THE ONE COMMONWEAL is the responsible stewardship of the common market by both the nation and the state; proper to the realities that contain their own mutual distinctions in time and dimensional space.
The commonweal is the common good the exercise of which forms the basis that continually inform the soul of the nation as a whole, in time and dimensional space, and therefore, directs the will of the state.
To improve on the commonweal means to consistently build and constantly improve through our own particular endeavors of Country those systems, institutes and habitations of our humanity that contribute to the overall discipline, peace, understanding and well-being, both material and immaterial, individual and social, corporal and spiritual, that generate real wealth and national prosperity not only for our present time but also for the sake of our posterity; those generations yet to come who rely on us to preserve for them a place in their future today through common exercise of responsible stewardship of the commonweal of Country.
The commonweal of Country is the shared sense of good that lead to a shared sense of hope that leads to a shared sense of belonging that leads a shared sense of destiny. To improve on and advance the commonweal is the foundation truth enshrined in every social trust that binds together in God the national hope that drive the will of every endeavor of Country.
For every endeavor of Country is directed towards advancing the commonweal in which both nation and state are joined together in a common market labor of hope with other markets that in time and in turn generates better health, greater wealth and sounder wisdom not as ends by themselves but as means to further attain to the ascent and achieve for the people the greatest good which is the commonwealth trust of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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