"OF THE ENDEAVOR OF COUNTRY, there are three whole parts, the government of the state, the social democracy of the people or the nation, and the common market of the common community where the necessary exchanges of common goods and services take place."
Of the government of the state, it must be said, that there is no state more superior, regardless of it's governing framework, than one that brings peace to the people. Peace prospers the people and a prosperous nation is almost always ruled by a just state. In this sense, a Republic state is neither superior nor antagonistic to say for example, a Monarchical state or even a dictatorial or guardian state nor is it the other way around, none of them is superior to each other unless they bear fruit for the people.
A state must be judged by the people and the people by their peace. A peaceful nation is a happy people ruled by a just state. This state, regardless of governing framework philosophy is a just state. A warlike Republic may be unified but the foundations by which the state unifies it's elements are not only unjust, it is also untrue, heaven and earth will never allow states built on evil foundations to prosper, they will hurt other nation-states and even turn on their own people, evil in the heart of the state is the time tested formula that have caused empires to crumble, if the universal spirit of humanity doesn't act to eliminate evil states, time itself will weed them out into extinction.
One must not be too hasty to judge another peoples own endeavor of Country unless the greater peace is threatened by their activity. It is not man's nature to wage war, it is war's nature to wage war, if we bandy about with evil words one to another and our nations do the same, if we are indecent and respect not the dignity of individuals, let alone nations, we are sowing the seeds of new conflicts. But if we speak like men should speak and not debase our humanity into the level of brutes, all men - rational men and not evil men who already have slept in their souls with war - listen to reason and would try to avoid harming themselves or others. Life as a whole is not inimical to itself but sadly, we live in an everyday world of contradictions, lies, half-truths and malice, the veritable atmosphere of hell.
The superior state would never think itself superior, it would be a thankful nation, but where human arrogance will usurp from God what He deserves, the richest state in reality might be the poorest one. For it is not material wealth that makes people happy, although I will not deny that material wealth greatly improves the lives of people, it is the needs of the people's hearts that must be addressed to make a way for happiness. For it is the heart that asks to be happy, it is the soul that contains happiness and not the corporal body. The corporal body desires corporal pleasure and will not be happy by itself with a smile, or a loving touch, because it is the soul of man in the habitation of his heart that asks to be happy and because the soul is immortal, it seeks everlasting happiness.
This is why God - in His one absolute reality and not god as a man's religion - in a Republic framework is vital. The kings and the rulers of old drew their birthright lineage by blood but the other lineage, the lineage of their executive authority is not by blood, it is drawn from God as all things should that is true and real and good in this world. These rulers are answerable also to God, all leaders of men who claim legitimacy of rule over human life, a legitimacy that is only divine by nature, and is never human, make themselves accountable to the divine for all that they do in the position given them, that they received only because it was given to them.
Divine accountability of the regental executive authority that authorizes and makes real a person's right to govern his equals is severe because the labor of Country is not just a labor of one life or ten lives or a hundred lives, it is a labor of the generations of life meant to shelter, sustain and prosper the sacred human life of each and every person of the one family of humanity as nations of the one brotherhood of the nations of mankind to the very last generation at the closing of this world.
God is severe enough with sins against individuals but to sin against Country, it is beyond my understanding what will happen to these people who knowingly and maliciously deprive an entire nation and all their generations their own God-given house, which is their shelter and sanctuary against war in this world, indeed, countless people of all different times and places have been taken before their time only because they lack the shelter of Country. Immortal souls of innocent victims who will in God remember everything, and at General Judgment at the Last Day, will indeed, accuse those who deprived him or her of this basic shelter of Country of all their crimes against God, humanity, and the angels who also care after life, serve sacred life and consider human life - something seemingly so small to human eyes, so tiny and fragile, so common, so defenseless and alien to this world, something so plain and easily dismissed and something so vulnerable, so ridiculous, to be viewed with contempt and treated like base animals - as something precious. Because the angels see the soul that God put in the heart of man as something infinitely wonderful and precious because it is come from a God who they infinitely adore with much hymns and praises, and glad exaltation. Our leadership, if they can see what the angels see, would pale at the awesomeness of their responsibility.
But we live in a world of contradictions, a temporal world hidden from the eternal, where the One divine reality cause being to exist and so cause existence to also be meaningful to us because God is infinitely wise, incomparably good and full of loving kindness to all His creatures. We could live in a world of chaos and disorder where all things and thought in time float in utter meaninglessness but the human soul will not do so well in an environment that is void of spiritual essence and like space is void of air to breathe, the soul of a man will suffocate in a place apart from what God knows is best for us.
Man's life is wrought in penance and divine satisfaction, reparation for evil and a constant pleading to God. If we are called to serve, judge not, but serve and serve all souls without distinction, loving humanity in it's entirety for love of God and the salvation of our own souls. This is the kind of service required of our leadership who being called to serve must understand that they are called not because they are good, for Who alone is good but God, they are called because they are accountable not to themselves, for they did not choose themselves, but to He Who by His authority wills into reality all that He wills and sustains them, directing them to purposes outside the scope of human thinking.
A call to serve is always a call from God if it concerns life and life's positive requirements - requirements that would alleviate suffering and make reparation for evil. The negative requirements God deals out on His own using instruments of justice more mysterious than human or angelic bodies but does not exclude them also. Because these judgments are not made by men, men must not pretend to make them. Our human obligation lie not in judgment but in reparation for evil and through reparation, the alleviation of human suffering. Therefore, we are required to include all of suffering and not try to discern which one is punishment from God and which other one is a person's own misfortune or another one his sin because none of us know what is absolute in the truth.
Being chosen, one should accept and rejoice, being accountable, one should rejoice and accept, for in so doing our Lord holds you back from sin and prepares your heart to serve your fellow human beings. God does not choose anything without merit, there is always wisdom in His choices, and if we cling to Him, if we persist, He will bring into bloom the full reality of our human natures and bring our being into perfection, here and into the next life. So for our leaders, God intends something but some of them follow something else, knowing not hope, clinging to it like it were his or her own, knowing not faith, expecting to see his or her own image on the faces of others, knowing not love, expecting not the death that is to come, knowing not God, thinking to be above men. Good human leaders know to follow, know how to fall and follow again, persisting in their hearts to hold on to what is dear to them, never losing hope while giving hope to others, never losing faith while others lose theirs, never losing love while love seemed to have lost them, never losing God because God never has lost them.
A Republic is meant to shelter those peoples made orphans by war, peoples who have lost their original lineages of birthright rulers and so is left with one universal class, the citizenry. Cohesion and guidance can not come from a line of kings, queens or princes, it is therefore carried by a lineage of hope which must be anchored from the rock of eternity (meaning the deepest deep of the heart of hearts of the people) moving forward from the deep with every generation in time toward the same one hope, from hope to hope until the Last Day. Without a lineage of hope, the will of the Republic is scattered and it's ability to cut through and advance forward into the void of time dulled, national progress will be painfully slow to non-existent.
A Republic without God will eventually fragment and inevitably lose her peace with herself, Country will then disintegrate and the people will be scattered to be devoured by the beast of war - if this happens, no one will escape the onus of this who believes in God. For all of a Country's debt of life will be accounted to the one Creditor of all life. For each individual human being will be accounted for, to those whose executive trust they gave been given, even down to the numbers of their hairs.
Cohesion may only be achieved by turning away from war and the will of war. To speak the truth and not to lie for these are the mother tongues of both heaven and hell. To be honest, sincere, and willing to serve with a heart of love and a will of understanding, to love with one love and to refer all things to God Who will refer them back to you and from you to others and back again as a flowing in time, one generation after generation building up human civilization in time upon the most solid of foundations, one with an unshakable mount of peace, to endure to the very last of our line till all our destinations meet at the Last Day.
To remain unchanged, with the will of war at the heart of Country, like a man perish from sin, so have nations entire perished because sin was in the heart of Country. To recklessly allow the vessel of Country to break is like the murder of a woman pregnant with countless unborn lives all of whom will be accounted for at the Last Day, to the very last hairs on their head.
The significance of the Republic being first and foremost a citizen state can be apprehended in terms of equality, unity and responsibility. The citizen is not a person, it is an expectation of state. Just as father is not the whole identity of a person, a human being is required by his social nature to apply to requirements that fulfill a function of his or her society. These do not make one more or less human, but they do make the human being more or less himself or herself as these in time complete the whole picture of a person's life. These aspects of human community are essential for our happiness and becoming at one, being at peace. For our liberation rely on the liberation of others. Every religion that practices compassion require the unified practice of both service and community as the basis for good society.
In this sense we derive our equal social identity, an identity of human participation, equal in the sense of beginnings, yet not in the sense of life's fulfillment for we are given the measure that we give out, all are content, all are happy, from the least to the greatest, happiness is all equally fulfilled in them.
There are three expectations that fulfill the whole of a man in the context of the Republic; he is to be at once a citizen (of the state), a person (a friend or a family), and a believer (of a particular religion) who in his or her application is inspired by one love in the sense that all three social functions are equally fulfilled by him without diverting from the direction and the will that drive the endeavor of Country forward. From this is derived the person's integrity, and from this integrity is based the unity of the people.
For where love is one and constant in the heart of a person, where the people rejoice, all are inclined to rejoice, where the people laugh, they laugh together, where they play, they play together, where they work, they work together, where they grieve, they grieve together. A heart that has many loves with different shades and degrees of scope and intensity for his or her many different uses does not know love, one who does not know love has no knowledge of God or claim to His unity for how can God abide in a heart that is unto it's own self divided, it is like a house always in danger of collapse, wicked, restless and never at peace. How can the public trust be maintained by those who picks and chooses who to love and who not to love, how can the citizenry form a unified cohesion of hope and will, how can peace respond to those whose hearts contained the will of war? Indeed, charity is one love or it is but an illusion of love. It is a love that obtains to God and not a love that obtains to men. Hence, it matters not who to love because it is God and always God that you love no matter who you help or where you go for it depends not on conditions external but on things that are happening in your heart of hearts. In this way, unity of the citizenry and social cohesion is fulfilled at the level where true unity and cohesion is at the very heart of a person.
Responsibility is a necessary social response to both equality and unity. A just equality ensures that the human being is given the most possible potential out of his or her social identity to aspire without fear and to triumph without feeling defeated. Unity will provide him or her the best possible human support to help him or her all the way to achieving the eternal fruits of his or her life here on earth and will see him or her through to their passing into the next life.
These values are values of the peace and all of them belong in the context of Country. I have expounded on them with the hope that they will be of assistance to the vital human endeavor of Country, on behalf of those who have not seen the promise of Country fulfilled who are now in the love of our Almighty God to my darling Philippines in particular and to all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind in general.
We will live and die by the strength of our peace. Or continue on with war and war's evil in our midst; an unseen, relentless, undying flame of hatred of life as our constant companion in this world for another 1000 years. A beast of war that from ages past have grown and matured, it has given birth to genocide and soon will give birth to other more terrible machinations of death inflicted upon our suffering humanity.
To remove the beast and preclude it's domination, we have to remove it from our hearts first, accept the original values of peace and grow naturally from here, going from hope to hope, strength to strength and generation to generation together in our hearts until all our generations have emerged and the veil of this reality is lifted at the Last Day.
So here we are, say to Almighty God, that we are here now, at the beginning of each day and remembering our common hopes, plot the course that it leads us in our lives and down into all the generations of life.
Look deeply into the present and you will find hope where you once had none. For many people in this world suffer as we do and from various ills and pains but it is not the severity of their suffering nor the degrees that we are better off than others that should console us, it is their common hope. For in their hope we are empowered despite ourselves to give remedy to the evils that plague others. For hope empowers hope, hope being the very language of the human spirit, it is communicated freely among our souls as a network of common relief that save against despair the truth that lives in other people's lives. In our ability to help others, we witness our own hopes begin to grow.
There is certain solidarity in human suffering but there can never be any consolation to be had from every and all forms of human suffering whether one suffers more or less than others. Suffering does not serve to empower those who are outside it's fold of experience, as a matter of fact, it is a cause of much of their complacency. Those who do nothing in the name of anything in the face of human suffering do not understand what it means to be human. For to be human is to be defined by common needs.
"What then is above you and what is there below you, O man, that you should forsake yourself? Shall you be what you are not and relinquish the hope of your existence?"
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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