A REPUBLIC STATE is mandated by the electorate of the nation to formally raise a military force.
A weak Republic that makes the mistake of raising a military force or using an existing military force to bolster it's strength from among her own people does not know the nature of the military.
The military will not make a weak Republic strong, for the military is a whole upon itself.
As a whole, it may only lend it's strength in synergy with other wholes and may not be used to complete something that is not whole in itself.
As a whole, the military relies on it's own sufficiency which is a sufficiency that is independent of other wholes to be able to succeed in it's grand strategic mission of preserving the sovereignty of the state and defending the peace of the one Republic whole from external threats.
The military is like water, it is a clear and cohesive whole, distinctly responding to sacred duty, brave in the defense of Country, homogeneous and highly disciplined, it is at all times and places a unified flow of will that impart specific motions in time across it's elements, to enable and empower by effective command and control the noble profession of arms and to constantly turn the very least of individuals into the very best of soldiers.
The Military Values
The Values of the Soldier
I am a Soldier of Army,
my values are military values:
Duty. Fidelity. Honor. Integrity.
I am a defender of my people,
and the Republic that sustains me.
I am a vanguard of the peace,
and we march for God and Country.
I will uphold life as sacred,
and maintain the purity of our arms.
I will respond to sacred duty,
and put the Army mission above my life.
I am part of the professional military,
and we battle hard to obtain the victory.
COMMAND is not a merit of rank as the merit of rank is military responsibility.
Rank is commensurate with military responsibility not command.
Command is a merit of the sacred trust that is commonly held by all the ranking individuals within the common file of the military from corporal to master sergeant, from lieutenant to full general.
Command is the ability to execute with military precision, the sequence of necessary guidance required to secure the success of the mission.
Because the Army as a whole rely on maintaining initiative as an integral part of the success of the over-all Army mission, command is an essential art that is required of soldiers to achieve the individual tasks within the capacity of their unit that is called forth by the mission directives
received from operations.
But executive command is the common duty of the officer ranks. Executive command is an authority vested in the officer ranks that is derived from their extensive training, practical field experience and a commitment to military excellence.
Some Relevant Thoughts
In order to raise an effective military force, one must have a effective officer cadre that is loyal to the one Republic whole.
One can not train a military force composed mainly of enlisted personnel and nco's and then to expect these men to be cohesive in battle bereft of adequate military leadership as exemplified by their instructors who are only fulfilling their own Army mission.
One must first train and commission an effective officer cadre or to call back into active duty those who have been decommissioned provided that all of these officers swear a common oath of military service that is binding under both military law as well as the divine law.
These officers must then be highly visible and active during the training of the regulars who will fill the necessary unit requirements with the required complement of capable soldiers.
In order to determine the required force capabilities necessary to secure the one Republic whole against the current external threat picture and determine the relevant composition of the most common maneuver elements of the combat force, one must first measure the necessary expenses that is involved in raising a military force against greater priorities of state that directly concern the people and determine from this simple consideration what is the most effective infantry platform that will constitute the spearhead units of the new Army.
The needs of the people must always come first for no Army is as effective as one that is fielded with the common consent of the nation. And one must remember, one is raising an Army that is exclusively intended to conduct the the defense of the Republic peace.
One does not need to pattern this Army from the organic capabilities of any of the world's military who one considers as a possible threat to the Republic whole, one only need to cover all the planning details of the conduct of the defense on native soil so as to be able to mount a ready defense of the Republic whole bearing in mind to utilize the advantages of the defense and conduct the defense on all levels of Country.
One who have accepted the peace is one who prepares for the whole defense and the whole defense does not need to actively identify the hostile threat, one who have accepted the peace understands that opposition is the fundamental spirit of conflict, and so one who prepares for the defense does not rely on opposition to prepare the defense, one only needs to be vigilant and rely on the truths inherent in the whole of the peace which is sufficient strength to stay the terrible advances of war.
It must be noted that the Republic is also mandated by the electorate of the nation to raise adequate community police services made up of the finest of their local citizenry.
The mission of the military and the mission of the citizen police is quite distinct from each other. It must never be confused because there is a vital difference in the way each of these specific servants of the public good are trained, the military is trained to utilize lethal force to neutralize external threats while the police are trained to neutralize the threat of force in their pursuit of the public good.
The police being civilian by nature is specifically equipped to deal with the community while the military being primarily martial by nature is specifically equipped to deal with the defense of the one Republic whole.
Both the police services and the military are wholes in itself and are sufficient for the tasks that are given to them within the one Republic whole. To utilize the military, even the military police, in the task of policing the public will often result in the unnecessary loss of civilian lives, losses which if the state persists in utilizing the military, will perpetuate the unrest and foment open rebellion against the state.
The military and the local community police may work together and lend to each other the synergy of their particular calling within the Republic whole, but they must actively remain as they are, wholes which must never be broken or mixed half and half lest they lose their particular potency.
Lastly, beside training to conduct the whole defense, the military of the new Republic must also be capable of allied and joint inter-service operations that are capable of extending disaster relief, search and rescue, civil defense units, and stability forces to nations in the immediate region who require assistance.
Some Practical Suggestions
States that are mostly land-locked and contiguous require a strong and agile land force. States that are temporarily experiencing a spate of internal instability require the active use of stability units.
These states should designate sectors of active defense, usually an area that contain a major city where both the military as well as the civilian population is prepared, the civilian population to retreat into a safe area and the military to conduct an active sector-wide defense in the event of enemy attack.
In lieu of mechanized infantry, which is costly but better equipped, the commissioning of between two or three light infantry brigades that is centrally headquartered around these designated sectors of active defense are adequate to form the beginnings of a secure and progressive defense that will eventually make safe the sovereign whole of the one Republic.
One who desires to utilize the most out of the military must be able to use the three main arms of the military to their particular forte, light infantry is more capable of holding and defending ground and so these units that are to be stationed and dug in around significant sectors or terrain that one desires to maintain are superior in the conduct of the defense. Furthermore, when headquartered around a major city, one effectively eliminates the logistical disadvantages of the light infantry unit by the prudent placement of the unit HQ.
Besides conducting the sector defense, light infantry is also equipped for conducting quick raids and is better suited in our operational scheme than heavy infantry which is better equipped for assaults. If we conduct the defense in a manner that is as vital as the common hopes that one holds with the nation, one will not find the need to deploy an assault team for the sovereign ground of Country always belongs to the legitimate sitting government of the state who has a mandate to make it safe for the people.
Of the grounds that exist outside the sectors of active defense, one is initially required to utilize passive modes of the defense in conjunction with active forms of intelligence and surveillance operations. This calls for air power in the reconnaissance capacity or with the lack of air power, the use of land-based reconnaissance assets supported by at least one field artillery battery but ideally is supported by between two or three howitzer batteries with interlocking fields of artillery fire.
Passive defense, to be effective, must be smart in it's execution. It is heavily reliant on accurate field intelligence to enable the target acquisition process which is selective in scope according to the growing capabilities of the military force as a whole.
Because of the understandably limited scope of the force at the outset of it's conception, it is important in terms of the defense to be able to concentrate on those grounds that one is able to adequately defend. One must bear in mind that of the advantages of the defense, most especially one that is conducted on native soil, is a longevity that is certain to outlast and outlive all that does not belong to this particular earth and sky. Thus, instead of scrambling to cover all areas with an inadequate force and stall the military in the process by failing to capitalize on the tactical advantages brought about by the capable action of the Army as a whole, not to mention the sacrifices involved in those operations, one must prevent the force from stalling by working to exploit those advantages on the ground that one is able to exploit and because one is understandably limited, one must then also limit the appearance of those advantages only to the grounds that are favorable to one's own military. And that means a controlled form of defense that is strategically progressive as well as tactically feasible.
The military, most especially the Army, in all it's complex entirety is like water, capable against anything, even solid granite, but only where it is allowed to flow and to build on it's own momentum, the overwhelming decisiveness required to preserve the vessel of Country from all hostile forces who intend to break it and spill the life of the generations that are contained within it.
From light infantry, one commissions as organic within the same light infantry brigade, a necessary company of field artillery attached to the bde (Brigade) HQ, and this makes that light infantry bde into a combined arms bde.
Where one is able to acquire mechanized assets, it is then possible to commission a cavalry bde consisting of mechanized infantry and heavy armor companies, when possible the commissioning of an aviation company consisting primarily of reconnaissance, anti-armor, close ground support and transport fixed wing and rotary aircraft as an organic asset attached to the bde HQ, would greatly improve the scope and effectiveness of the cavalry bde making it into an enhanced cavalry bde.
Where there are effective cavalry units, the defense within those areas outside of the sectors of active defense will instantly turn from passive to active. But only with the speed, firepower and armor protection of a cavalry unit will one be able to effectively mount an adequate defense that will deny those wide, open swathes of rugged territory from enemy movement. One is only able to decisively bring the fight to the enemy will using the speed and steel of the cavalry.
The use of air power as a ground offense weapon is only advantageous if one is seeking to use this advantage to deny ground to the enemy or to better position one's own land forces, but taken by itself, even with precision guidance, air power alone will not be able to either hold or secure ground without the Army boots pounding the Army ground.
Air power and it's indiscriminate use against cities during WWII belong exactly in that context, it does not belong to our present time. WWII was a grand strategic war fought between two political ideologies - fascism and secular democracy - where no less than the total domination of the whole world was at stake.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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