O PRECIOUS BELOVED, I am in need of your most kind assistance.
I will take leave for a time to regain within myself, an area of my life that is rapidly being consumed by a darkness I have, against even my own counsel, recklessly left lingering for too long at the limits of my heart of hearts.
There are evils whose incomprehensible allure will never yield itself to either faith or reason. Evils one will never understand which are better accepted as integral to one's increasingly greater acts of surrendering the subordinate human will to the one immovable will of Almighty God Who knows when and how to deliver His own from every evil.
Indeed, there are evils better conquered by reason, evils best overcome by fasting and faith, and there are evils better left alone. Of those evils better left alone, their allure is their greatest temptation and those who are deceived by it observe in it an opaque and unyielding kind of darkness that frustrates reason and eludes faith. When kept close, an evil that seem tame and even useful yet void to our understanding will soon reveal it's true intentions for all forms of evil are as a hungry lion that seek to devour the soul that inhabits our every hearts.
I now understand that there are some forms of evil best left untouched for once it touches the substance of our being, it leaves an indelible stain that only the true fire of our most perfect devotion can cleanse.
These forms of evil are the kind that we are best served to jealously guard our youth against that we may preserve their integrity that once broken will take a miracle of grace to restore.
The human family is not a democracy nor must it reflect the rampant social license corrupting the outside world, the human family is a proving ground where all things must be earned, valued, respected and utilized with discipline and gratitude for the benefit of the heart and mind of our youth.
For our youth represent the continuing lineage of our stewardship with God as co-creators with His grace and as regents of the visible universe, their task will be nothing less than the shaping of realities that will lend it's most definite substance in the form of our tomorrows.
There are set times and seasons within the human family that imparts a certain rhythm according to the sacred spaces within time itself and there is a discipline that works according to the vigilance and parental love and concern of the complementary wisdom's of the heads of the family, things that must be laid as law, that needs no explanations, no easy introductions, no questions and no tolerance for any kind of receptivity will only serve to involve the exploratory mindset of our youth and open the way for this evil to enter into their hearts.
Morality will be their measure, religion their ambition and faith their daily exercise.
One must do everything to enable their choices for choice tends to growth and maturity but not with a false sense of freedom shall we achieve this, let us now bear in mind that to stunt and restrict choice will lead to immaturity in our own fruit but to completely release this power in the context of our youth will surely lead to their own destruction, it is here that their own reason must be opened by hands so much more gentle than the hands of others for if one fails to do this, both heaven and earth will see to it that it is done.
Enabling reason in the young is like the image of a child learning how to ride a bicycle for the first time, it is we who must now grapple with either releasing our grip on their freedom or securing the safety of our children at the cost of their vulnerability.
This is where parenting on level terms with our common humanity becomes both an art and a craft.
Never force their choice, one may channel their focus with discipline but one may never rule their lives for our children will never belong to any of our present ambition nor will they yield the treasure within their own souls before their hour is come, one must bear in mind that they are only ours for a time, so cherish them while they are children, for they are our common patrimony with life entrusted unto our common care by the God of all life, they will ultimately belong to all of sacred life.
This is the same exact reason why any form of corruption that works to significantly alter the original composition of the human family, is a mistake of great and unforeseen magnitudes. Because the bottom line is that the human family deals with the shaping of reality itself.
Even the wisest of the stars of the heavens will find it severely difficult to foresee the outcome of the deteriorating quality of the most basic of our human institutions as the family which is entrusted by Almighty God with both the quantitative preservation of our one race of humanity and the qualitative parental guardianship of the very living substances of our future. It is for this vital reason that there exists those vows of sacramental marriage, to precisely bless and defend this most sacred union of love that add up into the sum of all our lives from our first parents right down to the very last of our generations.
I have nothing against those who suffer and endure against the grain of both the world and of the worlds of faith, an inclination as unyielding to both reason and faith as homosexuality, reason will initially reject it, faith will absolutely forbid it, where does that leave the person such afflicted by it?
But it must be understood that it is the sin of homosexuality that is abhorrent and not the person who grapples with it's peculiarity nor the person who have outwardly accepted this tendency but not to the extent that it is anywhere close to being indulged. I am of a conviction that homosexuality is one of the most certain calls to a chaste and blessed form of servant singleness in the capacity of the laity.
However, it is not tolerable that homosexuality aspires to the same truth that is originally reserved for the gender complementarity of opposites that make male and female a unit and bears within the whole of itself by their wedlock vows, it's own earthly purpose and divine destiny blessed and permitted by Almighty God Himself. I realize there must be some form of anger within homosexual individuals at their salient realization that homosexual relations will never satisfy their human hearts the way the original truth invested within the origins of every family serve to satisfy those who are jointly called into the labors, sorrows and joys of family life.
But to deny the truth is a crime greater than what the naked cruelty of others may inflict upon them for in this is contained a betrayal of the self, a surrender to the void of illusions and everything that leads to an absoluteness of choice that will forever deny them their one and only chance to truly be happy, their one and only chance to truly be liberated from the sorrowful confines of the prison that I am quire aware they each endure within themselves. Truth is of a greater force and carries with it significant meaningfulness stronger than any form of baseless inclination that human imperfections may afflict those of us who are thus challenged not only to overcome but to completely prevail.
If the homosexual applies himself or herself to what is true in him or herself, there begins their truest path, severely difficult yet commensurate in reward, a path that will lead them and empower their choice, that they may then choose a divine destiny more fit for their own common humanity than the empty vanity of this world so empty of promise or the void of illusions within the hearts of those who have lost themselves within the darkness within themselves. There is a love that is more satisfying than the physicality of mere lust, it is something I know and understand yet is something I have yet to honestly receive.
This love takes the shape of a myriad forms of services that allow us to give of our hearts and store up those treasures that neither thief nor the tyranny of distance or separation can ever take away from us. For it is only in the giving that we truly become free.
And so my precious Companions on the way, I shall take my leave for a time until I am restored unto myself with my God and with all of us.
I shall dearly appreciate the great value of your kindness in the prayers that will most certainly be of good benefit to me. For God is good and able to deliver all from every evil.
May peace be upon your hearts,
as a calmness to soothe your minds,
with a clarity that quickens the soul.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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