"Where peace is lacking, none shall prosper. For War as a Whole profits only evil and evil profits only death."
SALUTATIONS OF ETERNAL PEACE and Common Goodwill to the Sovereign States of Continental Africa.
Of our native Mother Asia and your Continent as a whole, one may observantly able to keenly affirm that our common nations share in the same wounding and are therefore, also bound unto the same common hope.
There is a certain strength of spirit carried forward by your generations that is manifest in the way you have endured the many evils of the past. That particular evil that stole from among your own midst, many of your common brothers and sisters and sold them into cruel slavery and that evil whose malice wrongfully afflicted your nations with the mark of Cain that only served to empower those interests that perpetrate a culture of inferiority and second class humanity that have inevitably been deeply ingrained in your collective spirit.
My dear friends, that same evil that have stolen your past and accused your nations is now poised to deny you of your present hope.
Look not to the past for your hope nor rely on your anger of past things to rule your present. The past no longer has any power to harm any of you save if you likewise allow yourselves to become vulnerable once more to the vestigial traces of those times long abandoned by the necessary grace of our present time.
O kindred soul, I tell you, you have never been inferior to any of your common peers in common creation nor have your own humanity ever differed one single degree from the humanity expressed in common by mankind as the founding reality upon which is built the universal expression of common human rights that uphold human dignity and preserve the good order of our nations.
Almighty God has gifted us with a human soul to contain and animate with sacred life, our corporeal body. My dear friend, it is both our body and our soul that makes us complete as a human being, for each of us is an integrated unit composed of both body and soul.
Thus, differences in physical appearances never really matter to those who know where and how to seek after those things that truly matter to our common hope as well as our common humanity.
O kindred soul, the continuing strength of spirit that allowed you to endure is a strength that belong not to your past nor is it a need that is required of your future. This spirit is present in your own soul for it is by means spiritual and not by any means corporeal that have allowed
your present generation to emerge in time and form the nations of whose counterpart states are presently entrusted to the care and protection of those of you who are called to serve the common hope and the common good of your particular nation engaged in the great endeavor of Country.
If there is anything that is truly worth any value to the people, then value what is common to our humanity and learn to recognize your brother or your sister by perceiving the human heart and forsake the old ways of this world that draw from our differences the vain and empty illusions that leave our nations mired in poverty and our suffering humanity weak and wounded by the darkness of those things that enslave not only the body but also the soul of a man.
My dearest friend, there can be no real profit to the life of any man unless that man recognize the good and in recognizing the good, keep it not, but willingly, freely and joyfully share it with others.
The good being all things that prosper the soul of man and all things that prosper the peace of the nations of mankind.
Those whose hearts bear common good will unto others know that there is nothing that we take from this life that was not first taken away from us by the love that we owe Almighty God Whose Love has given us all things that we may learn not to be worldly in all things but to be in all things giving as our Almighty God is giving.
All nations must establish themselves upon values that are true, abiding and eternal. The labor that the present is tasked to perform is the labor of Country. It is the work of establishing the peace of the state and to build today the future shelters of the nation as a lasting kindness for those future generations who like the unborn children of human mothers are the unsung hopes of Country.
For they who are not present to our times must also be afforded the right to expect from our present time, an adequate means toward common needs for life and human happiness.
Lastly, I affirm to my brothers and sisters in Africa that where peace is lacking, none of humanity shall prosper. For war as a whole sows naught but evil and evil as a whole reaps naught but death. There is no hope in war and in the attitude that sustains the will of war.
The same with our Mother Asia, your Continent is in need of peace as a whole.
Glory to God in creation
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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