"PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."
John 14: 27
OUR MOST LOVING JESUS, owing to the great and profound Christian mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God possesses a human soul and all human souls are capable of the virtue, hope.
And all hope is vested in exile time as a becoming, a sweet and joyful anticipation for all the saints of God as each of their own hopes in God wax gloriously or a growing sense of dread looming upon the souls of the willful and unrepentant as each of their own hopes in God wane
Hope exerts a subtle and quiet presence in every calm moment in the now before each free and human choice is made and this virtue wax or wane in strength according to how much we share and express it, one with another, in good faith and common good will, primarily to our LORD and His unseen Church of the triumphant angels and saints who forever face the face of our LORD in the heaven of God's eternity, secondarily to the unseen necessitate Suffering Church in the void of the angels whose own hopes they have entrusted to those who obey and fear the LORD here on earth and thirdly to our own Militant Church here in exile time specifically as a calling to serve the needful elements of our Lord's poor communities among the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
All human souls are capable of hoping but the soul of our Savior owing to the Hypostatic Union of our Lord to the one Truth of the Godhead possesses a hope that encompasses and embraces all human hope - in fact, the hope of the Savior of mankind IS the fulfillment of all human hope.
Every true hope culminates in the glory of God which is it's natural terminus for the glory of God in all of creation, seen and unseen, IS the culmination of all hope and this fulfillment in Christ culminates the purpose of creation in the beginning as it originally was intended and therefore has the august and able power to bring us all into fruition at the new beginning at the end of all things - at the passing away of the heavens and the inhabited earth.
False hopes, they sink in the mire, carried by the descendant gravity of evil's consequence, they shall collapse with the turning into ashes of all evil things from within to become with Satan and the reprobates, that one singular regret of all of hell entire.
Our Lord while He walked this world with us possessed the vision of God in the entirety of His temporal servitude to mankind, our Lord could see as far into His soul with God or as near as He pleases and so it was not only at the Agony in the Garden that our Savior has had to face the truth about our sins and the one whole entirety it's consequences built up in the righteous wrath of the Father in eternity.
Our most loving, Jesus Christ, knew all of this from the time he was conceived but it was only in Gethsemane that our Savior has had to face it in that hour, when it's time had come.
God by His own nature does not possess hope, our LORD possesses in His most beneficent will the infinite power to deliver and to uphold, to strengthen and to fulfill in the Truth which is His Being. Our LORD is the provider of all human hope and this can now only become clearer to our souls who can now comprehend in Christ what the Father has revealed in the Holy Spirit through the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son.
The Peace of Jesus Christ is Christ's own hope here on earth, it is His own hope fulfilled and shared with us as our Savior's joy in His eternal vision of our own happiness with Him in the place He has gone ahead to prepare for us in the golden realms of the Father in heaven.
With us, who remain in God and in each other, our Lord's greeting of peace is ALREADY our own hopes fulfilled in and through Christ who IS our hope and when we say this to each other as one Church of the baptized and in good will with all of the righteous persons among the one family of the nations of mankind, we inherit through our Savior the power to give this hope unto others.
And we give this hope by becoming it, by being as our Father in Jesus Christ, by living to be one as God is one - and we shall do this with one love alone.
It is this upon this Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that the charism of the apostolate is founded for it is through this Peace that the one Solidarity shall fulfill it's gift - on behalf of Jesus Christ, our All - in the one, ineffable Name of the one Triune Perfection for our Holy Mother Church as a blessing unto all mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
AND IF I GO and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.
John 14: 3
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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