Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus: "There is no salvation outside the Church."
AS THE ORDINARY MEANS to salvation, our Holy Mother Church, the Roman Catholic Church affirms that there is no salvation outside her communion. The fullness of the truth that subsists within our Holy Mother Church is indeed our necessary means to attain our hope in Jesus Christ.
This is not however, in my own humble view, written as a distinction that we should enjoy as Catholics, it is not something that sets us apart from the rest of the body of suffering humanity. For Christian charity compels us to live in peace among our fellow human beings.
Indeed, the love of Jesus Christ compels us to share with others the everlasting glory of the Father and the Son that have brought, through the action of the Holy Spirit, the promise of new life into our hearts. Charity itself compels us to share with others our knowledge of Christ in His Sacred Humanity as well as in His Eternal Divinity as the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity being requisite to an understanding the of mystery of the Incarnation, the central mystery that underpins our Christian hope in the Salvation of Jesus Christ.
I firmly believe that Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus is an infallible statement completely affirming the missionary hope of the entire Mystical Body of Christ, that all nations may come to a knowledge of life eternal through Jesus Christ and the Father Who sent Him.
I believe that this infallible statement is primarily meant to instill from among the ranks of our Mother Church a salutary form of holy fear and to a lesser extent to convince others who have not yet entered into the Church to consider the promise they stand to gain from professing
their faith in Jesus Christ and joining the communion of Christ's Church, our Holy Mother Church.
It was never a statement directed against believers of other religions. For it is not a statement directed against hope, it is a statement in fact of our own Christian hope in the great commission of Jesus Christ.
Rather than excluding others from the communion of the Church, this missionary hope when informed by the spirit of Christian charity, far from condemning ways alien to our own limited understanding, seek include to our own hopes the hopes of others, giving us as Catholic laity a wider sense of mission that encourages us as human beings to build the necessary bridges and to tear down the dividing walls of hostility and indifference that exclude from the Church those souls who are called by our Father to the one flock of Jesus Christ.
It is an active inducement toward higher Christian piety; a more profound prayer life, a deeper sacramental life through better understanding of the sacraments of the Church, our adequate support for our missions and our clergy and greater participation within our home parishes. It is a means toward greater intensity in the service of God, true self and others in God.
But when taken outside the context of Christian charity, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, becomes a definite condemnation of the one same missionary hope that our Holy Mother Church means to propose to our faith. A hope meant to establish in common charity, a greater regard for our Christian election as a responsibility that we hold in Christ to serve and to love others as He has served and loved us, to serve all souls without distinction with a love that believes in all things, hopes in all things and endures all things.
Those who are outside the Church are not by any means excluded from the beneficence and the mercy of God and we must never forget that we are each an instrument of that loving-kindness and mercy, we are servants to the very least of men and the hope of our Lord's poor, we are what keeps others from desparing in the darkness and the love broken for others and not an angelic Throne upon which is issued the judgments of our Lord in the hypocrisy of those who are eager to send whoever agrees with them to the everlasting beatitude of heaven and whoever disagrees with them to the everlsating damnation of hell.
It is my Christian sensibility that require that I take nothing outside the bounds of the reality of God's Love, a reality that underpins all that is real in our world.
Therefore, extra ecclesiam nulla salus being a positive sum of Christian missionary hope may not be it's negative form which is the reduction or elimination of the same hope that we hold in Christian faith as a hope that is also possessed by other souls shaped by their particular lineage of sacred revelation supported by the particular faith sustained within their own honorable religious tradition.
Far from condemnation, in fact, we are to build on these same hopes and the existing sacred truths that already serve the same purposes as Divine charity and fulfill them all in the Name of Jesus Christ and the glory of our Father in heaven.
In fact, our own Roman Catholic Church as we exist as a whole is a unity of diverse local Churches in full communion with our Holy Father through the bishops in full communion with him, not as identical liturgical rites but as traditionally diverse and distinct Christian traditions, diverse in all things but sacred Dogma and the doctrinal truths that unify our New Covenant Christian Communion of the Holy Roman Catholic Church through the authentic marks of unity, sanctity, apostolicity, and catholicity.
To sum, the infallible statement, extra eccelsiam nulla salus, in my own humble understanding, far from giving us an opportunity to prove other hopes wrong, should lead us to greater love for the souls of others and greater appreciation for our own souls for the merits that we receive as unworthy children growing up in the bosom of our Holy Mother Church.
Let us be grateful children then, thankful for this certain supernatural dignity and the benefits of being included by our baptism into the great family of God knowing that all of this is a grace received from the one Author of human salvation Who is our one Lord and Savior of all humankind, Jesus Christ, our capital grace and our All, the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Let us then do everything for Christ Jesus Who has loved us even before we knew what true freedom there is to love as we are loved by Him.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
First they wrote off the baptism of desire of Trent, then they assume it is real and not hypothetical for us, and then, anyone who affirms the baptism of desire is called a heretic.
For centuries the Church knew that the baptism of desire was not known to us in particular cases it was accepted in principle only. It could only be accepted in principle; it was not repeatable like the baptism of water. We could not administer the baptism of desire and so it did not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. (Cantate Domino, Council of Trent 1441).
The Most Holy Family Monastery, New York sedevacantists for whom a defacto-known- to- us- in- the- present- times- baptism of desire is central to their media apostolate, accuse Catholics of being in heresy since they affirm the baptism of desire. The sedevacantists conclude this must contradict the dogma Cantate Domino.
It is true to reject an ex cathedra dogma is a mortal sin and there are Catholics who have rejected the dogma Cantate Domino, extra ecclesiam nulla salus either through ignorance or misinformation or fear of persecution. So the Dimond brothers are correct on this aspect of the truth.
However when one affirms the baptism of desire, it is not a rejection of Cantate Domino, since the baptism of desire is always a concept for us. It is hypothetical. It can only be de facto for God. We do not know a single case in the present times or in the past. No one says there were four baptism of desire cases in Rome last month, or three in New York last year.
Since we do not know of a single case how can it contradict the dogma which says everyone must be an explicit member of the Catholic Church for salvation?
The baptism of desire and invincible ignorance cases are implicit and so we do not know any such person saved implicitly.
The Council of Trent mentions the baptism of desire but does not claim that it is defacto, explicitly known to us as the MHFM would imply, infer and then assume. http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2011/06/council-of-trent-does-not-say-if.html#links
So Peter and Michael Dimond reject the Council of Trent on the baptism of desire while all over their website they are emphasizing Catholic Tradition. They then assume the baptism of desire is explicitly known to us and then conclude that there are so many Catholics who are in heresy.
EVERYBODY NEEDS THE EUCHARIST TO GO TO HEAVEN - Fr.Marcos Renacia, Augustinian Recollect priest
‘The Eucharist is the ordinary means of salvation’, said Fr. Marcos Renacia, an Augustinian-Recollect priest. ‘Everyone on earth de facto needs the Eucharist to go to Heaven’.
Hypothetically, in a way known only to God, through the extraordinary means God can save a non Catholic who is not a member of the Church who has not received the Sacrament of the Eucharist, he agrees, de facto we do not know a single case such case.
De facto everyone on earth needs the Eucharist to avoid Hell. De jure, in principle, there could be the possibility of someone saved who has not received this Sacrament.
The Church is the ordinary means of salvation states Pope John Paul II in Redemptoris Missio 55. The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ (Ad Gentes 7).Jesus saves through the Sacraments, those who respond (Dominus Iesus 20) by entering the Church.
Fr. Marcos was commenting on the Gospel Reading last Sunday (Corpus Domini) in which Jesus says the Eucharist was needed for salvation (John 6). he was speaking with me at the Augustinian– Recollect Church in Rome. We were comparing the dogmatic teaching extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation) with the Eucharist being needed for all.
Fr. Marcos chose to use the defacto-dejure explanation of this issue, especially, when asked if ‘all non Catholics need to explicitly receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for salvation; to go to Heaven and avoid Hell ?’
The words de facto and de jure are used in the Introduction to Dominus Iesus.
‘De facto salvation’ used here is synonymous with explicit salvation. It refers to the baptism of water which is visible and repeatable. It refers to Catholic Faith which is taught explicitly. It is the ordinary means of salvation.
‘Dejure salvation’ is synonymous with implicit salvation. It refers to the baptism of desire, those saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience, perfect contrition, in partial communion with the church or saved by the Word of God. It is not the ordinary means of salvation and depends on God’s grace. It’s an extra ordinary form of salvation.
When Fr.Marcos says that the Eucharist is the ordinary means of salvation he refers to de facto salvation. Since we do not personally know any case of de jure salvation, we assume everybody needs to de facto receive the Eucharist. Everyone we meet needs the Sacraments. There is no exception that we know of.
This is the official teaching of the Church through the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441, Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II, Redemptoris Missio 55, Catechism of the Catholic Church 846, Dominus Iesus 20, Ecclesia di Eucarestia etc.)
-Lionel Andrades
Friday, October 7, 2011
Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum, Rome in his office today morning said he was familiar with the text of the dogma Cantate Domino and he would endorse it in public.
Fr. Rafael Pascual said he and other Legionaries of Christ priests took an oath in Church to be faithful to the Magisterium of the Church and he showed me on his computer the text of this oath.
He took exception to a report (1) I e-mailed him which indicated that the Legionaries of Christ priests have not affirmed the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Fr. Pascual who is the Director of the Master of Science and Faith Institute knew that the dogma on extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Cantate Domino (2) was in accord with Vatican Council II (LG 14,AG 7) (3), Dominus Iesus 20 (4) and other Magisterial text.
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