IN ALL THINGS GOOD AND TRUE, most especially with respect to our one family of nations, prosperity is all about the dream but in this world of ours, my honorable companion, we can not live on dreams; we have to be able to live within the dream, that we may in the dreaming be, the awakening of true Country.
REAL WEALTH to be absolutely real must be at all times and in all places unassailable in its reality or else, it is not real.
The problem with wealth and wealth generation, most especially here in our midnight world, is that the definition of wealth and its honorable pursuit is often profaned by things that are the means created to attain to our prosperity.
And as one family of nations, it is critical that we awaken in our hearts - those of us who are made to understand - that each of our particular endeavors of Country are ultimately directed towards attaining to true prosperity.
The one peace of Country prospers the people in a way that is real and tangible, manifest in the improvements made upon the soul of each nation and the lives of those generations who receive from generation to generation the peace that is the lasting heritage of every present labor that attains to prosper the people.
National prosperity is all about happiness. But war and the ambition of war would have it that we should forget this that we may soon devolve - wholesale - towards confusion and become vulnerable to the devouring gravity of the darkness which is itself.
The attainment of base things when it is completely forgot that the instinctive drive that summons every individual human being to the ultimate pursuit of absolute happiness is an impulse that is purely spiritual in nature, divides and detracts from the one wholes which is the established order of the governance of the Divine Providence of our LORD in all creation.
Every human being desire a happiness that is impossible for this desire goes beyond the temporal boundaries that limit the dimensions of this physical world and one would wonder why this desire is impossible to conceive were it native to the corporal vessel that each human soul is given to embody the creative ideal and represent the image and likeness of our LORD in this creation.
Then, one must constantly meditate on the reality that this uniquely human desire for happiness has its seat in the soul of our being.
Were we just mere animals, we would not be able to conceive of such things as are in the Deep, utterly beyond the reaches of those habitations that are proper to our native creation and consequently, proper also to the immovable will of our one LORD and constant Creator.
As human beings, we are gifted with both body and soul that we may be born into this visible creation, that we think and that we act so that the will of the one Creator may be manifest on this inhabited earth as it is in heaven and that all creation may glorify our one LORD with one heart.
But if the sacred capacity of the soul is forgot, the dignity of both our shared humanity and our one Creator forsaken and the pursuit of real prosperity profaned, we shall only be as unsung songs, utterly lost in the din of those endless battles fought in this midnight world, and the divine dream of peace that begot the one history of our salvation shall be constantly unborn to our reality.
Therefore, that we may soon realize, and that the darkness of the past may soon be left behind by those who, with effort and faith, turn away from its devouring and descendant gravity, it must be that we should recognize, in hope and good will, as the one family of the nations of mankind, those things proper to our original places as those nations established by divine covenant to maintain and preserve the one rule of Divine Providence upon this inhabited earth and prosper the peace.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
BUT SEEK FIRST the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.
Matthew 6: 33
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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