A NEW ERA in American politics has dawned.
I've been witnessing the reactions the world over, there is much optimism and good will, and even here in my own Country, I am witnessing from some of my own friends, the same positivity as regards to the results of the 2008 US Elections.
America, you have spoken. The first thing I should like to notice is the way that your powerful democracy has handled the elections - with maturity and grace. Something, I know that my own Filipino nation, with our own particular vision of a secular democracy should merit to gain from by your good example.
While, I am as relentless as any Christian when it comes to issues that define the shape of the morality of our times as the preservation of the original nature of the human family and the integrity of the marriage union which is it's natural foundation, the ways and means by which the defending state secures for her people, the benefits of the common good and the civil peace in relation with allied, non-aligned and dissident nation-states as well as the protection of our respective civilian populations, the person of non-state actors, combatant prisoner rights, the nature of terrorism, the person of the terrorist, the scope, breadth and end-result conditions that define the achievable limits of the war on terror, the vision of the United Nations and the Millennium Goals set up by the collective good will of our nations, immigrant rights, the issues of cloning and other technological applications of the tremendous advances that the biological sciences are sure to aspire to and achieve in this new millennium - all of this and more are in the horizon, and all of them affect the nature of the new age. And I would that this nature be one defined by peace, more than by the conflicts that have, up to now exacted from our nations, fatigued and fearful, a very, high price.
Above all, the issue of abortion which daily weighs heavily on my mind and heart as I imagine the gaps in the line where a promise and a pledge for peace and the advancement of our shared humanity the same as mine should have been standing shoulder to shoulder with the rest of us. I, too, personally feel that I was an inconvenience at conception which is why my parents married quite young.
The scourge of abortion has taken so many of my own generation and the generation after mine that I feel this issue on a personal level. I can never be not committed on the issue of abortion and will do what I can to save the greater promise of other generations from weakening.
Now, I have always believed that both John McCain and Barack Obama represent two ardent desires to defend and advance the cause of the American Republic and though they may have differences as regards to the way to push forward the one ascent, I am deeply convinced that the hope they have in their hearts are one.
Our LORD's way are always infinitely higher than the ways of men and many times, we must believe even when belief seem strange to our hope, love even when love is reduced to the most basic expression of it's purity as a rational choice, barren and unfeeling, to blindly obey for all these are the expressions of a heart of faith and a mind in keeping with the surrender required by our LORD.
In this time of conflict, it is prudent to put difference aside and how shall we rest in our sufficiency, as we must, if we challenge the way God speaks to us through our world and oppose the reality of the choice of the people?
*To trust now in God means to trust in the hope vested by our LORD on President-elect Barack Obama, even if his reluctance to draw the line on abortion and recognize the boundary that distinguishes the beginning of human life and the void constitute a constant quandary to our convictions and the convictions of many other souls dedicated by God to honorable religion.
We must now rest in our sufficiency, trust in God, and unite our hopes with the hope of the present quorum of the American people.
Indeed, a new era has dawned in America. And I am, the same with much of the world, glad - I am glad for the new doors that this twilight of hope shall be able to confront and open.
Lastly, you know that it also pains me very much why during a conversation I had with a friend of mine, the issue of race came up and I was surprised when I said that this issue of President-elect Obama's race was an issue instead of a non-issue which it really should be. I am also a steadfast believer in the unity of the one human race and am profoundly convinced that race-relations stand to greatly benefit under President-elect Obama's leadership - a tremendous good with very far-reaching access into the future of our world.
I told my friend, that with regards to Barack's descent, I believe that it matters now so that it won't matter ever again.
So congratulations, America, congratulations President-elect Barack Obama and Vice-President-elect Joe Biden, let's all - of the free peoples of the poor world - look forward with caution and optimism on the road ahead and dream again those dreams.
And John McCain, you shall always be a winner.
And Sarah Palin, notwithstanding the vicious beating that the press gave her, seems undaunted, I'm really not at all worried about that lioness.
Proposer the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
*NOTE (added 20081112): My precious companion, I just want to clarify what I meant - exactly - when I said to trust now in the hope vested by our LORD on President-elect Barack Obama. Besides the issue of abortion - undoubtedly, a grave issue - which of course, must be kept in the forefront of the fight - I want us to look at all the other achievable goods that our LORD has put within reach through this elections - torture and other basic human rights issues, peace and stability issues, the scope and limit of the war on terror, all of which also has a direct bearing on the central issue of human life and the common dignity of the human person. I just want to reiterate because of the gravity of the sin of abortion that we must exercise caution so that we may not overlook because of our zeal the lesser things made up of lesser hopes all of which add up to better the imperfect state of mankind on our poor world - a fight worthy of any honorable religion.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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