"Peace and Godspeed to all my brothers and sisters on the Way":
CHRISTIAN CHARITY and it's most profound spiritual dimensions is a treasure unique to the Christian faith. For the Christian faith is a living and lifelong relationship with God's own Love for man and to understand God's Love in the Christian context is to understand also the interior mystery of God in the Holy Trinity.
It is this triune nature of God that is the principal cause for God's unity and this sacred reality of the Divine is at peace with Itself bringing neither conflict nor confusion to both faith and reason.
That our Lord GOD is one and that within the unity of the Divine Being and the omnipotent substance of the Divinity there exists one, immutable will for the supreme good, singularly manifest by the harmonious actions of three distinct and eternal omniscient Realities Whose synergy imparts the necessary motion unto all of creation for the universal benefit of the supreme good which is the absolute will of the one Godhead for our suffering humanity in the greater context of sacred life as a whole.
This is the sacred Christian revelation of the mystery of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Who at once is the omnipotent synergy of the Divine unity that created, sustains, preserves, liberates, sanctifies and fulfills the one Divine purpose for all creation and at once is present in the Divinity and Sacred Humanity of Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, our most Blessed Lord and the one Savior of mankind.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ Who behind mere accidents of bread and wine is also really and truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist as the sun and the summit of our Christian life.
The Trinitarian nature of the one, true God reveal that all the actions of God are the actions of Love, so much so in fact, that Sacred Scripture declares that God is Love. For the Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father and their Love together is the Person of the Holy Spirit Who redounds to the Father and the Son their own limitless Love in an infinity of Christian charity. To fathom the unfathomable depths of the one unimaginable whole of God's Love is to plumb at the truth of uncreated grace, uncreated light.
The most profound mystery of the Holy Trinity is the revelation of the interior synergy that is the principal cause of God's one ascendant unity, they form in the Christian heart one, whole understanding, an understanding no less valid as when we emphasize God's unity for common Country for they are to our heart a revelation of the one and the same Lord of all creation, our one, true God; a real God Whose Hands possess us and the universe entire, and not the imagined god that some people imprison as a thing of vanity in their human hearts who delight in causing discord among men, wars among nations of men and God's wrath in heaven.
Therefore, let there be no hypocrisy, syncretism, vanity or anxiety in each our hearts when we exactly agree with our Abrahamic brothers and sisters in Islam and Judaism that our Lord GOD is one because in doing so, not only are we reaffirming the real commonality of faiths together, we are also confirming in our own soul God's absolute universality; the awesome totality of the one Divine immensity that embraces all in all and gives us reason for deeper hope and impetus for greater peace.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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