From the Prayer, "Regina Caeli"
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AUGUST 15 - This is the principal Marian feast of our liturgical year.
It is a commemoration of our Lady's happy release from our poor world and her corporeal assumption into heaven and incorporation into the Beatific Vision of God. Those who love, our Lady very, very much would only have nothing but happiness for her this day of the feast of her Assumption.
Love is a mutual exchange of self, of good and holy things, material as well as immaterial (spiritual) in time and in eternity. This relationship exactly defines our relationship with each other as the one whole Roman Catholic Church in the synergy of the Triumphant, the Militant, and the Suffering dimensions our one Holy Mother Church; our one whole Communion of Saints.
Thus, whoever is not happy for our Lady on this principal of Marian feasts does not know her enough because once one becomes intimately close with our Lady, one can not help but love and honor the great Mother of God, the great Theotokos. She is as irresistible as our God's will is immovable. Like all things regarding faith, this gift can only come by a special grace of God. A Marian character multiplies Christian joy and makes for a more brilliant faith in God.
I am planning, of course, to attend in this feast with our Lady in the usual Roman Catholic fashion of the holy mass with none else that Jesus Christ, our Blessed Savior and most loving Lord, this evening with all of you. Oh, it's going to be really, really good, my beloved friend!
Holy Mass is a celebration as well as a sacrifice. It is a celebration because in it, we glory in the magnificence and the incomparable excellence of our one Triune Perfection Whose Love has brought us together as a Church. It is a sacrifice because in it, we are also constantly reminded about the terrible cost of our being here with one another in God.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta Marto of Fatima, pray for us.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to all men of good will.
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