In the Solidarity, the nameless of the peace are in particular those victims of sin and war, both common civilian and honorable military of all sides, times and places of the one side of peace and known to God alone, unknown yet immortal Saints, heroes and martyrs that have left for all of those who have recourse to their living remembrances, a tremendous reservoir of hope that add certain strength and momentum to our faith in God, each other and the promise of our present times. They are those who we honor particularly on all Souls and all Saints day as well as all national days of honorable remembrances particular to each individual endeavor of Country.
Because the nameless are we in general, the laity, the little people, the common folk, the humble worker, the faceless masses of citizenry of each particular endeavor of Country; both innocent victims and great protagonists with each other in a midnight world of endless battle. We are all the children of the exiled race of suffering humanity caught in this descendant gravity of sin and war who struggle namelessly to answer to the universal call of Jesus Christ, the one Redeemer of mankind.
The nameless are we of the global Apostolate of the Peace of Jesus Christ who, having lost our peace with each other and with God in Jesus Christ through sin and/or weakness and having been found again by our Blessed Lord, is now called by Him into the quickening of our time by use of our proper name, a name known only to our LORD God. The nameless are we who presently wage a relentless struggle against the devil, the world and the flesh - the beast of war - to regain, preserve and prosper our peace with the same, eternal Jesus Christ and with each other in the Militant Church believing firmly in the great promise that God's Peace holds for the good of our souls, our lands and our times.
Indeed, our most loving Lord Himself was of humble birth. He was a nameless, one of the little people of His time, caught up in the inexorable sweep of events orchestrated by forces greater that His own sacred humanity.
He gave us His peace both as a promise entrusted to each of our souls as His universal Church, a sacred trust that binds all baptized Christians towards unity and sibling hood, as well as a public obligation to others that we will safeguard them, that as nations, we will serve all souls without distinction that all may have safe recourse to peace through Jesus Christ so that all may have safely hope in God and live with faith enough to pursue liberation from the everlasting death decreed upon the proud Prince of this world and all his fallen angels.
Our Lord's peace calls us as individuals to live as brothers and sisters in His Name, united in our love for one another regardless of race, creed, age, sex, nationality, ethnicity. We most especially hold dear those of the same household of the faith as we, His one, universal Christian Church, and have an extant obligation to live in peace with one another, to be and become by the grace of God, one Christian people, regardless of temporal division, and trusting all in all in our LORD God, to struggle to be and become by the grace of God both true and constant to our sacred Christian oaths, to one Love, to one Lord and to the one Christian people, that we may begin to utilize the strength of our unified Christian hope toward the great promise of our present time and apply ourselves to the mission of the Peace of Jesus Christ to build a better world for all men, women and children of the one family of the nations of mankind. We are those who are called to sanctify the hopes of our nations to His peace and to regain, preserve and prosper that lineage of Christian hope from the ravages of the beast of war that all may not despair but have hope; hope so that all may come to live in peace and serve God without fear; that our Holy Mother Church may lead our suffering humanity in the noble labor that work the great promise of God's Peace; that we may help bring to pass, in the Name of Jesus Christ, those inspiring miracles of Salvation history, great and small, that turn swords into plowshares and sinners into great Saints; and that Jesus Christ, our most loving Lord, may indeed truly lead us out of this midnight world unto the daybreak twilight of that new morning from on high.
We are the nameless, my precious friend. And it is for you, my Companion and Beloved of God, that this Solidarity is dedicated, it is for you who suffer with me and with each other in solidarity the pain of becoming alive in, by, through and for Jesus Christ. It is to you whom our Savior loves so intimately, you whom God knows by your proper name, you whom I must and do namelessly so love and love without condition that this global Apostolate of the Peace of Jesus Christ is heretofore envisioned and intended, all toward a better, brighter, kinder world for all the men, women and children of all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind ever in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to all men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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