This circle represents first of all, wholeness - an absolute commitment to the light of God's peace.
Secondly, it represents an unbreakable continuity, life into life, virtue into virtue, truth into truth, strength into strength and all things that exist in eternity that cleaves into the ascendant unity of our one, infinite and most beneficent LORD.
Thirdly, it represents a harmony of humanity and universality of human values that are present among the Abrahamic sibling hood, who are all kindred by faith in the one unseen and ascendant Truth upon Whom all other truths draw their illuminating order.
Within the circle, with it's points touching the boundaries of the circle, is an eight-pointed star that represents the one Way of virtue which is the convergent path of all three Abrahamic faiths as honorable companions on the Way. For there is but one way to be patient, one way to be kind, one way to be merciful, one way to express and to share our hope, one way to universally cling to faith in greater truths unseen, one way to be grateful, one way to observe the one peace, one way to be compassionate, one way to achieve right action, one way to be free and to set free, one way to ascend from good to greater good, truth unto greater truth, cleaving unto the unity of our one LORD and not a hundred thousand ways that lead to a hundred thousand false idols.
Now, the two squares that make up the star represents the four cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice and the other square being the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love with the fourth point being the one, indivisible peace.
At the center of the Abrahamic star is either the Star of David, the Cross of Christ or the Star and Crescent as their respective religions within the one promise to bless the communities of mankind.
Each star is a unique individual of good will who strives in his or her heart, despite weaknesses and imperfections, to live to be one as God is one.
Furthermore, according to my own understanding which is only personal save for the Holy Cross of Christ which is universal and official in my own Christian faith:
The six-sided Star of David with it's two triangles, one pointing up and the other pointing down, symbolize the unity of heaven and earth. This symbol is a symbol of sacred order present between life, patient and perennial, and all of the habitations of life, seen and unseen, and human life most especially which bears by it's nature with God the liberating salvation of all of the nations of mankind and the restoration into the unfading golden light of eternal glory of the all of the visible universe which is the habitation of man. The hope which Judaism safeguards is the Law and Law which safeguards the sanctity of the relations between men and the habitations of men; the community of the Israel of old. It is Love that gave to mankind through the Jewish people the Law and it is from the Law that Peace draws it's own birth and it is from Peace that Love proceeds forth, being the grace of God which is light of all Life, into the darkness of our world so that soul of humanity may be renewed, the hopes of the nations of mankind sanctified and the nations of mankind restored to the original order of eternal Eden, away from the midnight darkness of war's one whole paradigm lie. Blue is the color of the eternal Daystar sky; the perennial nature of all human hope.
The Cross of Christ represents, the unity of faith and hope in Love; faith being the vertical beam, hope being the horizontal beam and love being the Person of Christ Himself. The Peace of Christianity is the Person of Christ; the pledge of the victory of all life lived in loving service of all good things for the sake of the one Source of all that is good, holy and true. Red is the color of the Precious Blood of Christ, shed to save and to teach to the hearts of men in faith, the immense value of our hope.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
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