I have long since been aware of this graphic and have chosen to pay it no heed until very recently when I have noticed it's popular spread among the virtual population in cyberspace.
As my darlingest Annelies Marie Frank and her own very personal trust belong to those things relevant to the message in my heart and the particular charism to which all of this pertains and so by extension belongs to the apostolate by which the grace of God is trying to raise at this present time through those hearts kindred to the truths that we are made privy to, I feel compelled to make an attempt to clarify for us, this unfortunate misunderstanding.
The whole world knows Anne Frank as a symbol of one of the darkest moments in human history. All the world may one day come to deny the fact that millions upon millions of lives were consumed by war and war's ambition most especially during the abominable reign of Hitler and his Nazis but most significantly also in many other places in time and dimensional space, past, present (Iraq, Bosnia, Darfur, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Israel, Zimbabwe, my own beloved Philippines, the list goes on and on) and if we are forgetful, my precious friends, or if we make ourselves forget, God-forbid, in our near future as well.
For there is no slowing war's momentum and the murder of our holy innocents - of those dear lives cut short and their near infinite promises taken right from among our midst from every side of the one indivisible peace - until our poor mankind has learned to acknowledge common truths that lead to common values intrinsic to our shared humanity.
We already know these values, it's just that there are too many of us, blinded by evil's own hatred of itself, who just choose to relentlessly ignore what truth is staring us in the face. For evil hates it's own self and since the darkness comprehends not itself, evil things sees evil in all things, whether they are in reality good or evil - this blindness embodies the very rage that Satan and his reprobate angels and men have and harbor with particular delight in their hearts, so full of ill will for God and God's creation.
I was looking at old photographs at my grandmother's place and was happy to find a few surviving photos of me when I was younger and I thought about how one day soon, these photographs shall, if ever any human eyes shall ever fall upon them, be as anonymous as those old photos that we are all used to seeing in historical documentaries and very old albums of times and faces long passed away; an anecdote of how forgetful humanity can be - but heaven, God, never forgets and is ever vigilant.
If we fast forward this earth a few centuries, we're not even scientifically sure if our one race of humanity will still be physically present upon this tiny blue world of ours for in the final accounting of all things, it is the memory of heaven and not the memory of this world that shall prevail and heaven never forgets; our LORD and his hosts never sleeps, never blinks and are always watchful, able to see through time and flesh, into the very immortal soul of every human being that was, is and ever will be.
Having said all of this, are we not fortunate, as one humanity, to have a loving and doting father like Otto Frank make a pictorial record of his beloved family's lives together? Shouldn't we take note and be appreciative of the legacy than my - our darlingest Annelies Marie Frank has left for us to live for and not to exploit or sensationalize for evil's gain and in the process corrupt the vital meaning that serve life's purpose embedded in the hope that Anne Frank and all the victims of the Holocaust have left for those of us who understand the language of this hope that add to the strength and momentum of our own present and living hope in order to help bear us up against the evil of these days?
The hopes of all men and women who have with honor gone before us, and it matters not what side, are like dams that hold back an onslaught of great and abominable evils which if we do not understand, shall instead of adding to our strength, shall add to our woe. For evil is relentless and if we do not shore up the hopes of the past with the hopes of the present, our collective will shall never benefit from the very strength that make those fighting words, "lest we forget", meaningful, victorious and true and not empty, defeated and void of any promise.
The Palestinian aspiration as well has it's merits and though many of us shall never approve of some of the methods that is applied towards this end, the truth that lives within the heart of their struggle must also not be eclipsed by the same rage that the Devil wants to implant into the hearts of those of us who believe in the one indivisible peace, for Satan aims to divide our hearts not to open up a new way, as when our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ meant when He said that He brings not peace but a sword, but to block all exits that lead our souls out of the darkness of sin and war and into the light of God and God's one indivisible peace.
There is nothing wrong with the keffiyeh, it is a symbol of Arab honor that is used not just by Arabs but have been adapted for use by some western military units as well e.g. the SASR, some British and US Army units, etc. We will NOT associate this time-honored, desert truth with the one lie that causes a few people, either willfully consumed by war's ambition or ignorant of the one light of God's peace, to wage a relentless war against the life of our shared humanity and the nations that shelter these, our generations, and so by extension, wage war also against all of the sacred life of our one Almighty Creator's lower creation; those who want to leave to our children a desolation and call it "peace".
Again, we must be able to operate from the viewpoint of what is good and noble in mankind and act out of a will of love in all that is worth preserving in ourselves in God - in the beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself - and not draw our impetus for noble and virtuous action from the evil that have begun to grow upon the fertile ground of the Garden, the Eden within our souls; the one surviving place where God may still in the cool of every quiet afternoon walk with each and every one of us who believes in Him in prayer and in truth. For we all know what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has done in faded Eden and can still do to us should we choose to willfully violate the universal covenant of the image and likeness of God in our souls and like Satan and his demons attempt to be like God and refuse to serve the sacred life of God's creation.
But to combine the image of Anne Frank and the desert keffiyeh is abominable for it dishonors the purity of both truths. Anne Frank and her legacy is a one whole truth and needs no other validation or denial to make it more true or less true than what it is in absolute reality and this also holds true for the Arab keffiyeh which is absolute in the reality of what truth it stands for and does not need to be supported by another whole truth to become any more or less meaningful than what it is in the hearts of those who cherish it with their own lives' width and breadth.
Only war and war's ambition benefits from lies and half-truths that in order for any of it to become apparently meaningful to the souls of mankind require the corruption and the division of other whole truths, spreading discord among the communities of mankind and darkness upon our souls; our souls who are each fiercely thirsting for the one light which universally indicate to our hearts of faith the quiet and enduring presence of our LORD and our LORD's all-victorious hosts.
As for that ridiculous caricature of my darlingest, so innocent and pure in heart, in bed with Hitler, my honorable companions, I rest my case.
For love of my darlingest and out of respect to her true self, I won't even give that piece of absurdity any air time on my blog.
Lest We Forget. Lest We Forget.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
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