THE GREATER THE EVIL of the times, the greater the need must be for the good and the greater must we struggle to better ourselves so that we may help better others, increase the good in our world and by the grace of God, build a future to outlast these evil days and see our Country through to better times if not for our generation, for the next generations to come after us.
These are the social missions of our one Solidarity that we share share in common and in genuine with every particular endeavor of Country that is similarly inclined towards the one paradigm of the peace (the one whole peace) and the universal dignity of our shared humanity.
This is our Christian witness of peace and good will to our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind. We are, of the one Solidarity, to act as it's guarantee and therefore, as vanguards of these common hopes being as living expressions of Christian charity for God and for common Country.
For we are a community of nation-builders and we will do this by our willing and happy service to the very least of our Lord's brethren and sisters, Him most beloved poor, our Lord's poor.
On Hunger
RESPONDING to hunger and any prayer and/or good will donations specified for this purpose.
On Thirst
RESPONDING to thirst and any prayer and/or good will donations specified for this purpose.
On Clothing
RESPONDING to the need for adequate human clothing and any prayer and/or good will donations specified for this purpose.
On Shelter
RESPONDING to the need for adequate protection from the elements and any prayer and/or good will donations specified for this purpose.
On Personal Security (Security of Life and Property)
RESPONDING to individual health of soul (heart: spiritual, moral and mind: mental, intellectual) and corporeal body: personal hygiene, illness, epidemics, pandemics (direct assistance i.e. medical, dental, health supplies as well as indirect i.e. scientific research and any
prayer and/or good will donations specified for this purpose) and immediate dangers to life and limb i.e. legal and physical protection of the human person, male or female, from conception to the natural death, first aid and ambulatory care operations, search and rescue operations, disaster relief operations, lawful community (barangay) citizen patrols, stability (peacekeeping) operations, the proper burial of the dead, any prayer and/or good will donations specified for this purpose, and legitimate acts of self-defense, individual or collective (professional military as well as deputized civilians adequately adapted and lawfully recognized by the legal national authority) and the security of personal property.
On Basic Literacy
RESPONDING to the need for adequate and attainable educational foundation (male and female, young and old, and the disabled of either body and mind*) and the necessary means towards gaining useful employment in both private as well as public sector, the protection of the environment, the conservation of our natural resources, care of animals, plants and proper respect for nature, academic laws and regulatory statutes that are passed to this effect, any prayer and/or donations specified for this purpose.
*The heart of a person is never disabled, it is always present, always complete, and always aware of it's own existence despite any disabilities that afflicts it.
On Authentic Human Freedom
RESPONDING to the preservation of the integrity of the human family, the formation of our youth, adequate moral education, solid scientific foundation, correct spiritual formation, Christian apologetics and the intellectual defense of honorable religion, preaching that properly enables truly human choices through the liberating truth that empowers the human soul through the synergy of truths validated by both reason and faith, and any prayer and/or good will donations specified for this purpose.
On Just Society
RESPONDING to our sacred duties to the spiritual care of one another with charity: acts of comfort to the sick, to prisoners, to the elderly, to the dying; acts of consolation to the lonely, to the despairing, to the grieving and to the much aggrieved i.e. the penitent and the petitioner;
acts of counsel to the ignorant, to the misguided; acts of fraternal correction to sinners, to the spiritually ignorant, and to the morally impaired.
RESPONDING to our civic duties and our diligent observance of the public peace in the interest of the common good i.e. knowledge of our history and culture, fidelity to our wisdom-traditions, love of our sovereign symbols of state i.e. our beloved flag, "Old Defiant" (as she is known to my heart of hearts - Defiant against the beast of war), our glorious anthem, our unique constitution as the first Republic in Asia* and the insignias and emblems of our honored citizen-state, respect for our Filipino identity, respect for our public officials, dutiful obedience to the law, respect for the due process of the law, conscientious voting, responsible and transparent taxation and our loyal and disciplined active participation in our national endeavor of Country.
RESPONDING to the need for responsible and accountable government, loyal and virtuous citizenship, homeland defense, for mutual honesty, sincerity and transparency between citizen and state in the holding of elections, in the upholding of human rights, in national security concerns, in civil defense operations, in vital taxation which is a necessary burden of any human society that desire to benefit from the common good but never without true and responsible representation.
Any prayer and/or donations specified for this purpose.
*By rights, we should be an elder Republic; an elder Republic is a help and an inspiration to younger Republics, however, we were all by war deceived.
Beloved of God, in the vision of the paradigm of the peace, a shepherd nation-state is an elder nation-state that goes beyond self-interest to help any of the other lesser nations of the one family of the nations of mankind and MAD that stands for "Mutually Assured Destruction" becomes translated into "Mutually Assured Defense" .
These common needs are arranged in their necessitate order from the most common and immediate (hunger) to the most significant and permanent (meaningful existence) and all of them come together (without exception) and align towards the purposeful recognition and the meaningful preservation of the right dignity of every human person in exile time and in dimensional space.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
DO NOT WORRY about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.
Matthew 6: 34
Hope is for now. Faith is for tomorrow. Love is for always.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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