"Qui Tacet Consentire" - "Who is Silent Gives Consent".
Anne's Hope for Humanity
1. All about the Jewish diarist and Holocaust martyr, Annelies Marie Frank aka Anne Frank (June 12, 1929 - March 1945), and the lessons learned from her short but meaningful life in this world.
2. In general, how to apply these lessons learned to enrich the human spirit and advance the cause of peace and goodwill for all mankind.
3. In specific, the practical education of all succeeding younger generations on the evil of war and hatred and the underlying forces of social prejudice that work to corrupt the human spirit and propel man to commit inhuman acts.
4. Our core belief embraces the Judeo-Christian doctrine of the intrinsic ascendancy of the good, both individual and common; that Almighty God created all things, seen and unseen, and that God saw all things He created as good.
5. Therefore, we shall learn to quickly recognize the innate inferiority of evil systems and evil acts knowing that the reality of evil ultimately depends on the existence of the good, most especially of the one absolute Good, Almighty God Himself.
6. Thus, the voice of our disagreement over evil systems and evil acts will be brought to effect firstly by our relentless refusal to accept hopelessness and despair, complete in our confidence in the superiority of good over evil; that God Himself is good and that good human acts, great and small, hidden or open, alone or with others, direct or indirect, work to quietly undermine and ultimately overpower evil things in general.
7. Henceforth, we will place great emphasis during our teaching on the unity of the intellectual agreements regarding what constitutes the good, both individual and common, and on how we may advance the cause of good things, grerat and small.
8. To sum, we will examine and define completely what is evil, within and without, not to come into direct, hostile confrontation with it but to cast it out completely.
9. We shall work to quickly recognize evil acts and evil systems, within and without, not because there is much evil within and around us but so that we may humbly stand apart and with good courage move away from it.
10. We shall put much of our effort into knowing and doing what is good not to be distinguished as either good or holy, provided that we do as much as we can to be good and holy, but because we have come to believe in the good of all that is true in God's creation.
11. We shall spend all our energies promoting, advancing and fulfilling all that is good, within and without, great or small, whether it be individual or common, because we have come to a personal knowledge of the transcendental unity of all that is good and beautiful; of all that is noble and true in all things God created; and that we have come to a possession of a faith in the one absolute and infinite Truth that transcends all things, seen and unseen, of a universal God that is one, simple, good, beautiful, holy and true.
12. Lastly, this group shall be open to all who come to share in the truth of the personal belief of our beloved Annelies Marie Frank (Anne Frank) that in spite of it all, people are really good at heart - and that you are one of these people.
13. We will all adapt as our motto: "Qui Tacet Consentire" - "Who is Silent Gives Consent".
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