apostolate i.e. the Solidarity of the Nameless of God or in short, "the One Solidarity". In this way, we shall not only be able to build those vital bridges but also make those necessary mutual crossings that lead to greater understanding one with another.
> All teachers of the Solidarity of any school of Christian thought is expected to teach in the authentic Monotheistic Christian manner that emphasizes the superiority of and the ascendancy of good over evil; that evil exists not as a separate rival power (Manichaeism, Albigensianism, Gnosticism) that opposes the good but that evil is only allowed to exist because of the consent of the Good, that God is the source of all good things and that there is but one triune God. Along with the Scriptures, the Catechism, Marian, Patristic, Hagiographical, Liturgical and Theological literature, papal encyclicals and the writings of our popes, most especially that of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI - Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi, Sacramentum Caritatis, shall also serve to instruct and fortify the minds and hearts of all the members of the Solidarity.
> Furthermore, fundamental spiritual instructions within the Solidarity must serve to clearly contrast opposites: virtue vs. vice, true self vs. false self, good vs. evil, war vs. peace, devils vs. angels, life vs. death, sin vs. grace etc. and decisively emphasize in the minds of the learner the true value of genuine human freedom or authentic Christian liberty being man's capacity to freely choose the good and the paths that lead to the good and not the evil that destroy human freedom itself.
> Finally, it is to be stressed by all our teachers that human differences are not a cause for fear and separation but a cause for the furthering of human knowledge and understanding that advance the ascendant spirit of the unitive Truth of the one God of our common creation and furthers the cause of peace and goodwill for all mankind. We are different, one from another, one people from another, one culture from another, one nation from another, not as a cause to fight an endless war. We are different precisely because God wants us to discover from our differences new and wonderful things about Him in each ourselves, as a cause for furthering the Peace. We are all on one earth, a mote of dust hanging in an immense void of stars and galaxies of stars, not so we can be divided into separate nations with conflicting national interests but so that we may one day understand that we all truly belong to the one family of the nations of mankind.
> The fundamental spirituality that gave shape to the spirituality of the Solidarity is distinctly Dominican in nature and have much to thank the theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Therefore, the Solidarity should immediately work for inclusion into the Family of our Holy Father Dominic, the Order of Preachers. Once formally included into the Order, the name of the Solidarity will outwardly honor and openly reflect that fact, it will become: The Dominican Solidarity of the Nameless of God - A Global Apostlate of the Peace of Jesus Christ.
> The Solidarity in general shall work to raise and sponsor units (as necessary) of Alcoholics Anonymous (for victims of Alcoholism), Narcotics Anonymous (for victims of Substance Abuse), Original Freedom (Based on the concept of "Original Nakedness" in JPII's Theology of the Body for victims of Pornography), Catholic Courage or Courage (for Catholic Homosexuals wishing to live in full communion with Holy Mother Church), Sanctuary (for victims of fear, violence, persecution and abuse e.g. battered wives, abused children, prostitutes etc.), Promise Keepers (for single mothers and unborn children) and Covenant Hearts (for troubled marriages) that will serve the good of either their parish or the greater diocese by helping all troubled, needy souls without distinction, through instruction, encouragement, support and example, those who suffer from addiction to sins most especially of impurity and intemperance as well as the vicitms of it's consequences.
> These units generally function as support groups where the members can draw strength from common experiences as well as faith in their common hopes while serving with each under to advance the social missions (to meet common needs) of the apostolate on their own initiative or with other units within the national wing. These hopes are to be encouraged by each group's moderator towards a common goal set by each group as a whole; a specific goal that would generally lead them all out of the dark and into the light as a whole. The expectation that one is to become responsible for the other as far as the pursuit of the individual good and the avoidance of a common evil is concerned in keeping with the motto of the Solidarity shall be set at the start of each meeting and at the beginning of each new group. All of these support groups shall benefit from the Solidarity's practical instructions on the common principles in the practice of virtue as well as be given the opportunity to learn and draw strength from the spirituality of the community. The specific rules that shall guide and govern each specific support group shall wholly depend on the nature of the group and with the exception of AA and NA (which is founded on the 12-step method), shall be determined at a future date but all of them shall generally keep to the spirit of universal humanitarian ideals as well as the common principles of our one Solidarity.
These squadrons are to be collectively referred to as support squadrons as distinguished from our regular, Ecumenical, Abrahamic or Inter-Faith squadrons. All our squadrons regardless of it's disposition from regular to support are collectively to be referred to as service squadrons.
With regards to support squadrons of Original Freedom and Catholic Courage, the nature of their affliction require that they refrain from speaking anything about their particular past experiences which unlike in AA and NA squadrons form a necessary part of their recovery.
Original Freedom and Catholic Courage members are encouraged to look forward into the brightness of their hopes and like the story of Lot's deliverance from Sodom and Gommorah to abruptly leave behind their past lives without ever looking back. They are encouraged to feel the promise that is ever pregnant in those who live in the now with God. In view of this, our community will teach and encourage in them a sense of what is eternal.
Support squadrons (except for Sanctuary which is a support squadron that falls directly under the care of the national Wing) graduate into regular squadrons not in a piecemeal fashion but as whole units. Therefore, proper care must be taken to ensure that the elements that constitute their flights are consistent with this evolution in mind and migrate non-Catholic members into solid flights and Catholic elements into the same. Members of a support flight are expected to look after each other and find their own ways to keep cohesive in the greater context of the care and support of our local community as well as the particular Church which that local community of our one Solidarity serves. Graduation into a regular squadron require that each member of every flight within that support squadron is able to consistently maintain proper dispositions to receive holy communion and therefore, to progress in the same way that regulars progress. They must each have at least 3 months served in cumulative and valid communion with our Lord before becoming eligible to graduate into a regular squadron.
All our service squadrons across all our national Wings are bound to each other. For as long as we remain within our one Solidarity, we are bound to the same promise and work towards the fulfillment of the same hope. For as long as we remain within our one Solidarity, we shall belong in God with each other as true selves expressed as much as we humanly can by the grace of Almighty God. For as long as we remain within our one Solidarity, we shall honor our common commitments to pursue the real good as it relates to the mission of our community, for we are bound to this duty by vows of sacred trust to God, to each other and to our neighbors that we are all expected to honor with our lives. For as long as we remain within our one Solidarity, we will each benefit from what is the least good (heavenly virtue) in any of our members and will each be likewise harmed from what is the least evil (sin) in any of our members - Sancta Sanctis!
> The Solidarity in the Philippines in particular shall have for it's social goals the transformation of Filipino society through belief and perseverance in the power of Peace and superiority of the good as opposed to open hostile opposition to evil systems that only corrupt the causes that oppose it and feeds from the inevitable cycles of anger and violence that ensues from within the gravity of evil itself. To oppose evil by our own power as sinful men is to acknowledge evil's power over us for we can not long endure opposing evil without sin. To war with war in the heart is to be consumed by it. We shall acknowledge the truth of evil and shall stand in clear and steadfast opposition to evil things but shall rely on the Providence of God to shield and defend us while we refer to the commandments of God and the principles of the Gospel of Christ to lead our feet in the way of Peace into the Light and away from (not against) the darkness. The more violently we are assaulted by the enemies of our souls, the more tightly must we cling to the God of our hearts.
> To defend the Peace one must first learn to recognize what it is and what it stands for, realize the good in it, the God at the source of it, and the Providence that safeguard and defend it. To break free from the descendant gravity of sin and darkness, that mire our country in war and poverty, scandal and corruption, we must first accept our serious need for Peace and a better world for our children, make a firm commitment - as much as possible by the grace of God - not to add anymore to the evils of our present time, offer the other cheek, trust in the Light, humbly accepting that this Light is not our own, turn our backs on the darkness, and walk calmly away into the new morning coming from the dawn from on high.
> Therefore, the Solidarity in general shall uphold the principles of the Peace and the superiority of the Good. It shall imbibe in the hearts of all it's members an abiding love for Peace and the Good that flow from Charity which is the motive force that shall animate and inform the Solidarity as a whole. Hence, the Solidarity shall work hard - in all it's levels, across all it's national Wings - to inculcate among all it's members the inward struggle for spiritual transformation through God's grace, the vigorous way of virtue and spiritual combat for every indivudal with the complete support of the Solidarity as a whole and shall have as it's social missions collectively in the Philippines: the alleviation of poverty, the care of the elderly, the care of the disabled, the care of orphans, the rehabilitation of addicts, the counseling of prisoners, the comforting of the sick and dying, the education of the young and the ignorant, the protection of the rights of minorities, the transformation of the sinner through the spread of the Kingdom of God outpouring from human hearts burning with the love of Jesus Christ for our human race in general and the Filipino people in particular.
> The greater the evil of the times, the greater the need must be for the good and the greater must we struggle to better ourselves so that we may help better others, increase the good in our world and by the grace of God, build a future to outlast these evil days and see our Country through to better times if not for our generation, for the next generations to come after us.
> For as long as there is suffering in our world, who among us sinners can throw the first stone? Did not our Lord Jesus Christ come to live and to die with us to save all souls without distinction? Let our judgment then be no more than His judgment and say, "God loves you, my precious friend, God loves you. So God's Peace be with you, my fellow human being, whoever you are, wherever you may be and whatever you may have done, let me walk with you in the darkness and be for you a Savior, a Friend, a Brother and a comfort against depair."
> The Kingdom of God is won by violence, violence against sin and our own wounded human nature. For all the members of the Solidarity, the way of repentance is a hard and narrow way because the Royal Road of the Cross is an ascent, it is a walk upon the mountain path above and beyond the self, a climb up to Calvary and union with Jesus Christ at the summit of the mount of God's final victory over sin and death, war and hate.
> "Duc in altum" : "Launch out into the deep!" - Luke 5:4: Let us prepare ourselves, my dear brothers and sisters, and together in God, our Father, even as good children of our Holy Mother Church, in the unity of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, to launch out as Laity and penetrate deeply into this world we live in.
> We are a community of nation builders - prayer, peace and mercy - that's our common labor.
> Our teaching method is the Ascendant Concentration - its primary focus is on the authentic Monotheistic Christian doctrine that emphasize the superiority of the good and the expansive, liberating, uniting, ascendant nature of the unity of all good, true, beautiful, holy things in God and the descendant behaviors of evil things, divisive, discordant, dissolution, felt and observed as dark gravity that binds and enslaves, isolates, oppresses and annihilates. Ascendant Concentration encourages us to observe very closely the relation of the two absolutes, as an interaction of active forces - one superior and ascendant, the other inferior and descendant and allows us to tangibly feel our way up the mountain path through the eyes of our faith.
> In Ascendant Concentration, our internalization of God and God's love is one whole and indivisivble Truth. God and Love are to be realized not as two individual concepts but as one infinite reality. Therefore, when we speak or think about God we instinctively speak and think about God's Love in the exact same breath and in the exact same thought. For we can not be separated from God's Love, therefore, our own conviction of God can never be separated from our own conviction of God's Love as well. God and Love is one - God IS Love - this is our One Love.
> In Ascendant Concentration, we can only hope to convince ourselves about the truth and speak to others about our convictions, entrusting everything to the Holy Spirit of God and doing all that God wills for us. This is how we move others towards the reality of our Lord - not by mere words but by force of our own conviction, never by guile or external force but by Gospel truth and Christ love as active forces that produce a series of results that fulfill a lineage of hopes and therefore, hopes rooted and fulfilled in the Person of Jesus Christ. It is by the most sincere witness of our own quite ordinary, imperfect lives as repentant sinners, one to another, that the power of our Lord's Atonement is made plain and manifest in the eyes of others. Our very own weaknesses, entrusted wholly and willingly and joyously to Him who alone can make the impossible possible, gives our Lord the power to move other peoples hearts. Just as we are taught by our Blessed Lord Himself to worship God in truth and in spirit, so we shall in the same manner make our God known to others - in truth and in spirit.
> Ascendant Concentration teaches authentic Christian Liberty, that emphasize the importance of the good; that true freedom lies in always choosing the good and the many paths within that lead to the one Good God and that to choose evil destroys freedom itself. Therefore the value of the good and the virtues that ensure the good is strongly emphasized so that every little good work, the fruits of virtue, is done with due diligence and Ascendant Concentration, an innate, instinctive, profound appreciation and constant awareness of the true value of all good things done by grace of God, from the most humble to the very greatest of good works, that ascend in deep feelings of gratitude to the one Source of all that is good. To the degree that real and absolute good is embraced, the greater the abhorrence and contempt of evil things one would profess as one's own love moves further and further away in living repentance from a former world of sin and selfish illusion to the freedom of the liberating and ascendant reality of God's own Truth.
> A meditation of our Savior's example leads us to believe that: When everything is won by love, nothing is left to violence, and so if we are able to obtain all things by Gospel light and truth, and the brave witness of our own lives, then nothing will be left to be obtained by force. Therefore, let us never stand divided, for there in division is the beginning of all evil, for there is but one Lord and one Love and one People, one great Covenant family of God, let us claim now our loyalties to God, Mother Church, our Holy Father and all the Bishops in communion with him, and each other, and take into ourselves what Christian truths we must profess to live the naked, inward meaning of our new lives in Christ - casting away the burden of our broken external selves - believing together in winged truth without words - so that if the mere word Christian or Nameless or Solidarity or Catholic shall ever cause us to stand in division, we are always able to shed empty human words in favor of the universal language of the truth of God within and stand together always in the unity of the Holy Spirit upon the Rock of the one universal Truth.
> My precious friends and Companions from always to always, each of us must bear in our mind and hearts that in our division is the beginning of all evil. Every member of the Solidarity must come to the complete understanding that there is indeed, great promise in our unity therefore, it is a promise that must be jealously guarded. I tell you this in the form of a warning, there are no two sides to the One Peace, from our division is the beginning of all evil and this evil will most certainly descend downward towards the dark gravity of dissolution and annihilation and the triumph of the midnight Prince of this world; a world enslaved by the foul domination of war and hell. Our division is the defeat of the One Peace and the victory of the beast of war over sacred life. It is a reality that we must never allow to emerge from the worlds within our hearts. It is imperative that the Solidarity stand as a one whole one, a one whole Peace. We must do all that we can to remain one Solidarity, One Peace, one community of brothers and sisters in Christ, Companions to one another, from always to always, able to stand the line of the One Peace in our own souls together and forever united in the presence of our God in heaven and in our hearts by our common communion as common Christians of one common baptism in general and in particular with each other as Catholics Christians being the faithful and obedient children of our Our Lady and of Holy Mother Church, loyal always to God, to each our own true selves and the See of Saint Peter - the whole apostolic lineage from Saint Peter to our beloved Holy Father Benedict XVI unto the end of the age of mankind, ever united in love and in life, in time and in eternity, even here as we walk in this midnight world - together, alone - full of dangers to our souls and divided by so much sin and hatred, war and division, vanity and illusion.
> Let no one ever forget that, at the very core of our spirituality right at the very heart of our Solidarity, we belong to wholly, indivisibly and completely to the faith and obedience of our Holy Mother Church, that we are now and forever loyal children of the Roman Catholic Church and therefore we - if we are loyal and true members of the Solidarity, if we are to stand with our Lord, our Lady, our Lord's Angelic hosts and our Mother Church to bravely defend with all of blessed Christendom, all honorable religions and all the just of our world, the One Peace that give sheltering wings to sacred life living within our hearts and within our nations, we must also bear the same marks that shall distinguish us, as one Church, from what is essentially not us - our unity, catholicity, apostolicity and sanctity.
> The Solidarity, it's members, alone or in community, and all it's work, individual or in Company with other members, in the world and in our hearts is essentially one ascendant harmony of forces set in motion towards unity in the Truth and the Truth united in the Godhead, the one Triune Perfection. Therefore, our Solidarity can be said to grow, by special grace of God, from the smallest of Gospel seeds planted in the most humble ground of the most simplest faith right here at the very fertile fields of the grassroots of our humanity. This smallest of seeds once fallen into the good soil of good, believing hearts and nourished by the simplest faith ever grows as it ever yearns upward together like one immense prayer rising like the fragrant smoke of incense to the altars of the Lord; one whole sweeping silent chorale of sacred faith, love and hope, assaulting like thunder the heavenly abodes of God, the angels and the saints; one mighty pillar of the invisible light of a myriad human hopes unleashed as one from the very heart of mankind flashing like sharp lightning that pierce our unconscious skies. There is no other direction that the Solidarity can possibly take and remain true to itself.
> The opposite direction leads to the gaping maw of the beast and the dark gravity of division, dilution, dissolution and eventual annihilation. Only Satan, his fallen angels and the reprobate dare walk the entire length of this quite inviting broad, easy, open, slippery, well-trodden and infamous downward descent into fiery perdition into a meaningless eternal existence full of utter emptiness and darkest despair. A soul in hell is a soul crushed by the immense gravity of its own evil, a soul whose features as so distorted from its own corruption and immense suffering that it looks barely human, a soul forever accused and tormented, the sport of Satan and his demons, a soul that is thirsting forever for its own truth, a truth it had so freely and recklessly abandoned.
A heart that is so dry and parched from an eternity of imbibing deeply the burning lies it has so freely chosen to embrace, a soul who is damned to swallow forever the hot, dry, desert sands of its own vast desolation that, like an idol of death, it has so wantonly chosen in place of the one ascendant, clear and everliving waters of the Truth - I tell you, my precious friend, no human soul deserves to suffer this fate.
> None of us in our Solidarity shall ever think any human soul, no matter how great the sins of the sinner, worthy of this final damnation. We must always remember with hope that we are all victims by first principles and must hate the Devil first (with a hatred as great as our love for God) and then all his fallen angels next and the the reprobate heart last. But we shall never know the reprobate until the Last Day. Therefore, we will work with our Lady to bring into her care as much souls of her suffering children as we can possibly, by the grace of our Lord, bring and leave the rest to our Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer-Peace-Mercy, that's what we do - for we are nation builders.
> Yes, my precious friend, we must hate the Devil and his demons but we must not belong to this hate nor must this hate belong to us. Let us never dwell on this hate nor cling to it for it is not compatible to the lives we wish to live in the Solidarity. We may hate to the extent that we love, this hate being a natural reaction to those things that afflict or threaten what we hold dear in our hearts. This hatred is not an isolated, sinful hatred but is a natural reaction, a flame kept in check by the infinitely greater fire of charity. We hate the Devil and his fallen angels for the damage they are causing our humanity and for the profanities that they use to slander our Lord. If the Devil and his angels were to cease and desist from afflicting or threatening that objects of our love, then the hatred that we feel shall also cease and desist with the evil. Sinful hatred does not know where to end because it is blinded by its own darkness. But the hatred that I speak of here, let us be clear, Beloved of God, is righteous indignation.
> This righteous indignation is not only applicable exclusively to the Devil and his demons, lest we become blind to our own sinfulness, it is also to be correctly applied to our own sinfulness and to the evil fashions of the world. A wholesome contempt and distrust of self is a product of true and sincere contrition. Detachment from the world is good because only then, when we are sober and temperate, can we truly master the material forces of God's creation but this detachment is never to be achieved without first hating the evils that arise from this world, thus discerning and then separating the evil that is many times indistinguishable from the temporal goods of this midnight world. For indeed, there are many evils in this world that appear good and also many good that appear evil. In all of this, humility is the first step.
> The one, holy, apostolic and universal Christian Faith of the Roman Catholic Church, I am happy to share, is the most eloquent, most beautiful, most natural, most sensible and most rational embodiment of the one most simplest of Truth where all other truths ever lead and draw their reality: That God is, and once this most simplest of Truth is lit in the heart of the seeker, this one Light shall become for him or her, in spite of him or her, their one most valuable possession, like the jewel in the field told in a parable by our Blessed Lord Himself, He is indeed, our All, and therefore, like Saint Peter, He must become for all of us, our Everything.
> See the entry on our Allied Generations
> Any future improvements from caring souls and kind hearts kindred to the charism of the Solidarity to this basic organizational structure that is in keeping with the spirit of the Solidarity are most welcome.
VIII. Community Ideals
A. THE BEATITUDES: A Self-Portrait of Christ
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Alter Christus
O my Jesus, my All, my Everything!
My Lord and my God, my Savior, my King, my Brother, my Friend.
Thou art my All, my Everything!
My Way, my Truth and my Life.
O my Jesus, Son of the living God and Son of Mary, lead me!
Lead me away from all that is not Thee.
Thou art my All, my Light, my Joy and my Salvation!
O most loving Jesus, hear me: Have mercy on me, a sinner!
Take me O Lord, take me far away from myself.
Hold me close O Christ, into Thyself -
Into Thy Afflicted Heart, O Love, embrace me.
Immolate all my love and burning zeal for Thee.
Take all my fears, consume all my sorrow.
Suffer with me the pain of becoming alive
And weep with me an ocean of Thy mercy
Until all the darkness is gone and I am no more.
And only Thou, O my glorious God, remain in me.
> Our personal goal as Christians, alone with the Alone, is the "Alter Christus". We are expected to contemplate and to strive to become "another Christ" through the purgative, illuminative and unitive way - each of us is to work by the grace of God in the Holy Spirit to reform what must be reformed (purgative), conform to Jesus Christ, our Exemplar, what has been reformed (illuminative) and transform in Jesus Christ what has been conformed (unitive).
B. The Two Great Expectations
1. You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
- Matthew 5: 13
> We are the love for our present time, the bread to be broken for others, so let us be careful not to lose our longing - our longing for Love longing for Itself deep within us - the very life of grace in Jesus Christ living in our souls. For if we lose it - if we lose that immotral and divine flame of Love even the Holy Spirit working within us and united with the Father and the Son dwelling within our hearts - how can we get it back? But God is indeed, a merciful God - O Father of mercies!
1. Therefore, we are to advance the Love of Christ into the poorest of hearts by the overthrow of the false image of the self and the beneficent reign of the the true image of Christ in ourselves as rightful ruler of the Kingdom of God firmly established within our hearts - through our selfless giving of the self to others in God, working to diffuse the grace of our God into our world for the glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His Chrurch.
2. You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.
- Matthew 5: 14-16
> We are the light for our world, so let us be careful not to lose sight of the Master's guiding, shining, kindly beckoning Light. For the Light of the Wisdom of God is life for all mankind, and if we are to walk the mountain path of the hard and narrow Way, we must walk by this Light and none other, to become a spectacle in the eyes of God, angels and men, ascending by a road that nature can not build into the summit of God's will for our life and purpose for all of creation where we shall end up united to that Light and at home forever in a world that is God's.
2. Therefore, we are to carry the Light of the Gospel of Christ into the deepest of darkness by the persevering witness of an exemplary Christian life.
C. The Three Minimums (Vatican II expectations of modern Catholic Laity)
1. To be able to articulate and defend the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.
> To strive ceaselessly to hear ever more clearly God's Word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, taking that Word to heart and shaping one's life according to it.
> To speak about the faith and even instruct, strengthen, and motivate others, not only non-believers, but fellow Christians as well and to manifest Christ's message by words and deeds and to communicate His grace to the world.
> To lead others - not only non-believers but fellow Christians - to a deeper faith, not simply by our words but also by our deeds, making the Gospel known and more holy through the witness of an exemplary life.
2. To be appreciative of the true value of all of God's creation.
> To learn the deepest meaning and value of all creation, and how to relate it to the praise and glory of God.
> To be appreciative of our own humanity and the mysteries of being human: the body, feeling, emotion, love, sex, work, play, community celebration, art, science, the aspirations of the human mind and the longings of the human heart.
> To work to see that created goods are more fittingly distributed among men and women and in our own way lead to general progress in human and Christian liberty.
> To establish firmly in our hearts the kingdom of God wherein all creation itself will be delivered out of the slavery to corruption and into the freedom of the sons and daughters of God.
3. To be zealous in building a better world for all men, women and children.
> To struggle to free ourselves from the value system of our society - whatever it may be - in order to judge and act by the justice of God and the norms of the Gospel.
> To bear witness to the power and glory of Christian love for the inspiration of others.
> To promote the unity of all Christians and dialogue with non-Christians and non-believers.
> To be dedicated in a special way, with authentic mercy, to the defense of freedom, to social justice and peace, and above all the defense of human dignity, to remedying the different forms of suffering, to relieving the misery of those suffering injustice, working assiduously to change the institutions of society that generate suffering, whether it be economic, psychic, social, moral, or spiritual.
> To pursue a social order marked by justice, peace, and freedom for each human being, regardless of race, sex, age, or other distinction and to imbue culture and human activities with moral value.
D. The Decalogue
1. You shall have no other strange gods before me.
2. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.
3. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
4. Honor your Father and Mother.
5. You shall not murder.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's house.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
E. The Precepts of the Church
1. To keep holy the day of the Lord's Resurrection: to worship God by participating in Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation.
2. To lead a sacramental life; to receive Holy Communion frequently and the Sacrament of Penance regularly - minimally, to confess our sins at least once a year.
3. To receive Holy Communion at least once a year between the First Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday.
4. To observe the marriage laws of the Church.
5. To strengthen and support the Church.
6. To do penance, including abstaining from meat and fasting from food on the appointed days.
7. To study Catholic teaching in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, to be confirmed and continue to advance the cause of Christ.
8. To join in the missionary spirit and apostolate of the Church.
F. Regular Observance
> When things get too complicated, my precious friend, this is what simplicity we shall regularly return to in common practice again and again, one with another, alone or in community, from moment to moment, each and every day of each and every year of our temporal lives - it will be our invisible habit as Laity - the habitual grace of our spiritual charism - the official uniform of the one Solidarity:
Love God and love others in God as true self.
Pray always for our Holy Father, the Bishop of Rome,
and all Bishops in communion with the Successor of Saint Peter.
Pray always for the good of our Solidarity as a united whole
and live so that all be of one mind and one heart in God.
Pray each day for the perseverance to live and die
in the faith and obedience of the Roman Catholic Church.
Pray for faith to see through the eyes of God.
Pray for hope to share the strength and fidelity of God.
Pray for love to walk into the heart of God.
Love virtue and cherish and uphold the good in ourselves, and recognizing the one, true Source of all good things; to preserve, advance and fulfill it for the glory of His Name.
Abhor sin and to confront and do battle with the evil in ourselves, and with Jesus Christ Crucifed as our pledge of victory; to deter, destroy and uproot it by the saving power of His grace.
Fear the Lord,
love and honor the Holy Mother of God.
be single-hearted and sincere,
be humble and contrite,
be chaste,
be obedient,
be poor in spirit,
be patient and kind,
be holy and apostolic,
be deeply contemplative
and steadfast in prayer and fasting,
be intensely Eucharistic,
be joyous and easily content,
be meek and gentle,
be sober and just,
be temperate and modest,
be studious,
be merciful
and do with generosity
all the works of mercy,
forgive easily and completely
and do penance for sins,
persevere in the way of Christian perfection
and establish firmly
the Kingdom of God in my heart,
be courageous against temptation,
walk with peace and goodwill for all men
and serve all souls without distinction.
Have a spiritual longing for our heavenly home
and desire that all souls be saved.
Live in complete and holy communion with God,
all the holy Angels of God,
all the triumphant Saints in heaven,
all the militant faithful on earth,
all the Holy Souls in purgatory,
and make suffrage for the Holy Souls.
Share the fruits of contemplation with others
and work towards peace and Christian unity.
Proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ
to the very ends of the earth.
Be true and speak the truth.
Be dedicated to the Truth.
Be brave in our common defense
of Country, true self, each other
and the one universal Christian faith.
Observe faithfully all the elements of this way of life
for love of God,
for love of family and friends,
for love of suffering humanity
and the salvation of my own soul.
G. The Works of Mercy
The Corporal Works of Mercy
1. Feed the hungry
2. Give drink to the thirsty
3. Clothe the naked
4. Shelter the homeless
5. Visit the imprisoned
6. Visit the sick
7. Bury the dead
The Spiritual Works of Mercy
1. Admonish the sinner
2. Instruct the ignorant
3. Counsel the doubtful
4. Comfort the sorrowful
5. Bear wrongs patiently
6. Forgive all injuries
7. Pray for the living and the deceased
H. Three Imperatives
> The Three Imperatives are not individual choices nor are they meant to represent varying degrees of three separate categories or independent personalities of the self. These are the three practical expressions of the one love in charity that we are all expected in this community to attain to in God by our pious prayers and practices.
> Like the Holy Trinity is of the one Divine substance, three separate consciousness, one God in persons three, where one Person is the other two Persons are also. Like water can be manifest as ice, steam or liquid but is still of the one existential substance - water. We are to practice one love - one divine charity - in ourselves as practically expressed in these three forms of the same existential love - charity.
1. Citizen - to be the hope of a better future for our Country today - and in memory of the all of the hopes of our past - to diffuse the grace and the goodness of God, within your own humble capacity, through much prayer and works of mercy. To maintain, defend and preserve the fundamental character and sovereignty of the one Republic whole - enshrined in her unique national vision (the ideal common good - our national principles - our rule of life - our national hope - something that all Filipinos - regardless of differences - should agree about as individual citizens and as a whole nation) and embodied by her particular constitution - with it's particular advantages in equality, justice and liberty that benefit all citizens regardless of difference or distinction. To preserve the structural and moral integrity of the Filipino family as the basic unit of the Republic. To uphold and obey the laws of the land and to honor those who are given the mandate to guide and to govern the Republic. To participate in our civic duties and responsibilities to each other as citizens that enable and empower the processes of our social Democracy, as in our right to vote, live in peace and free from fear and intimidation, equality, justice and liberty. To conserve the national resources and preserve the native beauty of the territories of the Republic. Work to ensure the continuity of the common national hope among the people, passing on the flame and the passion of our Republic will from one person to the next and from one generation to the next.
This is your walk with Country, with one another as citizens of one distinct nation from among the one family of the nations of mankind.
2. Friend - Be a true friend first to the unseen, to the Holy Souls. Learn to love them and love to learn from them. Then it will become easier for you to become a true friend of God and of others in God, those others who are visible to you. Take an interest in their particular lives, learn from their virtue and meditate on their hopes and dreams. Learn also from their imperfections. In this way, you shall draw near them and they shall draw near you. Therefore, pray and make suffrage for the specific souls who God Himself entrusts to your care - and do not exert yourself when seeking them, you will know it when God grants them to you in gifts of holy friendship and know that your salvation is to be worked out together with these Holy Souls as well as with the people in common community with you who are visible to you - from friends to family, to your local community right up to your national reality with all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Then you will learn to know that the work of salvation is done in community - interdependence - and not in isolation and that the Lord expected it this way from the every beginning. Beloved of God, we are to be interdependent - as individual citizens as well as a nation distinct from among the one family of the nations of mankind. We are to be independent only from sin, war and hatred and the fear of war and hatred. Certainly we are not to become independent from God and each other as the evil fashion of the world would have us believe to our own everlasting regret.
Beloved of God, the Holy Souls are, of a truth, in a much better position in life than we are. We are yet here in a state of probation, we live in a world of endless combat as our eternity is still being worked out. They are already confirmed in the friendship of God in charity and await their entrance into regions within the Light Inaccessible and knowing this, Beloved of God, we must never pity them or to constantly despair at their loss but, if we must mourn, then mourn we must but mourn not without the hope to soon rejoice and be happy for their everlasting gain and to never forget to implore their efficacious assistance. Theirs is now a world far superior to ours, they are now in God's world and though they suffer out of a great longing for the presence of their Beloved, I am sure, that their suffering is tempered with a sweet anticipation. It is us who are still pilgrims to this world who must beg these Holy Souls in Purgatory not to forget us - to forget them, my precious friend, is folly.
This is your walk with one another as human beings, in time and in eternity.
3. Christian - This journey is to be made by yourself alone with the Alone. It will always, always be between God and you and between others and God. In this journey, God will always, always be your intermediary with others. So do not be so anxious and mindful about the journey that others are making. You will have more than enough to overcome along the way of your self back to the reality of all true things in God to worry about the why's, how's, and wherefore's of other people's paths. This is between you and God alone - you - alone with the Alone.
If God would have you touch other people's lives to help them, then you shall do so exclusively out of obedience to His commands and not because you decided you want to do them yourself.
Some people say that they believe in God but despise religion - that is because they either fear the demands of our Christian faith and ignore the example of Christ and the Saints of Christ - especially our holy martyrs - or hate the instruction of the living magisterium of Holy Mother Chruch and are ignorant of the inexhaustible treasury of wisdom and infinite merits that have been entrusted her by Christ the Incarnate Wisdom of God Himself and all her Saints. They are either asleep in their hearts, living in darkness like myself without realizing the reality of the Light or they actively reject the inspirations of the Holy Spirit that, I am sure, constantly stir in their hearts to work up in their souls a remembrance of the covenant that they made with God during baptism - a mark that is indelible in the souls of all Christians. Those who are to be lost to us in this way shall live to their everlasting regret, at the Final Accounting, when they shall learn of what happiness it was being offered them, by the author of Salvation - Jesus Christ Himself, and what infinite and tender mercies they have relentlessly rejected to confirm for their own selves their choice of hell.
Beloved of God, please pray always in the quiet and secret closets of your hearts and wage a constant struggle to perfect the virtues that build up the character and dignity of your own true self knowing that virtue and it's fruits please God so that in God's grace you may truly hope in the goodness and mercy of God to deliver you in this life full of the snares, pitfalls, perils and dangers of sin and therefore, death to your own soul. And to prepare constantly, so that our Sister Death may one day find us each in the grace and friendship of God that we may soon also be carried away by those immortal friendships we have made in this life with the Holy Souls as well as with our Angel guardian into the place that Christ has prepared for us where everything shall be for always to always, a joyous and everlasting place - beyond the powers of our minds to even being to imagine - a place where there are no sin or wars, no death or suffering, no sickness or senescence, no sorrow or tears and no interruptions to the friendships we shall enjoy in the presence and in the vision of our one thrice-holy God of life and of light.
This is your walk with God, alone with the Alone, a mountain path that ascend into union with all things in God.
See entry - My Annelies Marie's Legacy
See entry - My Anne's Starlight
IX. Significant Holy Days
> We are to follow the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church, we celebrate with Mother Church, all of her feast days most especially Easter and Christmas, however, these are the significant Holy Days that I believe are peculiar to our own spirituality which is that of God and Country.
Lent: Ash Wednesday
> A meditation on death as first of the Four Last Things, a meditation on the reality of death and it's cause and meaning in the Christian context, our own fears, expectations and concerns about death as it affects us - directly and indirectly - in our own lives, and a commemoration of our own personal death.
Lent: Good Friday
> A reflection on the ultimate expression of love by Love Itself in Jesus Christ Crucified - the pivot of Christian history and the living heart of all true penance, a tender moment with the Mother of God as she is given to us (all of mankind as represented by John) and us to her by a dying Christ, a silent, solemn moment with our Lord as His Sacred Body is gently taken down from the Cross and lovingly prepared for burial and a sorrowful farewell and what is perhaps, the longest and most agonizing vigil in the history of creation that led to the morning of the outset of our great Easter anticipation.
June 30 - First Martyrs of the Church of Rome
> A commemoration of the first of the nameless Saints of the faith - those known to God alone, a meditation of exile time and of the faith of the Christian Church in time.
August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
> A fond farewell to Mother as we celebrate her whole life, commemorate her last day on earth and wonder at her Assumption, body and soul, into heaven.
September 29 - Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
> A commemoration of the three Archangels that God has revealed to us in Scripture - the visible tip that indicates a massive unseen reality of the truth and the splendor of the angelic realms.
October 2 - Feast of the Guardian Angels
> A commemoration of friendships - of the everlasting friendship between man and pure spirit.
November 1 - Feast of All Saints
> A commemoration of all of the nameless Saints known to God alone - it is into this rank of the nameless and the unknown that we all strive, by the grace of God, to join - but God's will be done and so long as He does not let us be separated from Him, let the Lord do with us as He pleases.
Novermber 2 - Feast of All Souls
> A commemoration of all our sacred dead, those who are known to us as well as all the nameless Holy Souls of all mankind known to God alone, a meditation on Purgatory.
December 28 - Feast of the Holy Innocents
> A commemoration of all the innocent victims of sin, war and death, a meditation on the state of the global, regional, national and individual peace and a solemn remembrance of the undying hope of all men, women and children of every place and every age of a better, brighter, greener and more peaceful world to come.
All National Days of Sacred Remembrances (Per Particular Country)
> A commemoration of heroes and pivotal events particular to our nation and a meditation on the universal spirit of heroism that unites all the heroes of mankind.
Prescribed in the Philippines (others may be added but none of these removed):
February 25 - People Power Day
> A commemoration of our Lady's intercession at Edsa, an bloddless revolution and an uncommon event in the life of our Country that brought about the end of a dictatorship. A meditation on the good and the evils of the Marcos administration and a day of national reconcilliation, unity and fogiveness. A meditation on tyranny as a peril of all governments and the varying degrees of tyranny manifest in the lands of other people.
May 1 - Labor Day
> A celebration of the famous resilience of the Filipino worker, a meditation on the common virtues that define the average Filipino worker, our work ethics, our work culture, our industries, defining moments in the past, potential in the present, and ideal opportunities for the future.
June 12 - Independence Day
> A celebration of our national independence in the truest and most progressive sense of the word - of course, our historical independence from colonial rule but also our present struggle for independence from sin, war, hatred and fear of war and hatred. A celebration of the national ethos of the Filipino people - Peace.
> A meditation on the awakening of our sense of interdependence the common understanding of which is both vital and necessary in order to turn back the tide of social division and idealistic fragmentation that instead of enabling the empowering of our Democracy, weaken our Republic cohesion, decrease our capacity to advance the national hope and reduce the qualitative peace within our citizenry that is necessary to defend the ideals of the nation from threats foreign as well as domestic.
> A recollection of the impacts of our colonial past to our national identity which is a dilution of the values unique to our culture which must be addressed in order for us to regain a sense of distinct identity - primarily, I put forward, our ancient belief in God, the spirit and the afterlife -religious traditions the truths of which were in our history adapted into the truths of other faith traditions - namely Islam and Christianity. Who is a Filipino?
August 21 - Ninoy Aquino Day
> A commemoration of the life of Sen. Benigno Aquino, the spirit that have led him to brave his way back home and meet with his destiny on that fateful day that signaled the beginning of the end for the Marcos administration. A meditation on the virtues which we can learn from the life and times of Sen. Aquino.
Last Monday of August - National Heroes' Day
> A commemoration of our nameless heroes known to God alone. Especially our guerilla fighters during WWII who braved to wage an active resistance against the Japanese invasion forces without the benefit of an organized military structure. A commemoration of honorable reistance movements around the world and the spirit of these brave men and women who went above and beyond the common call of their uncommon lives in the name of their national ideals - for my own example, the German resistance to the Nazis.
November 30 - Bonifacio Day
> A commemoration of the life and times of Andres Bonifacio, the father of the Katipunan- his spirit and the rich harvest of national and personal insight that we can gather from a meditation on his virtues and human imperfections.
Abrahamic Days of Significance (we do not - in our regular squadrons under the national wing - in form celebrate these days but we do commemorate in spirit and in truth the significant meaningfulness of these days for the sake of our common humanity with each and every one of our brothers and sisters on the Way, thus do we honor their sacred hopes while keeping our own sacred honor intact, thus also does our good LORD cause each of us to benefit in our souls by our growing understanding one with other as well as in our own selves in relation to the sacred life of this one whole planet we all live in the original purpose of our differences (in direct contrast to war's diametrically opposite ambition):
Moveable (Jewish) - Channukah, Passover, Yom Kippur
Moveable (Islamic) - Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr and every March 20 - the birthday of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam
> A Christian study on the faith of Islam and Judaism - a meditation on our common roots, our common hopes, our common humanity, our common patrimony, the life and times of their prophets, patriarchs, kings, queens and judges and the history of their civilization - seen through the new eyes of our peace and as an act of our universal faith - each their positive contributions to human civilization - to our Abrahamic patrimony, our mutual past misgivings and present problems between Christians, Muslims and Jews and the Divine promise of better days of peace and a new age for the world to come for our children and our children's children until the end of the age of mankind at the Last Day.
December 30 - Rizal Day
> A commemoration of the life and times of Jose Rizal, our national hero - his works and his spirit and the rich harvest of national and personal insight that we can gather from a meditation on his virtues and human imperfections. A meditation on the spirit of his farewell poem, "Mi ultimo Adios", that was written for all our Filipino generations in the name of Peace.
X. Epitaph
For the Victim, our All.
All the Nameless of God!
Let no sacrifice be in vain:
Peace to all men of goodwill,
and glory to God in creation!
Lest We Forget.
Lest We Forget!
> What we shall each be remembered by, my precious friend, when we shall all soon fade away, God-willing, into the Light of the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Peace and Godspeed!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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