CORRUPTION is the great peril of human authority.
It is a calamity of the state that revolves around the question of power.
Power is the direct derivative form of a legitimizing authority. It is an application of the merits of the formal trust invested by the electorate in the capable will of the legitimate governing authority.
The authority to govern in the Republic state is an authority that is directly derived from Almighty God and made initially manifest through the process that empowers the electoral choice of the common citizenry.
It must be understood to us then that, save for the tyranny of evil, the proper legitimizing authority that provide for and sustain the governance of the state is a direct extension of the will of Divine Providence that allow the participation of human governance within the infinitely greater framework of the Divine governance of all of creation.
Power that is derived from this beneficent authority is benign by nature and very much capable to the extent that it is potently wielded for the good of the people.
There is an old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. However, in the context of the Republic state, it is more accurate for us to say that power once held corrupts and power once absolutely held corrupts absolutely.
Power in the Republic context is never meant to be held by those who are within the direct flow of it's symbolic offices of state embedded within the hierarchical structures of Country, it is meant to be transmitted by those to whom are entrusted the sacred authority to govern the people so that they may serve their peers by empowering the people unto the lowest of the low. For power in a Republic is meant to empower the people.
To stifle the flow of this enabling authority is a form of tyranny and this tyranny of peers within a citizen-state is manifest as a plague of common corruption. Furthermore, this plague is not caused by magnitudes of sacred authority vested in the offices of state that the corrupt only imagine to possess but is actually driven by real degrees of corruption that the corrupt have allowed to fester in their hearts.
It is therefore, never legal authority that is the cause of fear among the weak and the defenseless where this tyranny is concerned, it is the actual evil that is at work in the hearts of every conspiring individual who have forgotten the merits by which he or she is called into service.
Corruption is as a cancer in the soul of a person. Therefore, it must be understood also that this is illness is not joined to the human being. Evil is foreign to the soul of a person unless that person absolutely allows evil to absolutely cross the threshold of his or her will which is the door of the heart.
Again it must be counseled that our sense of Justice as virtue is an aid to humanity and is meant as a remedy against evil and as a help for the good and never to be used as a form of vengeance that empower sin in the hearts of the people and deny our Almighty God His righteousness.
For we are each counseled to condemn the sin but to love the sinner and to judge no unjust men with the judgments no just men can make in the face of our God.
Prosper the peace! Prosper the people!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago
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