IN THOSE TIMES OF LEGEND, after the fall of our first parents - at the founding of the one family of humanity, the Lord our God, moved by a powerful sense of compassion at the eternal vision of all the individual souls of all the generations of mankind scattered like willow seeds buffeted by the uncertain winds of exile time, decreed from eternity, right before the doors of heaven were closed and our native skies above fell silent and unconscious, the establishment of the order of the one family of the nations of mankind.
In this order, the Lord our God arranged as if in battle array, from eternity, across the darkness of exile time the individual souls of fallen humanity, each uniquely gifted and prepared, to form distinctive patterns of peoples and common communities that will in time emerge to give birth to the civilizations of men - civilizations that rise and fall according to the strength of the truth of their peace. The Lord our God did this for salvation was already at the heart of our God the very moment our first parents were in Eden deceived by the serpent into sin and turned our heritage of life and of light into a miserable abyss of death and darkness.
Furthermore, the Lord appointed at that time, the noble regental lines of all the executive and spiritual rulers of the one family of the peoples of all mankind, the prophets, bishops, emperors, kings, queens, judges and elders of our human race, men and women who were given the task and the responsibility of leading their people not only physically safely into the unknown lands of the uninhabited earth but above all spiritually across this vast darkness, desolation and uncertainty of exile time right into the shores of death and by this passage lead us through into our one true and promised Country.
Lastly, before the heavens were closed until the appointed time was fulfilled in Christ Jesus, the Lord our God gathered together in spirit all of the souls of humanity and gave us the indelible mark of His invisible reality in the visible universe around us and wrote in our very hearts, a reflection of His Eternal Law as made manifest in right reason and the truth of His unspeakable, ineffable one and thrice-holy Name telling each of us in our will, at the appointed time in our lives, to set out on a journey of love from slavery into freedom, from darkness into light, from sin into virtue, from sorrow into joy, back into His outstretched arms.
But this journey that begins in faith and ends in the union of truth into Truth in Love with Itself shall not be made alone nor shall it be made for the good of the self alone. This journey, impossible if it were not for the Lord our God, shall be made first by chosen souls alone with the Alone and then in time by peoples together in God and the closer we get to the end of exile time at the approach of the Second Advent, as the last of our generations emerge from eternity into time, in these latter-days, this journey shall be made increasingly by all of mankind together - as a test of the strength of the peace of our nations - the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Now, there is an invisible dragon in this world - the ancient serpent of our faded Eden, which the Wisdom of God has foreseen, a raging beast of war that seeks to devour all of human life - a beast fed by millenniums worth of sin and hatred that have ravaged this world of angels and men in blood-drenched wars that have soaked the soil of our earth in sacred blood and have darkened the atmosphere of our times with a heavy fog of war, a wicked shroud of festering lies that can only be pierced by the sharp light of truth. It has all come to this, 2000 years after the victory of the Cross, which the Wisdom of God has forseen, which is why our salvation as nations now of the one family of the nations of mankind have become and in time shall only progressively become intimately intertwined. For the silent cries of all the living hopes of the past, in countless nameless lives cut short of their promise - even today - by war and hatred, have and will give birth to this particular present with its particular evils that demand each of us to be and in God become our brother's keeper and lift the curse of Cain - we are to liberate ourselves, by the grace of God, from evil by the liberation of others from evil - and as Country ascend to the call of the One and together with other nations struggle for a better peace and a better world for all nations and all peoples - men, women, and children without distinction - or descend easily into the gravity of division, dilution and into dissolution of Country and leave ourselves and our people - including all our family and friends - exposed to the gaping maw of the beast of war.
For this is the singular responsibility of Country, it is the work of staying the beast of war. It is the work of peace as the martial virtue that loves life - at all stages - as sacred and rises to defend life quickly from all untruths that seek to deny life of it's inherent dignity or life's right to exist within the shelter of itself. Only in this way can Country - by the strength of the truth of her peace - the peace of her people across all their generations, fulfill the oaths that have singularly been collectively entrusted to her as the national vision of the ideal common good. By providing for her own people under the sheltering wings of peace that in God and one another allows them to each realize their potential as individuals and live out the promise of their lives to the fullest, with the dignity of the sons and daugthers of the One common Creator of life and of truth and make a contribution to the common endeavor of Country then the hope at the fountainhead of the national vision, shall never be extinguished.
Peace will prevail over war but in order for it to prevail, it must first prevail in the hearts of individual persons as citizens belonging one to another, under the eternal vigilance of the One common Creator of all life, united by the sacred colors, anthems and standards of their particular endeavor of Country.
Next: The Call of the Republic
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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