SOMEONE once told me that to be a bank robber, one had to be brave. I politely disagreed. For I am of a conviction that something such as bravery or valor can only be ascribed to soldiers, policemen and common folk who stubbornly cling to their honest hopes, trusting in God.
Heavenly virtue that come by the grace of God can never be used for evil.
Bank robbers are either misguided by the greater malice of others or are themselves blinded by their own greed, the former is a defect and the latter is a damnable sin.
Common criminals possess not a single shred of virtue but war criminals are not at par with common criminals. For war criminals are adulterers who have completely forsaken their own common humanity to lay in bed with the scandalous will of war.
This is clearly manifest in the eyes of God, the holy angels of God, our suffering humanity, and all of hell itself in the many acts of inhumanity that they willfully do.
I read in a forum once about a person who found it quite difficult to express to anyone his own thoughts about the significance of the Holocaust. The Holocaust claimed the promise of millions of lives of Catholics, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally-disabled, Slavic people, Polish people, British people, German people, honorable soldiers and innocent civilians, most particularly Jews from all sides of the one side of the peace, anybody or anything that did not fit into Hitler's suffocating vision of a hell on earth. It is impossible to deny that such a great loss of human life shall remain insignificant, there are lessons here to be learned about our shared humanity, the importance of peace and the significance of our every endeavor of Country. We ignore this at our own peril.
The Shoah or the Holocaust is a manifestation of the will of man freely cooperating with the will of war. Man and his brokenness on our own can never conceive of something like the Holocaust. Like an image straight from hell, the Shoah is something that the will of man has to allow before it can emerge into our exile reality, an evil of which we have no native capacity to conceive, neither in our body nor in our souls. It is an evil of a higher magnitude that has to be permitted entrance into our poor world.
Another of Satan's great deceptions is the de-sensitization of the human soul as to the reality of war. For almost all of the time that mankind can recall, whether by written or oral history of our nations, we have considered war to be an ordinary aspect of human society, as if war was native to this poor world.
War is a dominion of a principality from hell, an arch-demon with pride second only to Satan himself. If sin is the bane of every individual soul of our one race of suffering humanity , war is the bane of every individual nation of our one family of the nations of mankind. War's ambition is the denial of Country, the absolute annihilation of every nation-state in this world. For it is only through Country that mankind is able to obey the divine command of stewardship, the denial of Country leaves not only humankind - nameless men, women and children, exposed to the devouring maw of the beast of war but this also leaves all of lower creation vulnerable to the foul manipulations of the Devil himself. War is not an ordinary aspect of human society neither is war a native of our common creation. War was not a creation of our one common Creator but a creation of the evil brought about by the one lie that destroyed our original patrimony with our God, the lie at the core of all sinful things, the lie that pretends to be a god in place of our one, true God.
I have a personal experience of the Shoah through my darlingest Annelies Marie in particular and in general through her sister Margot, her mother Edith and her father Otto, each of whom is also beloved to my heart, as well as all the people in the Secret Annex, including our brave Miep Gies and all of those who supported their hopes to live and all the common people who hoped to lived during one of the darkest times in our history. Those unique and unrepeatable lives whose irreplaceable promise has already been taken away from us - making our poor world even more poorer - AND from among our own midst. How disgraceful this is and what an offense to our LORD Who from eternity is and always is a God of life. But our LORD does not permit evil things to happen without bringing out a greater good that He desires to give to our world.
Those who were taken away from us - not only the Jews, mind you - I mean, all of our sacred dead both civilian and honorable military, they do live on, for our God is an infinitely beneficent LORD, if only we hearken to their hopes for peace and for sacred life.
So what do I tell people if ever they ask me about my darlingest Annelies Marie and her life and times during the Shoah; I tell them to remember always the real value of each and every human life, of the true value of Country whose sheltering wings of peace must be made to become strong enough to carry them, all of us - and all the generations of life - through the vast darkness of the desolation of war and into the golden shores of God's brilliant forever.
I only talk about war and sin as a counterpoint and not with relish but with a real sense of disgust. The only thing I am wont to extol are acts of virtue made by men who are just and honorable. For I know that I am only made to love those things that our LORD has originally created for me to love as Him, my true self and others in Him and everything else in all of creation is an instrument towards this one last end.
To sum, the Shoah is an image straight from hell. Therefore, the proper formation of our youth is vital in this regard.
The opening of a child's powers to reason is primarily an education in morality for through this a child learns through the shaping of his or her reason the vital ability to distinguish between right and wrong. This moral learning also forms the right kind of conscience.
The child's natural curiosity from which the scientific method is built upon does not wax virtuous without morality, in fact, it will soon deteriorate into a vice. Just as knowledge is not wisdom, science teaches us to choose but morality teaches us what to choose.
Now, the activities of science imbued with morality, for our intents and purposes is called "pure science" and this being the enabling synthesis of both reason and faith.
Upon pure science is built the spiritual formation that prepares the youth to successfully become clothed in the virtues of our holy Christian religion - or any honorable religion of the world - for in reality - in the paradigm of the peace - there are common values that hold true for all of these for none of them, not even our own Christian religion may survive the relentless erosion of exile time without a solid, bedrock foundation of the revealed truth of a particular sacred reality. And there can only be one absolute reality that is sacred and we call that reality as our one, true God.
---<--@ For Rutka Laskier and the undying hopes of 1.5 million children who are each nameless no more in God, be at peace.
Qui Tacet Consentire - Who is Silent Gives Consent.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
Dear Maximillian,
I see you make a point of including "Catholic priests" along with the other victims of the Holocaust. Other than the Polish priests who were targeted simply because they were part of the Polish intelligentia which Hitler wanted wiped out, relatively few priests suffered for opposing Nazi atrocities against the Jews. In fact, the Nazi leadership was full of Roman Catholics who were never censured by their church, people like
The largely Roman Catholic leadership of the Nazi regime:
Many of the most vicious architects of the Nazi Holocaust were Roman Catholics i. e. Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Josef Goebbels, Reinhard Heydrich, Rudolf Hoess, Julius Streicher, Fritz Thyssen, Klaus Barbie, and Franz Von Papen. None of the Catholics above or below was ever publicly excommunicated by "Holy Mother the Church",
1. R. C. Engelbert Dollfuss was head of the Nazi state of Austria.
2. R. C. Leon Degrelle was head of the Nazi state of Belgium.
3. R. C. Emil Hacha was head of the Nazi state of Bohemia-Moravia.
4. R. C. Ante Pavelic was head of the Nazi state of Croatia.
5. R. C. Adolf Hitler was head of the Nazi state of Germany.
6. R. C. Miklos Horthy was head of the Nazi state of Hungary.
7. R. C. Konrad Henlein was head of the Nazi state of Sudetenland.
8. R. C. Pierre Laval was head of the Nazi state of Vichy-France.
9. R. C. Henry Petain was head of the Nazi state of Vichy-France.
10. R. C. priest, Fr. Augustin Voloshin was head of the Nazi state of Ruthenia.
11. R. C. priest, Fr. Josef Tiso was head of the Nazi state of Slovakia.
12. R. C. priest, Fr. Andrei Hlinka was head of the Nazi state of Slovakia.
13. R. C. priest, Fr. Anton Koroshec was head of the Nazi state of Yugoslavia.
As a former R.C. priest and seminary professor, I know the Church well and have studied its role in the Holocaust with dismay. I am publishing my continuing findings at JesusWouldBeFurious.Org/RCscandal .
Dear liberator_rev,
Thank you so much for letting me know of this. I will certainly research and meditate on it.
However, please bear into mind as manifest in the theme of my blog that I do not speak for evil things and evil people.
If there were only five Roman Catholics, priests or laity that were persecuted by the Nazis for being true to their beliefs as I must be true with mine then I shall like our Father Abraham speak for these people.
I most certainly do not speak for Adolf and his gaggle of goons who after their relentless pursuit of war's own ambition declared a death sentence for all of Germany as a whole without realizing what it is they were trying to kill, a mother to her people.
If there was only one Roman Catholic, a certain Saint Maximilian Kolbe, that was persecuted for his holiness, then I shall still speak for my patron.
I hate the Nazis on a blood and guts level but nothing in this world can ever turn me away from my love for Mother Church and for Jesus Christ, my All.
I will never let the evil other people do as these evil Roman Catholics did turn me away from the labor of love that God has commanded me to do in this world.
Evil, sir, is not my excuse for good action, only good.
Peace and good will to you and your loved ones.
Always to always,
Maximilian Mary
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