THE CONGRESSIONAL INITIATIVE to translate our system of government contained a desire that seek for our people, a universal health care system:
For this to work, I sincerely believe we have to think it out in terms of what we can realistically do and what we actually want to be done. This question is not a question for the market. We must deal with reality and move forward from there, in an ascendant motion in time.
Of the three elements of Country; the people or the nation and the state is all about life and our spiritual longing for abundant happiness. The third element, the market is all about profit and our earthly yearning for labor's honest reward.
An ascendant motion is a unitive, conciliatory motion in exile time; a return to faded Eden but not in a temporal sense as it is too late for that now but in a spiritual sense. As a love longing for Itself, one must learn to live a life that longs to be one with God and with all of those for Whom God has intended to emerge in time in God.
For to truly advance our Country forward in exile time, each of us must be willing to cooperate with the grace of Almighty God that we may all work to be one nation, one native sky, one particular endeavor of Country laboring in synergy with other endeavors of Country, within our community (barangay) whole, within our municipal whole, within our provincial whole, within our national whole, within our regional whole, within our continental whole, with the right appreciation and equitable sharing of the material riches of our world which is always adequate for our human populations on behalf of sacred life, animals and plants, of our one planetary whole.
It is the polar opposite of the direction that the whole world is now presently moving, down into the easy, broad gravity of discord, division, dilution and utter dissolution of entire nations and of entire human beings. This is the motion of war in time, the paradigm of the complete and utter annihilation of all sacred life in our one planet through the extinction of the human species. We will call this motion as a descendant motion in exile time.
A universal health care system is a great thing to have most certainly and something that will further bind our people together. However, let us remember that we are at present a poor nation BUT let us also remember that we are NOT a poor people. There are goods in this world that can not be bought by money. Recall in the Acts of the Apostles, the story of Simon the magician trying to buy the gifts of the Holy Spirit from Saint Peter and meditate on that most profound revelation of how real riches - health, wealth and wisdom - owe it's entrance into our lives and into our times. It would behoove us not to dismiss these things as ancient or obsolete for we must be able to transition now from a knowledge-based into a wisdom-based thinking as the third millennium will require that we are able to maintain our human mastery over our rapidly growing body of empirical, global knowledge and the vast technology that is it's pure potential lest it overtake our humanity and make slaves out of us and our children. The first century (and perhaps beyond) of this third millennium most especially is a century of biological conundrums that will test our grasp of God's moral language to the utmost.
If we are to conceive of a universal health care system, let us be sure that it is an agreement first between the people and the state before the terms of contract is raised with the market. It must never be market driven, it must be driven by sacred trust, lest it spin out of control as it is happening in the USA right now (per a "60 Minute" report).
I hope to have added to the national debate. Let us start to think for ourselves, my honored Filipino compatriots.
Thank you very much.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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