"EVERY NATION that fits into place in Asia form a picture. Because every nation is not the same, the image of our Asia may only become clearer to us when every Asian nation finds it's own honored place among all the others nations within our one continental whole."
OUR ASIA is the world's largest and most populous continent. It covers 8.6% of the Earth's total surface area (or 29.4% of its land area) and, with over 4 billion people, it contains more than 60% of the world's current human population (Wikpedia).
Europe, a continental entity composed of different states of varying sizes and degrees of maturity, has seen the wisdom of combining into a cooperative, continental whole and so does Africa. North and South America are exploring much the same initiative through a different
conceptual approach by the instrumentality of a NAFTA agreement.
With the collapse of the world trade talks in Geneva and the rising prices of food and fuel running rampant in our present time, where does that leave the much of the nations of our Mother Asia, a continent that houses 4 billion people or 60% of our humanity's common lack?
While we must not turn a blind eye on all of the Lord's poor ubiquitously present spread over the six inhabitable continents of our inhabited earth, one must also realize that if we can not care for our own, how much more can we care for those of the other greater wholes?
To be clear, the writer departs from liberation theology in two ways, one is of the conviction that needs (nor the means to achieve them) do not create truth, truth is pre-existent because all that is true is also good and therefore, real. All that is evil involve the destruction of what is real. But moral evil is a corruption of what is good and therefore, a deviation from the truth. Our needs identify for us the means that allow us to humanize ourselves because by allowing us to admit to our common lack, we also congruently allow ourselves to receive our shared human hope, our common hope that binds us to our true responsibilities one with another. This opens up the means by which one attains to the good in wholes upon wholes ad infinitum - unto God.
Secondly, though one values the greater good more than the individual good, one proposes that we must also recognize that this value is measured by significance and not by importance. The good which is true and the true which is real may never be separated from it's one true Source and this one Source one recognizes as Almighty God, specifically and personally the one God of Father Abraham, the one God of our Jewish brethren and sisters, the one Triune Perfection of Christian revelation, the Allah of Islam; our one common Creator of common creation; the one common unity of the one universal God of our three great monotheistic faiths; a one sovereign and supreme Being transcendent of all human experience in it's totality and inclusive of all things, seen and unseen, excluding nothing in It's immensity, simplicity and infinity of perfections.
This pivotal and most humble admission of Deity will allow us to be able to consolidate within our apprehension of reality, a measure of the ascendant good in a hierarchical sense of significance (whole upon greater wholes ad infinitum) that does not deny the equal importance of all that is good in the life of our common humanity.
This will further challenge us to labor toward aligning the interdependent good toward the one synergistic purpose each of these created goods is gifted by God to our one race of humanity.
Far from picking from a greater created good (or the means toward this end) to absolutely rule over all lesser created goods (as the individual good), we may now afford for ourselves the most beneficent Divine Providence of the one greatest Good to rule with golden Wisdom and merciful Hands, our lesser created hearts that we may never again forget ourselves for who we really are, common human beings and therefore, universal bearers of each other's shared hopes and never the judge of each other's particular faiths.
Who can understand something as the personal faith of another that is shared only by that one particular eye of the heart that is willing to see by the Light of God with God and in God; that one particular soul who is willing to see less and less of one's self to be able to see more and more of what is truly worth seeing in the beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself? Then, who among us can judge with virtuous justice and without guile something one can not truly and fully apprehend in something as personal and as privately mysterious as faith?
One proposes common and shared principles of humanity and equal order brought about by the calm and tranquil acceptance of one common Creator of one common creation that makes us all human beings and each common peers in original creation. Thus, we may see in both our shared sense of humanity and mutual respect for Deity what marks the two-fold departure that distinctly separate our egalitarian apprehension of what is sacred in stark contrast to liberation theology that draw some of it's principles from Marxist ideology that is still causing damage to our humanity in our present time.
Although one is impartial to any ideology, one is partial to human life and this partiality colors one's universal view of all things, seen and unseen. In my own conviction, anything that can be brought to serve and defend human life from conception (when we receive our souls and our being becomes human) to natural death (when God receives our souls and our eternal destiny becomes our being; to reign in everlasting glory with God or to burn in everlasting shame without Him) in the greater context of the sacred life of our one planetary whole is to be fully employed to return the myriad colors of wisdom's meaning into our present world of gray shadows and black and white doubts.
One views Jesus Christ not as a liberator of the oppressed but know Him for Who He truly is, a Savior of our suffering humanity, a cherisher of the masses of the poor from among every nation of the one family of nations of all mankind.
One does not prescribe a violent struggle of the classes but a radical departure from the prevailing paradigm of war itself as a whole.
One proposes that we observe a way of personal and corporate prayer and private sacrifice to produce the kind of virtues necessary as a whole to recognize and uphold the common dignity of every human being and to serve and defend with sacred honor and force of arms* if necessary, this one universal dignity by first embracing our common lack. This response is further defined through a system of common needs that define the social hopes of our suffering humanity, hopes that we must mercifully respond to through prayer and sacrifice with charity and positive communal action. I do this same thing through my Roman Catholic Christian faith and though I am eager to share what hope I have in Jesus Christ, I would not like to willfully impose the truths of my own particular faith tradition upon the free choices of others and become a hypocrite in the face of my Blessed Lord who Himself has gifted us with a will that is absolutely free.
*Conventional (regular forces) or unconventional (irregular or special forces), professional, all-volunteer military, smart to brilliant precision weapons and tactics, non-nuclear, nothing that precludes the possibility of keeping to our purity of arms which one proposes is something that is more important to keep for not only does it keep sacred honor intact, it will also work with the unseen economy of sacred life to retain for us our victory so that our victory may only be delayed but it can never be decisively taken away by any enemy of our peace).
Having said all of that, realizing the variety we are now faced with in terms of the nation-states within our Asian continent, we are now looking at the questions of what is possible in terms of an Asian Union.
One further believes that the measure that should distinguish our most honored Asian peoples - from least to greatest in their equal order - should not be by power and material wealth, but by the collective nobility of our one whole populations and the maturity of the wisdom traditions of our one whole nation-states. Human nobility enabled by divine wisdom, heavenly virtue which is the one Way of the unity of heaven and earth, this is the measure toward which we should believe Asian nations should strive for because once this is attained, in degrees toward we have truly attained to these, all other things shall follow.
Realizing the economic disparity that is present in our nations, one proposes that we do not abandon the quest to feed our populations and fuel our nation-states but devise of a multi-medium platform that could accommodate the trade needs of poorer Asian nation-states while not being unfair also to the trade needs of those Asian states that are more economically developed than the others and allow our nations the mobility and the freedom to move within these economic mediums according to their free choice and willing ability until all of us are made ready to use the one trade medium that will open the way for all Asian peoples to prosper.
One further believes that we should accept our Asian nation-states as they are without pre-condition or judgment as to our present differences - one with another - but with mutual respect and human understanding open up the realistic ways in which we may all truly help one another cooperatively prosper as a continental whole for always with a shared sense of hope and common humanity shall we treat and communicate with each other within Mother Asia, upholding each other's human dignity, guarding all of our Mother Asia from the despair of this feral beast of war* that had plagued us for too long.
*The prevailing paradigm of war made up of half-truths and lies that require some form of opposition (opposition being the fundamental spirit of conflict) to appear substantial and meaningful and therefore, universally comprehensible to the poor souls of our suffering humanity.
Finally, one argues that it is necessary for Asia to form an Asian Union because I simply believe we owe it to our unborn generations, all of the unsung hopes of our Mother Asia, for one is of a conviction that we each have a sacred duty to allow them to sing the song of their unsung lives in a place far removed from the evil of these present days.
Of course, Australia, being an island continent on it's own along with New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Oceania does belong to our geographical locale and are therefore free and welcome to grace us with their own national potentials toward a better, kinder, safer place for all men, women and children of every nation of the one family of the nations of mankind and a weapons of mass destruction free, greener, cleaner, richer and more efficient stewardship of our one planetary whole.
For we are all by the scandalous spirit of war deceived. Let us then be thankful to God that He has been truly merciful and held us back from annihilating one another in war and knowing in our heart of hearts that the old ways have passed away forever behind us in the night, let us now turn towards one another in peace into the dawning of the new morning from on high. Let us each begin again to benefit from our intrinsic differences by put our human understanding to good use that we may rediscover again what it truly means to be a being on this visible creation who is favored by God to be human as we are human.
Our continental wholes work in synergy with one another to achieve the greater good by aligning ourselves in wholes upon greater wholes of the ascendant truth ad infinitum unto God and His unfathomable purposes for sacred life and the habitations of sacred life. One perceives in his heart that this is the structure of the divine governance of the Providence of Almighty God of which we are small a part of, nested as a whole from within other lesser and greater wholes that make up the one whole of original creation, seen and unseen.
But is it possible for our Asia? I believe this is a question that only all of Mother Asia as a whole can answer. At the moment, my own answer is that I believe that it is necessary but is it possible? One honestly does not know, I rest in my sufficiency.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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