THE ENDEAVOR OF COUNTRY, in the context of the one family of the nations of mankind, is the labor of the inhabited earth, required by our LORD from all the generations of the one race of humanity spread across time and dimensional space.
It is the uniquely human endeavor of civilization that in the autumnal twilight dusk of our faded Eden, marked the beginning of exile time, one cycle of the one celestial season of the one soul of humanity, whereupon the hearts of our poor mankind, in generations spread far and wide across the vast and forbidding darkness of the unknown earth, is being continually tasked by our one LORD to preserve and advance the light of civilization in time and across dimensional space.
The endeavor of Country is from eternity a requirement which is universal to all creation, embracing both the seen and unseen realms being absolute in the reality of its scope across time and dimensional space.
The endeavor of Country is a one whole ordered array of truth, regental by nature of the will of Divine Providence, and particular by design of the specific individual realities made manifest in wholes upon ascendant wholes, that from least to greatest, stretch from distant hope to distant hope and find real expression here in our day in the quickening will of our nations to live in common community and establish for this, our inhabited earth, in exile time, the covenant order of the one family of the nations of mankind and prosper the peace.
The cumulative effect of social sins which are the burden of executive neglect, those numerous and diverse crosses of those intrinsic and attendant evils; that being - in the words of Christ Himself - as evil sufficient for the day afflict with much evil, every national community in the now. This burden of executive neglect, in the life of every nation, is an inherited weight of suffering inflicted upon the shoulders of every present generation and is a collective responsibility in exile time of the one whole lineage of the conjugal patrimony that forever and from eternity was set aside to preserve through and persevere with the souls of their particular nations, the peace that prospers the common good of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Now, the authority to govern the common peerage of humanity is divine and shall always be divine and is therefore, an absolute power of good which is a grace, a virtue that can never be truly held by the willful corruption and mischievous guile of the malicious nor realistically contained by the proud lie that make void the freedom of those adulterers who by their own evil, forsook the native hope of their own humanity to lie in bed forever with the beast of war.
Indeed, the one whole expression of the leadership of the peerage of humanity shall, at the Last Day, before the restoration of all things, be held to a strict and severe accounting of their eternal debt for upon their own heads, the life of the people shall be clearly, publicly and completely absolutely accounted for - every single one - by the Justice of God to Whom belongs all of life - down to the very last hairs on our head.
For the accountable credit of life, most especially human life, that is the near infinite substance of every nation, is an eternal loan from the divine Creditor of all sacred life. And this life being Itself shared by our humanity as our near infinite potential is like the talent in the Gospel parable, as a whole, the responsible debt of every one whole executive lineage called by our LORD to govern the common good that maintain the hope of the nations of poor mankind.
Those particular human souls who are called from eternity towards those necessary ends for which the executive vision and regental authority of their hearts were meant to provide must exercise in their common duty to govern, the right and responsible will, in order to enable, empower and advance the endeavor of Country against war and the ambition of war and establish for the one whole of the generations of the people, the present and common good of our nations which are the achievable fruits of the peace required of them in the specific context of their own times and places.
Peace which is the one rule of the Providence of God upon which the souls of our particular nations, being conjugal to the will of its executive custodians, juridical guardians and regental executors, in the final accounting of the one family of the nations of poor mankind, shall forever be judged, publicly and definitively, among the one whole of humanity for or against the one LORD of all and in all.
Peace which is the singular purpose of the one endeavor of Country; peace which is true light of human civilization and its prevailing magnitude; peace which is not the desolation of war but the vibrant and living glory of God fulfilled in the golden unity of both heaven and the inhabited earth; peace which is one and indivisible, and ascendant being courageous in the ascent of the one mountain of our one LORD, turning the souls of our nations eastward, sanctifying the hope of Country toward the dawn, unto the gathering, unto the one whole one.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
PEACE which in our every imperfect dreaming of Country soon become with the awakening of our hope, the perfect dream.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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