THE HUMAN ENDEAVOR of Country which is the labor of all our generations to perfect in exile time the synthesis between nation and state is never complete without an adequate military. For just as our native Home in heaven was by the power of Almighty God, defended by Saint Michael and his holy angels, Country and the military owe their existence to each other.
Sequence #08 of the Pax Pilipinas Series
UNIT-WORK is the foundation of the warfighting spirit of the military of the peace that allow our forces (most especially our special forces) to dash into harm's way while also retaining a unitive presence of mind enough to affirm their own sense of honor and affinity for human life, especially the lives of our own soldiers. Thus do we foster a cohesion in our units binding enough for the whole of the military to be able to shut the iron gates of Country against war, leaving no one behind on both sides of the one side of our one indivisible peace.
One would never have had to coin a fancy term that is essentially teamwork in substance but at the present time, teamwork have become so synonymous with naked opposition it has made itself incompatible to our intents and purposes.
The will of the military seeks to impose the will of the mission of the military over the enemy will. But the will of the soldier is not the same as the collective military will that is naturally oriented to oppose and prevail over the enemy will.
The will of our soldiers are essentially oriented toward obedience to superiors and the maintenance of sacred honor. In this way, the attitude of our soldiers are at all times protective of themselves and each other as a unit whole while their collective actions through duty and obedience project the required force to defeat the threats against our one peace.
Combat is only an extension of the actions of duty for the will of our soldiers are not combat oriented, it is honor oriented and their actions are actions of duty, acts of obedience, acts of honor and valor. Their acts are not acts of anger, rage or hatred of the enemy but acts of love and appreciation for Country, for their own true selves, for common human life and the sacred honor that maintains their sense of universal belonging to the eternal vigilance of the noble profession of arms. Their honor impart upon their souls a sense of duty to the military whole and to each other who are each honor bound to see to it that all the requirements of mission are achieved and that all of them comes home safely to their family at the conclusion of combat operations. None of them seek glory and exceed their honor which must be humble and never proud lest their arrogance endanger the lives of other soldiers. None of them seek to avoid duty and fall short of their honor which is always sober and brave lest their cowardice endanger the military mission.
Effective unit-work also help to preserve the purity of our arms which is vital in the theater as well as the strategic sense of the military of the peace as a whole.
It is infinitely better to keep one's honor intact, to resist the evil of war, than to go along with it's fundamental spirit of opposition which opens the way for our military, charged with the defense of peace and therefore of the maintenance of the strength of Country, to the creeping corruption that plague the ranks of those who have no care or concern about the very thing they are marching to preserve - human life.
Those who serve and defend human life know that even if one were to break in battle and it so happens that many times one often does who does not have the constitution of the elite kind, one will always retain a shred of humanity within one's self to be able to recuperate from the stress and the trauma of combat that seem to debilitate those who march for war only for war's own sake. The military of Country must never forget, in the confusion of this midnight world of endless battle, that it is peace and peace's ambitions for the life of our common humanity that every soldier is wont to universally defend who belong to the honorable ranks of the noble profession of arms rather than war and war's designs for the absolute annihilation of mankind and the sacred life of our world.
Soldiers in foxholes amidst the rigors of battle do not want to win, they just want to do their duty, preserve their own lives as well as those of their fellow soldiers, keep their honor intact and then go home. Mankind is not made for war, but Almighty God gave us certain virtues that allow us by the power of His grace to defend ourselves and our loved ones here in this world of endless battle. In eternity where we were to be favored by God to be with Him, we can more effectively help in the fight against our common foes with the LORD and his holy hosts. For if we were gifted to enjoy a special bond for each other here, I can not conceive that the virtues that sustain our life long friendships would disappear in heaven, the Home of all virtues. If we are able to be friends here on earth and look after the good of each other, I do not see any reason for this mutual care and concern for each other to disappear in heaven, it would just continue on until all that is evil have been utterly vanquished by God.
The military will is born out of sacred duty and this duty is fulfilled by obedience, an obedience shaped, encouraged, reinforced and overseen by military discipline. But this military discipline then is complete only where the soldier's sense of sacred honor is also complete. This sense of sacred honor and it's loyalties, in terms of our own military of the peace, is not congruent to the military will per se for it is not the kind that seeks to hate and oppose, it is the kind that seeks to serve and defend. It is the kind of honor that serve to preserve our soldier's purity of arms, the humanity of his or her being and the sanity of his or her mind from the utter brutality and the naked inhumanity that is prevalent in the battlefield as it has always been since Cain killed his brother Abel.
For our intents and purposes, the unit does not absorb the individual will of the soldiery nor the military will impose itself among the rank and file of our forces. For even water, though clear, respects the sovereignty of it's constituent elements without losing it's ability to flow. Where the military become one gravitational singularity of will that draw into itself all the weight and mass of the substance that give meaningfulness to it's individual parts, without prior thought or lasting concern to their own existence, then this gravity will suck the life of it's marrow from within and sap the strength from it's bones. Far from ending conflict, a military that is as such sows the seeds of future conflict in it's wake whether from without as in the battlefields of our inhabited earth or from within in the worlds within those infinite worlds within. It sounds like war all over again in the human heart and therefore, in our own times as well.
Unit-work is synonymous with sportsmanship, it's just a matter of correct application in war and in sports respectively. Teamwork is unit-work, if it can recall itself back to the original meaning of itself.
---<--@ For the nameless Filipino soldier, let us accord you the right honor and live for our Country's life in peace with each other, striving to better our nation through hope in your eternal remembrance.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Joaquina Maria Pages, Sevant of God, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Please refer to entry: The Last Fading Away
Solider is a term that I use because of my personal affinity with the Army but which is meant to universally apply to all serving members of the honorable military, past, present and future - in time and in eternity.
Next: Sequence #09: Suffrage with Conscience
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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