Friday, October 31, 2008

The Difference: Germany vs. Nazism x

FOR AS LONG as mankind exists in exile time, the one race of humanity can never achieve complete and lasting world peace, nor can our poor mankind ever become one nation BUT we can limit the damages that war shall desire to inflict upon our peace and therefore, preserve the greater of the promise of our peoples of the one family of the nations of mankind.

I shall speak now of what I know to be true that God alone may be praised for all truth belongs to God alone. Ponder and hear those who have ears to listen:

I must emphasize that the one German nation is not in any way - as a whole, arrayed as all nations are across time and dimensional space - the same as the fallen Nazi ideology of which she is a victim.

When Hitler declared a death sentence on Germany - his lunatic dreams crashing all around his ears - his blind ambition was not able anymore to comprehend the magnitude of the gravity of his hubris - the singular arrogance that eventually destroyed him was like an imploding hole in the fabric of exile time that sucked him out of his own reality - this same sentence is passed upon all evil things that are aligned with the Devil - to turn to ashes from within, to implode, to self destruct under the massive weight of the gravity of their own evil (Isaiah).

Just think about it, my honorable companion, the implications of a death sentence on a whole nation is unthinkable, it has unforeseeable negative effects both in time, space as well as human potential - all the things that affect the life of our shared humanity.

Citizenship among our nations can not be achieved by being born or by going against the bedrock Noahic covenant foundations behind every nation's founding in eternity.

For the honor of a citizen is realized only by the degree to which the human being, thus called, agrees to cooperate with the grace of God and move the endeavor of his own Country forward. And understand also that there is only one way to go forward.

Having said all of these, I do not see any kind of true citizenship in the Nazi's, theirs was an ambition to destroy the very nations to which the universal call of noble citizenship properly belongs to and pertains. Theirs was an ambition of war. They have willfully chosen to completely respond to the call of war, and now they must know that war itself is a citizen not of this world, belonging not to the original peace of the inhabited earth.

Just because Hitler claimed to BE Germany, doesn't mean it's true. Just because someone shows you citizenship papers, doesn't mean that person lives - by his own life's width and breadth - the truth of his claim. For the truth can never be written in ink - truth can not be set down on paper, truth must be lived. Truth is like motion, it is like the wind that comes and goes without being seen, being felt more than it can be read or understood. True things are true because they apply in all things, and at all times and places exist ultimately as itself, absolute in it's reality, without increase or decrease.

When I think of true things, I always recall the image of our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, a few minutes into His resurrection, rolling the bandages patiently from within the dark of his tomb, perfectly confident of His own glorious reality.

Where is Hitler now? Gone. Where is Germany? Here. Which is real? You decide.

I personally believe the Nazi's have achieved citizenship elsewhere, in places no sane man or angel shall ever dare to tread. Now, I am a firm believer in hope but in the case of Hitler and those unrepentant Nazi's who have cruelly attempted to murder entire nations - including Germany herself, I really do not have much to work with without offending my own sense of justice.

But the holy innocents - of all sides of the one side of the peace - honorable soldiers, fallen civilians, nameless heroes, they shall all forever be remembered by their proper name and shall be restored to their rightful places at the beginning of all things new.

So rest now, dear Germany, thy weary wandering. Complete thy remembrances, bring forward your hopes and be at peace. Look now into the present, O you generations, for sufficient today are the evils that we will face together as the one family of the nations of mankind.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

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