In this meditation we shall delve into the reality of the necessitate Suffering Church of the Timeless Holy Souls.
And we shall begin our meditation on the one Christian love.
All Christians are given the gift of understanding - and living - the love of God in Jesus Christ. The central mystery of the Christian faith revealed to our Apostolic Fathers from the time of Saint Peter by our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, Himself is the interior nature of God as manifest in the revelation of the one triune Perfection, the Most Holy Trinity. Without this revelation, Christian love will not have acquired the unsurpassed depth and the most profound dimension necessary for us to even remotely understand the irresistible gift of the mystery of the Incarnation let alone respond to the universal call of our Savior.
I shall build from this one Love the intensity of the pain that the Holy Souls endure in their timeless state which is not measured in days or eons but in a timeless state expressed in ever increasing magnitudes that as in a rising of a song, a song of unrequited love rises sharply into a thunderous crescendo that in the silence of the void (* see below) nearly annihilates the lover in the song because of his or her deepest, most extreme desperation until the love that thirsts so fiercely is met by the everliving waters of the Love that it longs for.
All of this is accomplished in a space of an instant that we could not comprehend who lives in exile time for this instant could be measured by seconds, minutes, days, years, or eons and these spans of exile time are all equally equivalent to that one timeless instant that describe the state of the Holy Souls in the necessitate Suffering Church. It is the peak of the magnitude of the burning desire of the Holy Souls to be met by God in the void outside of exile time yet outside of eternity that is descriptive of how fiercely intense the burning thirst must be of the Holy Soul to drink from the new wine of our LORD that he or she already knows FOR CERTAIN is awaiting only for his or her heart song to arrive into the unity of the eternal feast sung by the one music that praises our God forever in the golden realms of eternity.
This final hope of the Holy Souls, my precious companion, to drink from the cup of God that overrun with life is left here on our inhabited earth. For the locus of the hope of the Suffering Church does not rest in the Holy Souls but is entrusted to the Militant Church on earth for hope belongs to and pertains to the Militant Church alone and is a virtue that can never leave the dark precincts of our reality.
Now, the hope of the damned of hell dries up and then rises into God to become part of the holy tears shed from heaven to create the actual realities that advance the will of God in all creation which explicitly include the cause of our suffering humanity upon this inhabited earth.
But the hope of the Suffering Church still exists for those whose love is mature enough in Christ to be able to apprehend it - HERE and NOW - being entrusted to the Militant Church.
With each prayer we offer, my precious friend, with each cross we willingly and joyfully endure, individually, as a community or as a Church, for the sake of the Holy Souls, we add to the rising of their heart song, until the excruciating peak of their sweet, sweet longing is reached and the timeless vision of God beheld as their souls arrive into the golden precincts of the infinite realms of the exquisite heaven of our LORD's eternity.
What we measure in length of time in terms of the relationship between the Militant and the Suffering Church is actually the peak of the intensity of this bittersweet desire, a pain of love, that eventually perfects the vision of God in the hearts of the Holy Souls by their realization of what unity in and of love was lacking in their holy communion with God and with the Saints of God in heaven while they were with the Militant Church of God on earth, in effect, their release means that we must accomplish for them what hope they should have accomplished for and with us here through, with and in God and the intercession of the Triumphant Church, the holy Saints and Angels of our LORD. Thus, we as the Militant Church here on this inhabited earth are tasked here and now with completing their work of love on earth which is the hope entrusted to them by our Lord and Blessed Savior in heaven.
Isn't our one Holy Mother Church beautiful, my precious friend?
A lot of people fail to appreciate her because, like me, having been born into my Catholic faith, we never gave her a chance to grow in our souls to create through reason's wondrous understanding and faith's miraculous illumination, that glorious Kingdom of our LORD, the great capital city of the universe within our hearts, the quicksilver realm of our Savior, jealously guarded by the Holy Spirit of our LORD and our LORD's hosts, most especially our own guardian angels and those Saints assigned to serve and defend with us, our absolute good in, with and through God. Yet for all the wonders of those infinite worlds within, this immortal realm is ruled by a regent as imperfect and as unworthy as the sinner in ourselves.
But then again, my beloved Christian, this IS the song of our human hope; it is the heart song of every human soul. For it is the perfection of those worlds within that shall ultimately bring peace and liberation to our times and in God's own time, create for us the golden and holy habitation of our happiness forever in the glorious reality of the infinite eternity of our LORD.
So with this meditation, I hope to have added to your understanding, God-willing, my dear Christian, of the necessitate Suffering Church of the Timeless Holy Souls and our most intimate relationship with our Sacred Dead, each of whom we must by Christian charity assert to have passed into the void (and not into hellfire) and as such are helpless without the protection of our holy hope as our hope becomes their hope and their hopes become ours, both their hopes for a better world as well as their final hopes to attain to the one Beautiful, to the exquisite felicity of the vision of God in heaven. We do to the Suffering Church what the Triumphant Church does to the Militant Church, and once the Holy Souls attain to God in heaven, becoming the new Saints of the unseen Triumphant Church in their own right, they shall do for us, what we did for them in an ascendant and efficient economy of hope, in missions animated and directed by the one Love of our LORD in ourselves through faith in God and communion with each other.
All until the one Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the hope of all in All, is completely realized in His Bride, our Holy Mother Church and the one whole Communion of the Saints of our LORD finally exist in everliving, golden perfection forever.
To sum, my dear friend, purgatory exists primarily because we are creatures gifted by our LORD with the virtue of hope. We are gifted with this hope because we are imperfect children who by first principles are all victims of the one lie that turned our immortal heritage into dust and ashes. This hope is realized in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. Hope exists because our one LORD is a merciful Savior, able and mighty in His power to deliver from evil. Hope is that sacred space in the silence within ourselves where God's mercy acts to save from despair the truth that lives in our hearts; the image and likeness of God in ourselves upon which is founded the realization in charity of true self and from true self, the reflection of what is truly of good worth in each other in the beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself.
*The void is the timeless abode of the angels - it is a natural part of the unseen creation which is different from the golden realms of the supernatural heaven of our LORD in eternity. The demons of Satan, Satan himself, as well as the Holy Angels of our LORD, for reasons and causes proper to them, frequent this unseen realm between exile time and the eternity of our LORD. To the extent that our souls are unshielded and unaided by the sanctifying and/or actual grace of our LORD, we also to some extent exist in the void in time and immediately after death until we either reign with our LORD in heaven or die eternally in the crush of hellfire with Satan and his fallen legions of reprobate angels and men.
The void is vulnerable where eternity is invulnerable, vincible where eternity is invincible and imperfect where eternity is perfect, it offers no protection whatsoever from the assaults of the enemies of our souls. It is here where we are tempted, here where our contemplations in the faith are met with the Light of God's Truth, here where we endure our love's longing in the silence for God, alone with the Alone, pining always to be intimate with the Intimate. It is because of this unseen reality that we our told by our Blessed Lord to watch and pray always. From our souls' activities in the void come the realities of this world, a reality that we all share in common with each other, my dear Christian.
The heavens that our Blessed Lord said shall pass away with the earth is the void of the angels. It is the natural habitation of the whole chorus of the stars of God which stood before the trial that brought down one third of their number. The void, like the stars themselves, shall be restored into the liberty of God's eternal presence along with the habitation of poor mankind, our visible universe as the promised Kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world for those elect of God in eternity.
Salient Points on the Spirituality of the Soul:
A soul is not an anthropomorphic entity, it is a spiritual principle; an everliving, rational, self-cognizant, awareness of itself that exists to bring the life of God's creation into the corporeal body of a person in order to make completely human and alive the being known as man.
It would benefit us not to regard the soul in the vision of our hearts in terms of corporeal realities such as gender, physical disparities and temporal limitations all of which become unrealistic when applied to the unseen state.
Any similitude that we shall use to describe the spiritual are not to be taken as anywhere descriptive of their concrete appearance but rather, is indicative of an unseen reality which are made up of systems of motions, cycles and forces created from supernatural realities that drive the spiritual climate at the heart of every man walking within the Heart of our LORD.
A soul in the necessitate state of the Suffering Church is aware of our love, the object of our love, the intensity or weakness of our love and our loves' orientation with regards to God alone. Thus, the clearer we manifest the one love required of us for God alone, the clearer the vision of us in God becomes present in the awareness of the Holy Souls.
For God is not absent in the void, the void - just like our inhabited earth is just unconscious of our LORD but all things created, seen and unseen, are to God like fishes that at all times meet with Him as the water with or without their knowledge.
The prayers and the sacrifices we offer on behalf of the Holy Souls are known to them, they know who cares and the how much they care and in return pray for those who help them with a voice clearer to God than the clearest, crispest, brightest, summer day on earth.
Our LORD then acts either directly by the power of His grace or indirectly through the instrumentality of both the Triumphant as well as the Militant Church to manifest the gratitude of the Church Suffering to those whom the special grace of friendship with God in the Holy
Souls belongs to and pertains.
It must also be said that no soul undergoes the pain of purgatory for something that the human person has done whilst he or she walked this world with us in exile time, it is always something that the person HAS NOT done that require the purification of their hope that lead to the perfection of their love.
In contrast, the damned of hell always damn themselves in spite of our LORD's most abundant grace in their lives by something that they have willfully chosen to do.
Nobody ever goes to hell for something they have not done, it is always for something that they have done.
Likewise, no one undergoes the pain of purgatory for something they have done, it is always for something they have not done.
Therefore, where one has learned to faithfully live in the Spirit of Christ, the Decalogue of our LORD, if one wishes to be perfect, one must then allow one's self to become the reflection of the Beatitudes in order to hope to avoid, God-willing, the pain of purgatory.
The pain of hellfire, Beloved of God, is a very, very different pain from the pain of purgatory and is something we shall reserve for another meditation.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
BELOVED OF GOD, I wrote this specifically for All Saints and All Souls which after Easter and Christmas are the two most significantly relevant holy remembrances celebrated by the one Solidarity.
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