EVERY NATION as a whole
in time and in dimensional space
is vulnerable to one sin
and one sin alone:
The sin of wars' evil ambition.
The one sin that divides
the one Noahide covenant
that established the one family
of the nations of mankind.
For each nation is an altar of life
who lives to unite the hopes of her people
that her peace and her people's peace is one
a one nation in the one LORD,
a one whole upon the one greater wholes
within the one governance
of Divine Providence.
O my beloved children, turn away
and build upon the peace of Country.
Spread thy sheltering wings, my nations
of the one family of the nations of mankind!
See all thy living communities safely across
the vast desolation of War's great abomination.
O MANKIND, my nations,
today is not the same as it was
the world is beginning to speed up once again.
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Do not look to Russia, she is as each of you
an integral part of the one Noahide covenant
that established upon the threshold of faded Eden
the one family of the nations of mankind.
Does not her people hope as we hope?
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Do not look to the honorable ummah of Islam,
for she is as much a holy vessel
in the service of sacred life
as the honorable religions of our world
an imperfect child among imperfect children
and born of the one Abrahamic promise
much misunderstood, yet willing to give much.
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Look into yourselves, O Mankind, repent!
None have been found but many are being sought.
Look into yourselves, o ye nations, repent!
Establish thy ground upon the holy ground of life
and believe again in the sacred hope of thy founding.
For War itself shall test thy limits
but only those nations of good will
who are destined by our LORD to prevail
will be converted to the one peace.
The rest will not withstand War.
For those that continue to sow in war
shall begin to reap the fruits of war.
But those who are of good will shall sow in peace
and those who shall sow in peace shall labor in the land
and those who labor in the land shall reap prosperity
adding to the life of her people, giving length to their days;
a hope that endures unto many generations.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta Marto, Flower of Fatima, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
My precious friend, please be mindful that this entry is NOT about the salvation of individuals but that of entire nations.
I should also like to confide in you that for a long time, wretched as I am, I have been inescapably preoccupied with the thought of that passage from Daniel 12 that says, "a time, times and half a time".
The thought of this passage has constantly been surfacing and resurfacing in the deep of my silence to mean this: That unlike before, we will not be presented with great signs.
We will simply be presented with a choice and the knowledge to understand their very real consequences.
And those who shall choose wisely shall be as the stars i.e. the numberless stars of our Father Abraham.
One thousand is a time, two thousand is twice a time and half a time means that by this present time, after 2000 years, it must now be clear to those stars, elect from eternity, who are asleep within shadow which half of lukewarm gray is the one whole lie and which half is the one whole truth, which half is the darkness and which half is the light, which is war and which is peace.
And here at the void at the threshold of the third Christian millennium, we are now being asked to make this absolute choice, to be quickened by the truth, and awaken from our sleep, the great Abrahamic promise.
Let us pray for each other, Beloved of God and for the whole of suffering humanity.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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