Homophobia: an unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.
"IT IS IN THE HEART where you must look at your brother and your sister, you must view him and her with a new heart of peace, knowing in your being that the old ways has passed away forever.
You must perceive with a faith that is willing to see what is truly worth seeing in others, look at the comings and goings of their lives, their love and human concern for those who are near and dear to them, their own common needs and human weaknesses with yourself, the unsung hymns of their hopes, the unborn dream of their particular endeavors of Country, the rhythm of their everyday life, the quiet passing of their generation, and their slow awakening to the eternal dream of happiness emerging from the meaningless din at the wake of exile time into that lucid eternal harmony of the one music in you and the one music in me."
TYRANNY TAKES many mature forms but are born of one beginning; the people has to allow it. For without our permission, no tyranny will ever reach it's most absurd heights.
This is the same with homophobia, it is one form of tyranny. For it is the common work of tyrants to deny us our ability to benefit from our human freedom.
How can we consider ourselves free if there is an area of our life that is ruled by fear and ignorance? Difference is only fearsome if we allow ourselves to be ruled by it.
Granted, most religious traditions, Christianity included, very strongly condemn the homosexual act as being an abomination in the sight of God.
Let us without judgment respectfully agree with each other that there is indeed an intrinsic kind of evil in the homosexual act that is abhorrent in the sight of God, angels and men. For all evil is either a departure from or a corruption of a pre-existing good original to our common creation.
There are two kinds of evil, one physical and the other moral. Physical evil consists of the experience of pain, suffering and death of our corporeal body. It also includes the various forces of nature that at times conspire to produce widespread confusion and catastrophes that afflict our common human lives. This kind of evil, physical evil, is wholly sustained and determined by the Providence of God as instruments of justice and discipline that work with His incomparable beneficence to preserve and fulfill higher forms of good that serve our humanity within the greater context of the sacred life of our common creation.
Let us bear in mind that Divine good is always manifest on our world as a virtuous act, sometimes subtle and mysterious with it's deep serendipity, sometimes very blunt and objectively direct, and this includes all acts of justice and the juridical disciplines that support it that if not bound by virtue as heaven is bound on earth, will serve naught but base earthly causes that are both blind and vicious being without requisite wisdom necessary for the pastoral care of the greatest good of every precious soul of mankind.
Physical evil is the necessary fire that feeds the furnace of affliction and humiliation that refine like gold, the righteous of our nations. But we won't get deeper into that today because we will fly off in a tangent away from the crux of the matter at hand.
What we are more relevantly concerned here is moral evil. Moral evil is the destruction of common reality that turns our experience of temporal physicality into ashes from the inside out, meaning this evil takes it's singular entrance from the heart of our humanity to wreak havoc out into our wider world beyond.
Now, going back to our prior agreement perceived by both the reason and faith of common men, homosexual persons included, and the perfect illumination of the minds of the angels, the combined splendor of which is singularly derived from the infinite glory of the unsurpassed wisdom of our one eternal God that singularly understand the homosexual act is evil, and let us further agree that this evil is a moral evil.
Let us also be clear here now today that it is this particular evil that our noble religions strongly condemn with good reason, is an act of sin and it is not in anyway an absolute condemnation of the person itself.
For where it concerns evil one must never employ absolutism for this will only allow that same evil to flourish, even secretly, take deep root, and grow into maturity to propagate itself at our common expense.
Furthermore, is there such as thing in monotheism as an absolute evil?
Can we perceive the reality of an absolute evil by the illumination of our faith from the sacred revelations entrusted to any one of our particular honorable Abrahamic religions that in spite of our many departures from each other converge as one to safeguard the common doctrine of a monotheistic faith? Does this doctrine allow for the existence of an absolute evil in the moral sense, or can we even directly experience this through the reality of our common creation? No.
For evil is and will always be absolutely particular as well as foreign in contrast with the good which will always be absolutely absolute as well as native to our common creation. Therefore, if we were to gain the highest form of understanding of a certain good, we will always realize that this good is absolute which means that it is applicable at all times and at all places on our earth here below as well as in heaven above.
It is why moral relativism is flawed, because it seeks to deny the human will, the anchors of the absolute good, that hold fast our lives against the buffeting cyclonic forces of change of which is the singular physical certainty of this unfathomably uncertain world.
Now, we have arrived at an understanding of two things, that moral evil is never absolute and that the moral evil intrinsic in the homosexual act is applicable only in particular to that specific act.
No single action can completely define the reality of a human being for our lives are the sum of all our life's decisions. And as a rule, we own our actions and our actions don't own us for the normal locus of every human will is on the inside, in the soul, it is never ordinarily centered on things outside and therefore distinct and apart from the particular experience of a person that informs it.
Let us imagine a will whose locus of control lies outside of the self, it is a will of the whim like so much dry chaff carried by the random winds of temporality, fickle and ephemeral like the material world unto which it has chosen to absolutely belong. Because it is fickle, it wears many faces and possess many hearts none of which is it's own, because it is ephemeral, it lives only for itself and bears no good will regard for either the good or the lives of others yesterday, today or tomorrow. Most importantly, this will defines itself by defining others and seeks to make identical copies of itself in the lives of other men. It finds it's greatest fulfillment in it's vanity, it judges as if divine, treats it's common peers in common creation as if it were not human, and is willful, opposing everything and anything that detracts or differs from it's view of how things should be whether they be reasonable or not, for reason has nothing to do with it, only vanity does.
How dreadful it is to be that way, to be helplessly lost and apart your own self, let us be thankful to God now that in spite of our many, many failings that offend Him, we carry on each day with a will and a heart of our own.
Let us use this now to be able to distinguish the act from the person who is enduring an inclination towards homosexuality. For it is within the soul of every person without exception to fulfill a potential to become one with the absolute Good and to become one mind and heart with the God of our one mind and one heart, one Love. Therefore, there is an absolute good that is at work within those persons cognizant enough of the truth to perceive what it is and I say this to contrast the particularity of the specific evil contained in the homosexual act which is when compared to the whole being of a person who has until now gallantly contained his or her unnatural inclination is like the universe and a random grain of sand.
For those who have already committed to acts of a homosexual nature, I also affirm to you that these acts can never own them for all acts are owned by the person who performs them, not even God Himself will intrude to save the nobility of man at the cost of diminishing the freedom of man to choose which God Himself has gifted our one race of humanity and has guaranteed since time immemorial and God's will is unchangeable. Because it is unjust to think while we yet exist in mortality that actions own a person, for it is the person who owns their acts, one may never fully condemn anyone without hope who is a servant of God.
We here on earth below are not meant to be the judges of each other, we are meant to be each other's hope, for we are meant to be each other's keeper and in the Communion of Saints, this common hope that is commonly safeguarded by all who are generous enough in their common humanity to live lives of virtue, peace and common good will with God, true self and neighbor form one sacred trust that stretches from here unto eternity.
To sum, one who desire in his or her heart or hearts to fulfill the righteousness of God who walks in the one Way of virtue, good will and peace for God, the angels of God, true self and common humanity, may never entertain absolutism where moral evil is concerned for this kind of thinking is offensive to the unity of our Lord GOD who is the one absolute Good who made all good things pre-existent before evil had it's ugly turn.
For where can one who believe in one God find in the whole of our God's creation a situation in reality where evil was before the good is? This is a sheer impossibility for it contradicts the very nature of our Lord GOD Who is Being Itself, there is no reality of this kind in the whole of creation, seen and unseen.
As a rule therefore, evil may only be particular and therefore, not only must we always be vigilant in our prayerful watch, we must also be discerning in our needful times, because this is what it takes for us to be human and where we are each more completely human, our God becomes more completely divine, for our humanity is the glory of God manifest here on our earth below. We are the many reflections of the many facets of that most precious jewel set in the golden splendor of the immortal crown of sacred life who in spite of our littleness and despite our woundedness, commonly possess the innate potential to shine brighter than all the lifetimes of all the suns of this universe combined, as the visible glory of God in His visible creation.
And as the act can now be safely distinguished from the person, we may now also perceive the common hope of those who are afflicted with the uncommon inclination towards the homosexual that drive their common need, a need that we must by sacred duty meet with common alms. To complete our understanding of this need, we should now depart from first principles and continue our vital exploration by forming a practical awareness of the individual lives of those persons who endure homosexual tendencies.
However, before we continue, it must also be noted that our laws are a response to common needs, a response particular to every human society. These laws are meant to shape our reason and so our reason also should be their measure. Where there is unreason in the law, you can be sure that it will never serve the purpose for which law is founded which is to bind the will of heaven on earth, for it becomes nothing less than a tyranny of words, a lie and a burden to the human communities it has enslaved.
Now, the greatest law of all is the law of Christian charity for in this law is found the nascent principles that govern reality and the reality of our relationships human as well as divine. Truth is Being and Being is Love. Everything that is real draw it's being from Truth which is Being, Love imparts an eternal motion to Being and so we were created and our lives guided by meaning, of truth gentle and beneficent, our souls touched in the silence of our hearts by the very unseen substance of our own kindness and common humanity. Truth is Being and Being is Love, this is the law of Christian charity; it over rules all deception, division, discord and detraction that may plague both reason and faith and joins together as one the common hope of our common humanity.
We shall be thus guided by this law of the Gospel truth and no other, it serve to guide us where we are uncertain and fulfill us in the truth where we are certain as we now attempt to form a practical awareness of the individual lives of homosexual persons.
The life of every homosexual person is initially defined by his or her struggle against the uncommon inclination to homosexuality. Indeed, the homosexual person above all people is keenly aware of the peculiar nature of his or her condition and require none of us to remind them of the same.
The struggle of the homosexual person is only superficially a crisis of gender identity, deep in the heart of the person this is a much larger crisis of truth, that self-identifying truth that is possessed by all souls known to God by our proper names. For a homosexual person feels deprived of this truth and if we are a superficial people and perceive only the surface struggle for gender identity, we will completely miss this central fact that homosexuality is essentially a most profound crisis of self outwardly manifest in the gender struggle of the homosexual person.
Now, if we are a worldly people, we will soon follow the convention that labels all homosexual persons with so-called politically correct terms that denote a mindlessness and submission to the way of the world, we would begin to call them the "third sex" without thinking to understand why. And this will only serve to confuse them even more and distance them from the warmth of our common humanity which they so desperately need all in the cowardly name of modern convenience.
But we no longer follow the way of the world nor do we still walk the way of war and so we must liberate our minds and our hearts from the mindless stereotypes and the hurtful labels that only serve to mutually exclude us from each other and prevent our being able to understand one another.
For we are a people of the peace and so we no longer rely on opposition to define the reality of our common experience, for the old ways of the past have passed away forever into the night behind us, we now belong to God and to each other, entrusting unto God and unto each other our common hope as a duty and a sacred trust. For we are tasked by Divine decree to be the vanguards of our common human hope and build upon the original reality of our Eden's peace a culture that would prefer to serve sacred life over war and defend with valor the purity our nation's hope from the scandalous contempt of the will of war for all our human life and for all of sacred life as a whole.
Thus, in the One Solidarity, we will view homosexuality not as a gender identity. We will view it specifically as a severe crises of belonging manifest in the struggle to fulfill a common human need of the highest order, that of a meaningful existence; it is a requirement of the human soul to be sincerely understood and completely accepted despite one's self that all of us sinners should all too well understand.
We will refrain from being confused about the truth of it all and refer to them as they truly are, as human beings with human souls, without falling into the trap of also being confused about their gender which might make us look tolerant for reasons that exclude naught but the self for in reality this is another mindless surrender to the vanity of the world and it is, like all vanity, empty of promise, for beside a sigh and a nervous snicker, it will neither work to appease them of their sorrow nor help them along the way to their ultimate liberation from this particular kind of oppression; this specific form of human suffering.
To be able to do this, we must rise above every hateful prejudice and mindless stereotype of this world that attempt to deceive us with mutually exclusive labels that break us up into weaker and weaker parts and pieces until we are but tiny islands of truths that disappear here and there in a vast ocean of lies, until naught is left of our common humanity but weakness and dilution as manifest in those indistinguishable oases of peace in spaces far and few in between separated by a limitless desolation brought about by war's abomination for sacred life.
This world with it's oppressive paradigm of war does not turn from it's way to help the widow and the stranger, the orphan and the defenseless, the poor and the dispossessed, the homeless and the displaced, the unborn and the elderly, the infirm and the disabled, the weak and the oppressed, the ignorant and the powerless, the grieving and the despairing, the starving and the thirsty, the naked and the inexperienced, the victim and the prisoner, the misguided and the confused, the desperate and the illiterate, the dying and the dead, indeed, this wretched world with it's long list of those poor and unfortunate souls that it afflicts with such misery and severity will not hesitate to turn against homosexual persons as well. This same form of persecution inflicted upon our weak is also likewise inflicted upon every one of those greater souls called from among our common peers in common creation to stand on our behalf and rally to our common defense that the vanity of this world deem as uncommonly brave, virtuous or spirited.
Now that we have properly placed the homosexual person in the context of the suffocating atmosphere of their particular reality in the preceding paragraphs, we will proceed to move nearer to the person and the personal struggle that define each and every homosexual person who have had to endure the inescapable nature of their own peculiar inclination.
Bearing in mind that the life of every homosexual person is defined by his or her struggle to fill a common need of the highest order, that of meaningful existence, let us now be informed beforehand that there are three central truths that decisively define the shape and the severity of a homosexual person's struggle and we shall looking to arrive at each of these in their own particular turn during the remainder of our course.
Now, as the homosexual person secretly struggles to cope with his or her homosexual tendencies, they will be led to ask questions that challenge their own innate sense of identity, they will be forced to pit their own common humanity against the mindless stereotypes of the world and the cruel ignorance of many and this shall lead most of them to fall into hopelessness and despair.
Feeling utterly trapped between internal circumstances they feel they are powerless to prevent and external circumstances that seek to deprive them of their God-given dignity as human beings, these human beings, the same with any human being, quite soon become angry and repressed enough to completely abandon their own in-born sense of common propriety and openly rebel against the society that they feel has forsaken them. They will turn into their anger instead of their hope because no one was willing enough to empower and enable their hope, and therefore their choices as well, by willingly and courageously sharing in it. Their own anger will, in turn, prevent them from recognizing the liberating truth of our Lord Jesus Christ which may only be experienced in the calm of a heart that is reconciled to the truth of itself with Christ. It will isolate them.
This truth, which is the truth of their belonging, is the first of the three central truths at the heart of the homosexual person that define their personal struggle and Christian charity must act to make sure that this truth does not serve to lead them into the isolating darkness of despair but lead them out of the darkness by our recognizing their hope as our own hope and in this way, lead them out and back into the warmth of our common humanity, if not back into the light of our common Christian baptism and the peace of the communions of blessed Christendom.
We must hold nothing against those who suffer and endure against the grain of both the world and of the worlds of faith, an inclination as unyielding to both reason and faith as homosexuality, human reason will initially reject it, divine faith will absolutely forbid it, where does that leave the unhappy person thus afflicted by it?
However, it is equally not tolerable that homosexuality aspires to the same truth that is originally reserved for the gender complementarity of opposites that make male and female a unit and bears within the whole of itself by their wedlock vows, it's own earthly purpose and divine destiny blessed and permitted by Almighty God Himself.
We must all be honest enough with ourselves to understand that there must be some form of anger and resentment within the homosexual community that is born of their salient realization that sees conclusively through the illusion of homosexual relations, most especially those that are unchaste and impure, that this will never satisfy their human hearts the way the original truth commissioned at our common creation between man and woman by Almighty God Himself to dwell within the origins of every human family serve to completely satisfy and fulfill by their sacred union the lives of those who are jointly called into the labors, the sorrows and joys of family life.
For the sacred purpose of the human sexual act is to transmit life, life which is fully human at the instant of it's conception, life which consummates the love of God that exist to create the union between a man and a woman, a union whose sacred purpose is blessed, protected and prospered by the sacramental grace of their sacred wedlock vows mutually exchanged unto each other in the presence of God and the community of the faithful.
None of this may be achieved by a homosexual union and there is no sugar coating it for this is the plain truth of the matter which may not be ignored and which if ignored will only imperil our own common hope.
For if we recklessly abandon the sacred purpose and divine institution upon which the order, quality and continuation of our generations are completely built upon, to the detriment of our human families, the deterioration of the domestic Church, and our eternal Christian regret;
not only will the future become progressively more intolerant of of our common humanity, it will also become more and more completely alien and inhuman as it acquires greater and greater degrees of contempt to our human vulnerabilities one with each other at the expense of all living things.
Indeed, the identity struggle that every homosexual man or woman must suffer through must eventually come to the same conclusive realization that there is no real substitute to the union of man and woman.
This truth, which is the truth of their destiny, is the second of the three central truths at the heart of the homosexual person that define their personal struggle and Christian charity must act to make sure that that this truth does not serve to further imprison them within the walls of themselves for homosexuality, if properly understood and courageously confronted by the human soul enabled by God's grace, becomes is it's own particular calling complete with it's own particular eternal destiny.
The soul of the homosexual person is more akin to the angels than they realize. They are a unique personality just as valuable and just as capable of giving and receiving love along with the rest of our common humanity. The difference is that the truth that live within the soul of the homosexual person, that they feel they lack, must be correctly perceived for what it is, it is a promise, an unborn hope, a promise that one shall ultimately find their most absolute and most beautiful expression not in this exile world of battle and probation but in the world to come, in the unimaginable reality of the new heaven and the new earth that is promised to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. For their hearts are reserved for a much better time and place than this world and this time if they likewise persevere in chastity with courage and faith in God through our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is a great challenge indeed to be courageous in the faith for the promise ahead of them is just as tremendous. For there is nothing of true value that will ever come into the possession of man from means that are wide and easy, all things that are precious and of eternal worth here on earth below as well as in heaven above require that we give more and more of ourselves that we may possess these things by the embrace of our love and not by the grip of our hands, for all good things are a gift and from among all these good things the greatest and the most ultimate Gift of all is God Himself for God Himself is the portion of those who from eternity He has established in His friendship and His Love.
Indeed, a practicing homosexual person must awaken to the truth and be able to distinguish it from the illusions of the isolating darkness that he or she has retreated into and to make an absolute choice, here and now, to respond to the universal call of Jesus Christ Who is the Light of the life of men. For it is no less than Christ Himself Who promises to lead them out of the darkness into the abundance of life true and everlasting in happiness in the society of His Church as well as all the righteous of the nations who, as our Blessed Lord Himself said, work not against us but for us. They indeed, must take this final walk out of the darkness of the self that imprison them and turn back into the light of the truth that shall ultimately set them free. This may sound easy but in reality this final walking away is extremely difficult especially when the roots of vice has grown quite deep into a person's very soul.
For if we always put the need for sexual fulfillment first, as the world, the flesh and the Devil would have us do nowadays, before we even begin to love another, that person ceases to be a person and becomes a mere object in our eyes. One who have been thus violated by the sins of the flesh gains an more throurough appreciation of the immense value of the virtue of chastity that safeguards the spiritual integrity of every man and woman that is easily overlooked and then annihilated altogether in the crashing din of every temptation as the capital vice of lust takes greater and greater prominence above the firmament within the heart of the person, eclipsing God Who is the sun of our human soul. The vice of lust, having found a foothold in the soul, is then free to work its scandal and soon spreads like a cancerous malignancy among the sons and daughters of our common humanity.
In this way does pornography and the pornographic nature of our times thrive and it constantly reinforces this same mindset, a poisonous and inhuman mindset that reduces the dignity of the human person into the play thing of the sins that victimize with such scandal and severity the nobility of man.
But if we are true to our keeping of each other's trust and are likewise concerned with the greatest good that our hearts can embrace, if we are in this way truthful, we will see through the anger and the hatred, we will see through the pornographic conditioning of this world, we will see through war and darkness of war, we will in our hearts be enabled to perceive the human soul as it truly is, one, unique, unrepeatable and irreplaceable reality, beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself and we will become cognizant of the sad reality that is everyday written in wake of so much brokenness and tears.
For our souls are often times like the man in our Blessed Lord's parable who was set upon by bandits along the road and was nursed back into health by the good Samaritan for like the Samaritan of his time, we are all outcasts, misfits, freaks, rejects and sinners to the very last hair on our head, wounded and needful of much consolation and healing, and wanting for a just society. Let us then be Samaritans to each other, let us be that hope of an authentic human freedom, let us be our own response to our common needs that require our common alms, let us be the beginnings of something meaningfully real and worthwhile in this midnight world full of so much vanity and empty promises.
Our life in general, homosexual or not, is a lonely path that shall only find fulfillment not through sexuality or promiscuity but through the sanctity of the one love of God in charity, a love that run deeper than human sexuality and its challenges to our wounded humanity.
Now, it may be true that our Holy Scripture contains strong words of condemnation to those who through no fault of their own are inclined towards homosexuality, however, to use Scripture as a cowardly attempt to manipulate the legitimacy of the truth to bash and to persecute a certain segment of our common humanity is a crime far more despicable than those whom they accuse without hope, those whose persons are helpless and conflicted in their hearts due to the oppressive norms of this world and the inability of such Christians to understand beyond conventional understanding the truth that lives within themselves.
Once again, it is the sin of homosexuality which is the forbidden act of the sexual intercourse between two men or two women that is explicitly wrong as well as the intrusions that are being made to the integrity of the sacred sanctuary of our marriage institutions that some mindless government authorities allow in the name of either false freedom or modern convenience which is nothing more than sheer license that promote choice without accountability and morality without responsibility.
These authorities pledged to serve the interests of the people ultimately serve not the interests of those homosexual persons that they seek to serve without thinking for they only drive them deeper into their denial of the truth while in the process, they knowingly or unknowingly dilute, divide, corrupt and destroy the one singular institution upon which is entirely built the very foundations of human communities, an institution of our common humanity that shape and define the quality of our civil societies, the human family, a whole truth original to our creation of which there can be neither variation nor substitute. It is the nature of moral evil to imperil both those who allow it entry into our world through their hearts as well as those who are victimized by it, such is the case in the long term for the whole of our humanity if we here today lose our all of our senses to what appears convenient or expedient in the name of the false.
This truth, which is the truth of their freedom, is the third of the three central truths at the heart of the homosexual person that define their personal struggle and Christian charity must act to make sure that this truth does not serve to discourage them from striking out and breaking through the darkness and the illusions of this world.
Let this writer once again reiterate here that one is not being antagonistic of anything or of any person save the evil that lurk in the darkness of our world that propagate with it's lies the interior suffering of our common humanity. For it is the mystery of this specific form of evil that one seeks to reveal and to disprove, that it may then become plain to our common human understanding and therefore, powerless in our common sight. One also realizes that there are much feelings and sensitivities that is deeply involved and entrenched in this matter and seek to assure all of you that one is aware of them and take them all into deep consideration.
But to deny the truth is a crime greater than what the naked cruelty of others may inflict upon them for in this denial is contained a betrayal of the self, a surrender to the void of illusions and everything that leads to an absoluteness of choice that will forever deny them their one and only chance to truly be happy, their one and only chance to truly be liberated from the sorrowful confines of the prison that one is quite aware they each endure within themselves.
We will view homosexuality for what it really is, the manifestation of a unique soul - a unique soul the same with all our souls, irreplaceable and unrepeatable potentialities imprinted with the image and likeness of God - and a particular Christian calling, a very specific calling towards the chaste life of the single lay vocation.
Our task here is to be able to share our burdens together with the burdens that our homosexual brothers and sisters carry for they are not exempt from our Christian obligation to love the other as our Savior loves us. We are to welcome the sinner but never the sin. Towards this end, the One Solidarity shall support units of Courage or it's equivalent form at the Squadron level to encourage, support and bring out of the darkness, our suffering homosexual brothers and sisters who desire to live in the peace of Jesus Christ in full communion with God and Holy Mother Church and to give them an opportunity to help those who are still suffering the same affliction.
For homosexuality is one of the surest signs of a manifest divine calling towards the chaste, single life; a life expressed in forms of consecrated service meant to alleviate the suffering of others.
Of the single lay vocation in general, it may be affirmed that those who enter into this committed life of servant singleness and endure through the rigors of preserving chastity and fostering virtue in their hearts and in their lives soon awaken by the grace of Almighty God to new and promising horizons of living hitherto unknown to their experience.
Of the particular single lay vocation of those who endure with the uncommon truth of their homosexual inclinations, it is given to them the the specific labor of lifting heavy walls of denial, of bridging deep chasms of isolation, of standing against the world's indifference and contempt, that they may soon alleviate the suffering of those who are similarly afflicted but have not yet begun to fight the necessary fight.
To conclude, if the homosexual person applies himself or herself to what is true, there begins their path and their destiny. It shall be severely difficult yet commensurate in it's reward, a path that will reintroduce them to their true selves, a path that will return them into the community of our common hope, a path that will lead on and enable them, empower their choice, a path that fulfills their own common humanity, a path that leads away from the vanity of this world so empty of promise, a path that lead away from the void of illusions of those who have lost themselves within themselves within their own denial of the truth and a path that will allow them to choose a divine destiny best fit for what beauty God has intended in them to keep hidden from this world, in those vast universes from within created by God in the image and likeness of Himself, and felt within their precious human soul as an awakening that is like a love longing for Itself.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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