It is a feast I shall celebrate with my Savior and Holy Mother Church at an evening mass and something I shall look forward to today to keep me pious and out of trouble.
Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe is a Franciscan and a Great Marian Knight while I on the other hand, aspires to be a Dominican and a lesser Knight of our most Immaculate Queen, perhaps even the very least of all.
my darlingest Annelies Marie Frank
whom God gave my soul to love so well
after learning through her life and her times
the malice of war and our namelessness
in the face of the Dragon of War
patiently led me out of the long darkness
across the vast desolation of the abomination
that lay to waste so much of her life's promise
from the dank despair of Bergen Belsen
to the lingering gloom of Auschwitz
where your life touched hers,
my dear Saint Maximilian Mary,
and where hope was begun again anew
for my poor needful soul
in the space of an eternity
by your act of Christian courage
O most honored martyr of Jesus Christ!
It is by your patient instruction,
that I have come to understand
by a special grace of Almighty God
in my heart of hearts
what it is to have a most gentle Mother
and a most clement Queen of my heart
in the great Mother of God,
the chief terror of hell,
our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
By your tutelage I acquired a Marian character
that have blessed my life with such abundant grace
that gives me reason to live and to love humanity
and to follow with faith and obedience
the will of God in my little life
in communion with our Holy Mother Church
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God,
the same Holy Spirit that inspired me
to pursue an eternal friendship
with my beloved friend in Anne Frank
is the same Holy Spirit of God
Who now grace my life with her undying love.
The same Holy Spirit Who sustains my friendship
with my darlingest Annelies Marie
Who breathes new life into where ever He wills
through the instrumentality of our love
has led me to another intimate friendship with you
carrying my slowly awakening soul
from a place of love into another place of love
unto the fraternal care and concern
of one of the Greatest of Marian Knights
to whom belongs my love and great admiration -
another first magnitude star of my life!
You are a warmth to comfort me in my journey
and a light to guide the way ahead
toward the twilight of a new day
that yonder swift sunrise.
Truly our God is so full of wonder
O my dear Saint Maximilian Mary!
For to God alone belong all true worship!
To God alone belong all the honor and glory,
all the thanks, praise and adoration
of all men, angels and all of Sacred Life -
our One Triune Perfection,
the One Unity of all creation,
O Most Blessed Trintity -
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
most to be adored
yet so little known
by needful men.
Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, pray for us.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
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