Monday, November 10, 2008

The Nature of Stability Forces

STABILITY FORCES are clearly defined by three distinctive operational characteristics:
  1. Clarity of Motive
  2. Decisiveness of Intent
  3. Purity of Arms

, the stability force, operating within the one paradigm of the peace, is meant as a deterrent to war and therefore is deployed to restore stability whether it be on a local, national, regional, continental or planetary scope.

Whatever the scale of the deployment, from one whole to one greater whole, as part and parcel of the greater governance of Divine Providence, the mission and the nature of the stability force is changeless and that is to repair any and all breaches in the continuum of the one, indivisible peace.

Stability forces operate under the aegis of the one family of the nations of mankind as represented by the charter of the United Nations as amended to reflect the original paradigm of the peace.

They operate directly under the banner of the UN or in extraordinary circumstances, if necessary to preserve the greater promise of our one family of humanity - to prevent genocide and to quash or interdict international criminal acts that constitute crimes against humanity or
actions that contravene international law and threaten the established peace of the greater whole, under the battle flag of the one Abrahamic nation (a union of Abrahamic states - Judaic, Christian and Islamic plus any honorable religion likewise willingly aligned to operate under
the common provision to provide common alms under the category of personal security) UNDER the auspices and general directive of the United Nations, never unilaterally or preemptively.

The paradigm of the peace itself once established shall provide an envelop of truth whose leading edge shall prevent any proactive or preemptive strikes against nations whose intentions, if harmful, can be easily detected and isolated by the one family of nations within the fifth battle space "decisive clarity" provided for by the synergy of the truth, truth being is the official tongue of the peace and peace being the one Tao or way of victory.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoartion to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

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