TERRORISM IS METHOD, therefore, a terrorist - as the word is employed in common usage - is completely defined by the act of terrorism.
Conventional terrorism, as employed by the military, is a traditional method of psychological warfare employed against the will of the enemy.
It is not a physical means to attain combat superiority or military decisiveness in the field because the unconventional use of terrorism, outside the scope of it's conventional application in psychological warfare not only contravenes the laws of land warfare, it constitutes a war crime and a crime against humanity.
The only way that terrorism can be employed outside it's conventional military scope is as a political weapon wielded against the civilian population of the combatant nation and consequently, the utility of military ordnance as the means towards attaining these entirely
political ends.
This is the reverse of the definition of warfare as political extension into the extraordinary sphere of conflict which instead of the politics being in control of the national strategy that define the end-result places the violence of the conflict itself in control of the outcome resulting in quagmire and painful attrition.
We shall heretofore take our general definition of terrorism as it is used in the common usage from the latter, unconventional application.
Because of the nature of terrorism, the necessary means required to defend against this act and the measures needed to deter and contain it almost always require 1) the right access and utility of our courts of justice, 2) the instrumentality of our national congresses, 3) the universality of the will of our executive leadership to stand against this evil (law enforcement, civil or home defense and military) and 4) the proactive involvement of our national populations as a whole - this means an enabling of choice, this require the empowering of the understanding, and this require that we learn to understand as one, the nature of the enemy - as it exists and not as we wish it to be.
How exactly we define terrorism shall have to unfortunately evolve from how much or how less effective we are able to combine the synergy of these definitive elements of national power.
Terrorism is a scourge against the peace of our national communities.
No matter how ignoble the politics, no matter how repressive the tyranny, no matter the depths of meaninglessness the societal standards of the day have descended into, there is no excuse whatsoever to take the fight into the lives and the homes of our innocents.
Oppression can not be overcome by violence and produce an offspring that represents something other than itself. Peace can only be won by faith and reason. War shall always produce division.
The noble military defends against unreason and hatred not for the sake of the fight but for the sake of political negotiation - to forge from the darkness of war a space for hope. Lest the conflict devolve into a war of annihilation and no noble military in it's right honorable sense shall ever willingly commit to fight a war that is meant to annihilate the very reason for it's commissioning - the life of our shared humanity, the nations of our one family of nations as we exist in time and dimensional space. That would be inhuman, ignoble, atrocious, unholy and incompehensible to the soul of man.
Democracy is on the march but it is not always the image that we would like it to be, given the different states of national maturity that is possessed by our national communities. Because there is only one way that our nations can advance in exile time and that is toward liberation, an ascent into unity - wholes upon wholes, and this explicitly means a motion towards democracy.
The other way is not a choice, it leads to annihilation; the abominable ambition of war that would instead of fostering the lives of our shared humanity and the posterity of our nations leave for our children a desolation and call it "peace".
If we love our nations, if we love our neighbors, if we love our family and friends, we should each employ fidelity - and careful forbearance - in the way that we respond to the particular calls of citizenship that pertains to our own specific endeavors of Country.
There might be minor variations that make for diversity in the way that God and nation calls us to attain to the honor of Country but the values that underpin civic responsibility are always common and forever universal.
What is good for one is good for all. In the same sense, what war does to one, war does to all. For the fruits of Country is edible and good forever for the life of our shared humanity but the labor of each of our nations specifically belong only to each our respective peoples of the one human race so if we don't do it - as pertains to our respective citizenship callings, my honorable companion, if we don't honor our obligations as required by the laws of our state, if we don't act within our own processes in order to improve on Country and better our societies, who shall?
The state that is just - no matter the governmental form, realizes it exists for the people and not for itself because to foster the peace and well-being of the people is to foster the discipline of the state.
This is the peace without. And it musts always begin with the peace within.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
BELOVED OF GOD, turn away from war.
Build upon the one whole peace, the substance of thy life's becoming; pray, fast, give alms, serve all souls without distinction, foster the people, walk the one Way of virtue and aspire to ascend to the summit of the one mountain of our LORD, alone with the Alone, intimate with the Intimate, have hope and learn also to hold to the hope of others in trust and good will, labor to advance for our one humanity the common cause of Country, above all love in God thy neighbor as true self and cling to our one Creator, presevering always, and believing relentlessly that good shall prevail over evil.
In the end, it is patient and faithful service, one to another in God that shall allow us to prevail against war and war's ambition.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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