DEMOCRACY, simply put, is the presence of choice. Thus, it implies the presence of the human person as a rational being.
For an individual, democracy is a natural right owed to the dignity of the human person. The universe within ourselves is democratic, however, happy the soul that chooses to freely submit in love and obedience to the one Sovereign of all universes, seen and unseen. For the absolute value of the good of the democratic choice is that it ensures happiness.
Within a social unit such as one that comprises our nations, democracy is a civic duty, and the social virtue that underpins its responsible act is freedom. As a civic duty, democracy requires the rule of law to ensure that the discipline of the state is maintained and that choices that violate both the common good as well as the individual good are prohibited by act of law and its due processes uniformly and diligently enforced by the community police, also the suffrage rights that require the electorate to vote both their willingness to be governed as well as their willingness to ensure the continuity and legal protection enjoyed by those who by their own mandate, the people have duly commissioned to govern them in the state.
A democratic society or nation framed by a state that represents the responsible peace that is necessary to foster both the discipline as well as the well being of the national communities within her sphere of political influence, all share common values not the least of them being freedom, secular inclusivity or pluralistic egalitarianism, rule of law, equality under the law, the protection of human rights and the recognition of the rights of minorities, civic responsibility, the will of common defense, reciprocity of common good will, honorable citizenship and sacred trust.
But the necessary freedom that is required by a democratic society is not a freedom that liberates choice from either moral responsibility or personal accountability; this false freedom is called license and licentiousness is the vice that opposes freedom as a social virtue.
Freedom as a social virtue is akin to hope and does not exist to make choice easy, freedom exists to guarantee that the choice remains from all other choices that lead to happiness and liberation within the heart and mind of the human being that he or she may in turn become for others their comfort and reassurance that the path that leads to the open door of their own hope remains for them, a free choice and a way forward both for the peace of the individual and the responsible peace of the national community through him or her.
A democratic society may never legislate against human dignity, may never suppress the natural rights of individuals, may never inflict the force of law as a tyranny that offends the reason of the people and may never relinquish its faith in the Providential order that ensures
both the common good and the defense of the peace of the nation-state.
It must be understood that as trees require time and nurture to awaken from seed into sprout, shelter and protection to advance from sprout to sapling, space and sunlight, to mature into trees, and finally hope and good will to bear its fruit for others, so does our nations of the one peace require all of these, for one can not as in a mold shape the natural course of those realities that establish upon the truth of our nations those things that both belong to and pertain particularly to the uniqueness of their own endeavor of Country.
However, evil things, too, will not withstand the terrible crash of those same realities meant to foster with Providential benignity what good there is for these things lead away from the center of itself into Almighty God into places where evil no longer may draw existence and institutions of sacred life such as our nations meant to prosper the life of our shared humanity where they are founded in good and true things are not only pruned by their common experiences, they are
fostered by the peace that by their vigilance and sacrifice they continually merit and upon this they build not only their fortunes together but also contribute to the peace and well-being of generations yet to arrive.
But evil things sink into the mire, and at the dissipation of every moment, descend into the gravity of its lie, into the void and when the purpose of every moment in time has been achieved, shall be as no more.
Thus, we have come this far, so far that we must not lose our hope, O one family of the nations of mankind.
A democratic nation that loses its root in the faith that is universal in things unseen which Almighty God credited the patriarch Abraham with as an act of righteousness, loses its hope. And all nations advance across the vast desert wilderness of exile time according to the hope enshrined at her founding; a sacred trust and a labor of Country that is shared in common by her citizenry across the generations in time and dimensional space.
Thus, a nation that loses its hope, loses its dream and a nation that is made bereft of its own light loses its peace and become consumed by the darkness of this midnight world afflicted by war and sin.
For there is only one way forward, eastward to the dawn.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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