"IT IS AN EXALTATION, an honor, a thanksgiving and a praise to God, every soul who live to be one as God is one. "
Sequence #5 of the Pax Pilipinas Series
1. One God
THE ONE TRANSCENDENT REALITY of the Divine that surpass all human knowledge and understanding; the supernatural substance of the greatest of Truth unseen, set apart in holiness and purity from all things seen, the one, true Light that give meaning and substance to everything, the one, most sublime face of Beauty that reflect It's truth upon all that is beautiful and of good worth in all of creation, unseen by unseeing eyes and beheld by hearts opened by faith as the one and eternal, honored without equal, ascendant as Itself Being Itself the highest of the high, Whose one, immovable will of creation set into motion the order of Providence that govern with wisdom and kindness all things from the lowest of plants to the highest of angels, and the Hand that guides all things into order and fruition from the least unto the greatest of wholes as wholes upon wholes of truth that in every degree and magnitude serve sacred life and fulfill for the one Creator of all of life the most unfathomable purpose for all there is, all there was and all there ever will be, the one, ineffable, thrice-holy Name of the one incomparable, thrice-glorious LORD of all creation both seen and unseen.
Suffice to say, our LORD is a reality that may not be contained by walls of stone or those with hearts of stone. This unity of the Divine is the bedrock foundation of Country, most especially the Republic whole, and is the one, abiding Truth that not only makes us completely human, but also makes us completely responsible for our common humanity.
2. One Faith
THE FAITH THAT WE SHALL attempt to define here is the faith which is the common experience of our common humanity, it is not the particular faith of a particular religion but is the universal faith that belong to the one heritage of the one spirit of mankind as a whole.
Faith is an act of the human will that is independent of human reason. Our human reason is not prevented but is presupposed by faith. Reason itself intrinsically understands it is broken unless it accepts what in faith is veiled.
Faith is an act of release, a release into the deep of our souls, into the profound silence that echoes into the deep of our creation.
Faith is a direct response to our common human need to quench the thirst for the invisible substance of an evident Divinity and satiate our hunger for the unseen reality of the supernatural order.
The object of faith is God and the substance of faith is God's illumination or Light. This Light is the illumination of the truth that perfects human reason by degrees of willing surrender to the perfection of the Divine will.
Faith is an act of God, a supernatural virtue, it requires the human will to extend outside of itself into great uncertainty and without prior acts of reason holding only to either unproven belief or to proven hope in the revealed promise of Divine reality.
As opposed to religion, faith is a common act of common humanity and it is this faith applied to the evident reality of God's manifest unity that is the shared patrimony of the great Abrahamic lineages of hope.
Religion an the act of Justice. It is the virtue that accords the proper worship and reverence to the reality of the Divine.
Faith naturally leads into acts of religion but the reality of religion require faith to be meritorious.
3. One Heart
THOSE HAPPY HEARTS of good will, good courage and good faith who pursue not the way of war and possess not the guile of the will of war in their hearts; those whose lives become as a blessing that bring down the hope of heaven to sanctify those who hope upon the earth; whose love is one like a longing for Itself and whose heart is one in the one Heart of God.
They are those whose souls are at peace with God and Country, who live in God with common good will for all mankind.
They are those who love not with their own self-love for they are those who love God alone; they are those who love the LORD of all of life with but one heart alone, the LORD Who daily increase in them His Love, to be broken for others, through His sanctifying presence that abides in them.
Therefore, they are those children of the light who love all of life, especially human life, with the Love of God that without variance or degree is but a true reflection of the one virtue of charity that is reflected by the one Light of God in their own souls.
They are not those who see with foreign hearts that know neither brethren, sister nor friend.
They are not those who act with foreign minds that seek only the fruits of destruction.
They are not those whose eternal ambition is to sow discord, division, dilution and dissolution among the one family of the nations of mankind.
They are not those who reap in hatred and death the very fruits of their life's own work in the face of God Who declared His Peace over war.
The Executive Trust
THE FIRST THREE wholes of truth is entrusted to the executive offices of state from the one greatest to the one nearest to our people; from the office of the president to the office of the captains of our barangays.
For it is the meaningfulness of the three that imparts timelessness to the motions of the executive will. From this timelessness is the original nobility that refines the human will to responsibly govern his or her common peers with uncommon virtue as a leader that empowers leaders and not a tyrant that enfeebles whole nations.
The Executive Trust serve as an enabling principle for those who are chosen by the electorate to command the nation and advance forward, from all levels of state, the will of Country.
It is likewise an empowering principle for the common citizenry who have the lawful right to expect excellence from the elected leadership who are entrusted with the executive authority to govern and empower the people.
The synergy of the first three wholes of truth is a harmony of unity and this unity is the significant rhythm of the first greater whole of three.
This is unity is the measure of the Executive Trust for the balance of an effective executive will is always to be found in terms of unity.
This balance of the executive will is checked in a general capacity by a consensus of the common citizenry and in a particular official capacity by the legislative branch of the government who represents the people.
---<--@ For our honorable Datus and our beloved Muslim brethren and sisters, let us be renewed in the spirit of our shared humanity and as human beings, sanctify the hope of our one Filipino nation...
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Dionisia and Cecilia Talangpaz, Servants of God, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Next: Sequence #06: A System of Common Needs
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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