DEAR CHRISTIAN, let us consider the journey that we are going to take, this Advent season, what it is and what it is not...
CONSIDER THE SABBATH, Beloved of God: why it is sanctified by our LORD - my dear Christian soul?
It is because TIME itself is a choice instrument of the Divine Providence of God and so the days exist not for God who is eternal but for man.
And all things sanctified by our LORD are thus blessed not so that God may by His omnipotence add to His own exaltation, for that is utterly impossible, Beloved of God, as God can not be more exalted than He already is, can neither tolerate decrease nor accept increase in His Being as Itself being Truth Itself. Our LORD is a peerless God, my dear Christian soul, infinite in His perfection and so to begin to understand our God, one must first submit in faith to the reality that the one Being of God can neither be grasped nor understood by any created thing, seen or unseen, in time or in eternity for the one Name of our Most Holy LORD is an ineffable Name.
We all know our LORD by the Omnipotent Will that reveal to our hearts the presence of His glory, and as good servants, watch closely the Hand that sustains the labor of our existence.
We learn to know the nature of our one LORD through His actions even as He speaks to us in the stillness of our being, to reveal upon the ranks of the choirs closest to the Holy Sanctuary the radiance of the glory of the great Throne whereupon proceeds from the Will of the one Light Inaccessible the quickening breath that sustain everywhere the life of the one whole one.
Consider then, Beloved of God, the immovable Will that have sanctified the Sabbath, and has made the days into a labor of truth and restoration: Where is the new and where is the old, my dear Christian soul? Where lies the difference between life and life?
The only things that time shall ultimately reveal, Beloved of God, is all the things that reality is not - and so, when you shall consider time, you shall also consider the gossamer existence of its veil as well as the enduring purpose behind the reality of its flow that you may know what is nearer to you than you can ever imagine, and in the darkness and aridity of life, have resort to hope in the Deep of your own soul, for those good things that, in thy faith, are yet yonder ahead.
For man dwells in time - in exile - apart from the permanence of the unseen realm that he may remain in his holy remembrance of God and that God may remain in Him that in time he may pass over through the fire to the felicity of the new life which is the reward of his freedom.
Time itself is not an instrument of conflict, nor can the evil that the wicked do find solace and rest in its ephemeral folds, nor can the malice of things committed ever be forgot along the banks of its flow and you shall keep your remembrance of these things holy.
The labor of time is Holy Remembrance and its flow is directed so as to attain to the Will of the LORD of all creation, seen and unseen, the true purpose by which time was begun.
Beloved of God, think not that evil can disappear across into the reality of things hid precisely because evil has found no place in it, it would be utterly offensive to both reason and faith to think that time being sanctified by its Creator to the liberation of poor mankind may ever harbor the evil that its own flow is directed against nor evil withstand the cleansing of the tides of time and the righteous in time.
Therefore, my dear Christian soul, to bury the past, one must understand that the past is neither something to look back at nor something wherein we may leave parts of the present in - no virtue is rooted in the past and so no meaningful action is ever possible to those who dwell upon things beyond the pale of the present moment - here, in the Now.
The remembrance of time is holy that restores to God, the worship and adoration of His creatures.
Repentance and forgiveness in man, mercy and forbearance in God, all draw their objects not in the sinking of the sins of the past but in the arising of buoyant hope that is each moment renewed by the cleansing of the flow of time.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
BELOVED OF GOD, let us take this journey in time, together - anticipating with sweetness, the eastward rising of the one, true bright morning star - the First of our First Magnitudes.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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