OUR LORD'S goodness is great and the only judgments that our LORD are judgments that create the unforeseeable paths that open the way for soul of humanity to advance in the knowledge of the one Divine reality and therefore, deepen their understanding of one another through, with and in Him for love of God and of each other by way of the same love.
There is can be no variance to love, there is but one love, because of this, man is made with but one heart. Therefore, we must reserve this love for God alone and God alone must we worship.
In the Gospels, the greatest commandment spoken by our Blessed Lord Himself to love God and secondly to love others are not separate loves distinct from each other for the second love proceeds from the first love without which there can be no substance in the second love, making it meaningless and unbinding, as fickle and ephemeral in the face of spiritual aridity and frustrations of sin and human weaknesses as the rest of the world gripped with so much unbelief in the unseen substance of spiritual realities that gives matter and meaningfulness to all things otherwise empty and without purpose.
One can not love God and reserve another love for man, another one for another man, one for angels and one for the living things of this world for even if we say that we reserve our highest form of love to God alone and love others with a love that is different from the love that is due to God, we only delude ourselves, it is like saying, "I love you LORD but what You infinitely love, my God - as the sacred life of Your creation, virtue, Your holy angels, saints, true self, our humanity and all good things, I will have to place my own personal conditions on them, my God, for these are not as important to me as my love for You": perhaps, indeed, you will agree with me, my honorable companion, that this is by far, one of the highest kind of hypocrisy which pretends to love God but in truth loves without substance all things, including God.
There is no value in split loyalties and in the military, this kind of treachery is punishable by death.
If one has no love for others, if one needs to choose between what love in God is good and what love in God is evil, one really has no claim at all to the love of God for all love proceeds from God Who loves all things, seen and unseen, in all of His creation observing all of it to be good and after the fall of our first parents bidding every generation of mankind to be good as He is good, true as He is true, holy as He is holy, loving and longing for Love as God is Love Itself, longing for us and giving each of us enough to sustain our faith, being Himself the pledge that give sense to the victory of human hope, that in spite of it all, we will prevail.
Everything and everyone that we have been given to love brings joy to our life according to how courageous we are in bringing each of those loves, whether family, friend, angel, saint or remembrances of noble men, closer and closer to God; nearer and nearer to the one Love that desire all love to return Home to Him into an intimate union of the one Love that shall perfect the light of the truths that we have been given to witness in faith so that we may one day possess the life that was promised to all of those who have believed with faith in the hope that was laid down since the foundation of the world, the hope of true and everlasting happiness.
Because mankind lives in the darkness and the emptiness of the air of this world that causes our souls to thirst for life and our hearts to pine for love, have caused so much of our numbers to fall away into many diverse paths that all lead to one lie that destroyed the promise of our faded Eden in an unholy exodus that causes many more souls to doubt their own faith in the one reality that we need as a whole not only to overcome the darkness but to prevail against the lie that gives birth to the sins that allow evil things to enter freely into our world, afflicting our humanity with suffering, our nations with war and our souls with the curse of an everlasting death, we are not accustomed to the Light.
For the Light refines as fire, penetrating the darkness with an exacting sharpness of truth. It is a Presence that at the outset our realization of It's immense reality is quite terrifying to those whom are drawn to the call of the one common covenant shared by God from eternity with all of mankind and this is the covenant of the human soul with it's own nature, the primordial covenant that from eternity bind us to one common beginning and to one last end in God.
Our souls being endowed with the image and likeness of God, without exception, respond to and are ultimately bound by the Eternal law of God written in our hearts, this is the foundation of both our reason and faith that prepare those of us who believe with faith to encounter our LORD in our lives and make covenant with the Giver and the Guarantee of all human hope.
Therefore, one is required to have courage and strength to be able to really love in truth and in Spirit with one love alone. But by the grace of our LORD and our hearts willing cooperation with God's presence in our lives, through commitment and the gradual acceptance of of the ways of our God, this Love, once blinding and terrifying to souls so used to the emptiness of the dark, shall become for us our sight; our faith, our strength; and our hope in our God and in each other in God.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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