FREEDOM is a path and we walk this path slowly and awkwardly as a child but as we give away our selves with each our step, we will in time mature in this path until we are able to fly away Home upon eagle wings of God. Truly, truly, it is in giving that we become free.
ARE ALL THINGS PRESUPPOSED? Is all of creation a predetermined flow into it's last end? Do we really have the freedom to choose or are our choices already made for us the moment we came into existence.
This all depends on our understanding of eternity. Human beings ARE free to choose, free will being a gift we have received from our Creator. God knows all our choices even before we make them precisely because our LORD is eternal. There is no time in eternity, only Being and in this Being is eternal and omniscient. This omniscience is the infinite Mind of our LORD perfectly cognizant of each and every universal whole of causality, all the possible combination of the realities that make up one universe and all the possible combination of the universes that is ever to the remotest degree probable is clearly and perfectly contained by the Mind of God.
Our reality is a reflection of Divine thought, for God exerts no effort whatsoever to shape from the nothingness, an existence emerging into time, our LORD is Being, God only has to will it and for our LORD to will it, He will from eternity perceive it from all possible things into one specific act of the Divine will that is never without Wisdom, never without truth, never without purpose or meaning, never without fail, even though many times we may not comprehend them, they are there.
God does not interfere with our free will, God guarantees it and sustains the choices we make as well as their necessary consequences whether or not it accords with the sanctity of His Being, for our own benefit. God foresaw all things from eternity yet is patient and kind enough with us to allow us the course and the freedom of our lives wherein we are always free to choose and also concomitantly responsible for our choices. God places our own good many, many times even over and above the infinite dignity of His Divinity as Himself, for our own benefit, for God loves us all and have always loved us and in Christianity this love is made manifest in the greatest possible manner in the Incarnation of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
How can some people blame God for choices they themselves make? How can they unashamedly accuse God of manipulation and rote tyranny of their lives? Where questions of evil enter into our lives and our world, it is not outward where we must look for answers, it is inward into the heart, into our own heart where we must look, for neither can we look into other people's hearts nor can we ever succeed in finding meaningful answers to these questions by wrongfully or conveniently or cowardly blaming it all on the Divine. Indeed, our LORD seem a nice and easy target for those who refuse to allow their hearts to see because of their unyielding material grip on the darkness that fill their own hearts or their own darkness caused by their relentless denial of either the one Light or the darkness of both the one Light as well as the darkness.
If happiness is our destiny, then authentic human freedom is the one path that will lead us there, it is the power to make the right choice that with the virtue of penance is the consistent endurance also of the pain of each and every one of our right choices that through God's grace will eventually lead us there. In Christianity, this is the hard and narrow way, in the language of my own conviction, this is the one ascendant mountain path of which the summit is Jesus Christ, my All and my one true liberation, the one ascendant path of Christian perfection, a path that is neither of nature nor of our own making, because Christ is both our path and our destiny that ascends into the limitless unity of our LORD.
If we were never free in the first principle truth, all of this would be without meaning, all of life turn to dust, our souls to ashes, and our memory into oblivion without a care or a whisper of our passing away.
Are we not, even in spite of ourselves, a little greater than this, why do we hope sometimes beyond all hope, our souls reaching out into things that we know in our hearts we can not possibly reach, why do we bother with truth and the substance of meaning, if it were all a void, why would any being who possess a rational awareness even bother with all of this unthinking, why would we, why would the angels, why would the devils, why would God?
To negate the potency of the divine gift of free will negates the need for reality itself. To negate human freedom eliminates the need for time. God exists and will forever exist but we will not.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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