O MY BELOVED COMPANION on the way, with regards to the labor of building up and fulfilling what is good in our hearts and in our times, I gently remind each of you that with regards to this great labor, there can be no random events. All that is good is purposed, inspired by designs greater than ourselves. Good things are never had by accident and to fulfill what is good require more of us than just a random desire.
There is an exact order in the sovereign heavens, O kindred soul, written in the eternal law within the heart of every man, that Divine Providence dispenses only what is good for human life, even the same good to sustain all of life as a whole, and to advance the highest purpose of creation.
Whether it be a direct good as a good harvest or an indirect good as a salutary form of justice, the governance of Divine Providence sustains all in creation by dispensing only what is good and necessary for life.
Now, what needful mankind will do as a whole in the face of God's great and merciful beneficence is left unto the judgment of each and every human being.
Thus, whenever our humanity deviates significantly from the sovereign and immovable will of governance of God's Providence, we encounter evil because we encounter the darkness within ourselves.
For there is darkness in the heart of mankind, a darkness that conceal the image of our true selves. It is because of this inherent darkness that the Divine Wisdom had left our humanity, seemingly alone, to grapple against the shadows within each our hearts.
For it is through this struggle that we shall learn to become painfully self-aware.
Indeed, each human being is tasked by Almighty God to grapple directly with the problem of evil, that in doing so, each one of us may, in our own time, come to an understanding of the darkness within.
This understanding of the darkness within the self is necessary for the human heart to become increasingly self-aware of the need to turn away from evil, to persevere in repentance and to seek the one Light by our willing and consistent turning away from the darkness, and to slowly awaken to the unique potential of our own true selves.
Through this way, each of us are made to mature into the exact image within our souls, becoming capable of positive, creative synergy with the grace of Almighty God for the good of our common human hopes.
In this way of Divine Providence, with every failure, we are sifted in our hearts, and through our capacity for common hope, we eventually shed the false image of self like so much dry chaff.
Thus, we become truly responsible and accountable for our actions in direct relation to the good that benefits our world.
As regards to evil things, they are as so much dry chaff, blown hither and tither by the random wind, they scatter seemingly without order and purpose, gathering like so much dust where there is something solid and true that breaks their restless flight.
Therefore, with the common vicissitudes and the uncommon catastrophes that befall us in our everyday living, we must understand that these are not divinely purposed unless there is a meaningful and greater good that is readily and clearly comprehensible from amidst the confusion.
A natural catastrophe, say for example, afflict a segment of our humanity or a particular nation with a great and terrible evil that seem to defy our common understanding, indeed so it must. For instead of seeking to frame this unfortunate incident in the lives of many of our fellow human beings in terms of Divine judgment, as some people are wont by vanity to do, it is necessary that we resort to our own practical human judgment.
If we each bear in mind that whatever we intend to transmit to others is always received in the mode of the receiver, we will understand, there are no teaching opportunities in a calamity. Most especially, those who have a sense of misplaced religious zeal, who are inclined to pass their judgments of divine vengeance on what is already an atmosphere that is bordering despair permeating a place in our world where many people feel forsaken by every good they have ever believed in their lives.
Therefore, one must remember and understand that in those areas where at the terrible wake of a natural disaster, there are common people who are struggling to cope up with what is left of their common lives, it is vital that we as human beings unconditionally forgo our human need to understand or to explain away the reasons why others are suffering and simply help them, if possible, all of them, willingly and with as much as we can possibly do.
But not all evil is random, O my beloved Companion on the way, of the evil in the self, we are enabled by grace of Almighty God as individuals to persist in this struggle for as long as we do not ourselves give up the fight to master the truth that lives within our selves.
However, apart from the particular darkness that afflict the human heart, there is a wholesale kind of darkness, an intelligent kind of evil that dwells in the high places of this world, a malevolent unseen force that seeks to afflict more than just individuals but seeks to afflict entire human communities and whole nations of mankind.
Of this evil we have a name, war. And this evil is something that is not meant to be overcome by either individuals or any disparate groupings of individuals alone. For the evil of war may only be contained here in our world by the peace of our nations and this peace require from each of us a particular labor of common hope, an endeavor of the generations, that of Country.
I write this in general to all individuals who are afflicted by evil and in particular to all nations who are afflicted by war.
I have written this in the universal form; a lineage of common expression that is compatible to any particular tradition of sacred wisdom that is build upon eternal truths of Divine revelations safeguarded by each and every honorable religion.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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