OF THE GOVERNMENT of the state, it must be said, that there is no state more superior, regardless of it's governing framework, than one that brings peace to the people.
THIS NECESSARY FORM of state more widely known as a dictatorship or a military dictatorship is a transient form of government that is almost always military in nature.
Guardian States with their martial nature constitute a necessary form of deterrent against tyranny for these States usually rise from the ashes of tyrants.
Of the many misconceptions about this form of State, most of them are quite justified for the Guardian State is effective only where the State itself never fails to recognize the transient nature of the guardianship of the military over the nation.
There is only one particular cause that would invite the emergence of a Guardian State and that cause is brute tyranny which is an oppression of the people so severe and so brutal in it's violence and insensitivity that it has successfully penetrated deeply enough into the military to
arouse in it's heart a deeper sense of fidelity and a fiercer kind of honor that transcend it's common loyalties to the state.
For no evil in this world will ever fail to touch those whose hearts are human, even those whose hearts are completely committed by duty and honor to the military of the state. And the greatest forms of evil are social by their nature, afflicting whole human communities and entire nations, not just one individual, but entire segments of our common humanity as well as entire lineages of our human generations.
Faced with social evil which is very much unlike lesser evils that work to afflict individuals, both of which, it must be said are as a potent poison that is completely lethal to the human soul, for unlike those evils that plague individuals only, there can be no hidden or incomplete forms of social evil, all forms of social evil are potent enough in their deception and violent enough in their force to be able to manipulate and openly control the reality that prevail from among the people lest they would have remained a lesser evil, and when I say lesser evil, I do not mean to under appreciate nor de-emphasize the common malice of every one of these adversaries of our human soul, I only mean to differentiate them one from the other for the singular intent and purpose of this very specific discussion.
Gathering again from our first principle understanding about the pre-existent good, where this good is the common good of an entire human community faced with a formidable form of social evil, no man or no woman in his or her right sense of heart and mind will ever fail to think of ways on how to defeat this common menace to community, family, friends as well as self. And one who is faced with such a malice can never be wrong because there are no hidden or incomplete forms of social evil, it is always a common experience that one shares with the greater community.
We recall once again that every tyranny, without exception, must be permitted by the people for it to continue into maturity. For the price of true liberty is eternal vigilance, indeed. But where the people become either complacent or despairing, their vigilance waning by either need or lack of need (which is also a lack) they become vulnerable to the forces driven by an immortal hatred of our one family of nations.
Where the pre-existent peace of our community is in such a way threatened by a social evil, the greatest of which are mature forms of tyrannies in all it's diverse kinds, all the able from among that particular community are duty bound by Divine will, common humanity and sacred trust one to another with God and the angelic host of God to effectively confront and successfully overthrow the heavy yoke of this uncommon slavery to this most foreign of threats to our original peace.
This is the sufficiency of the defense which like every other sufficiency, always rests in the greater sufficiency of Divine Providence. Thus, those who rest in the sufficiency of the defense are at all times vigilant in their hearts not to fall into the wiles of war or the darkness of despair for they must walk with attention the middle ground, where either lack or excess will work not only to imperil common human lives but also precious human souls. For not even conflict and the rigors of battle will work to undo the original principles that recognize, serve and uphold the sanctity of life as a whole.
Those who lack in their sufficiency will surely fall against their foes while those who exceed in their sufficiency will surely become the enemy they claim to fight. But for those who are true to the original cause under which they have set out to serve, they will most surely gain the victory.
But because this victory may not be possibly achieved by dullness and chaos as in a mob of men, it must be achieved by exact order and sharp discipline as in a unit of men, and all of these units together form one ordered whole, this is the military of the people, the common protector of the nation. Their allegiance lies primarily in the common good of the state as a whole but where the state has forsaken this common good and has broken it's trust with the nation, this is where in principle the will of the state has also likewise broken it's trust with it's military.
But the military with it's robust sense of honor and duty will never act on this unless the state has become so fully committed in it's disregard for the electorate that it has become a descendant spiral into the evil of a mature tyranny, then and only then will the reality of this threat penetrate deeply enough into the rank and file of the profession of arms where the possibility of a Guardian State begin to grow in reality.
For the military will that is easily swayed and provoked by the greatest of human weaknesses is not a constant force of order but a variable agent of instability, it must in it's collective awareness be able to recognize evil where it lurks and at the same time recognize our humanity where it lacks.
Therefore, a military that prematurely acts on a perceived threat does not merit the trust of the people but a military that allows itself to become complicit where a real threat exists, we may not refer to as a military at all, for they are nothing more than organized criminals who do not deserve the honor of their uniform.
From the preceding paragraphs, do we now see in our minds what it means to tread the middle ground, where lack or excess imperil lives as well as souls and where lives and souls are imperiled, so does the mission of the military, for when the lives that sustain it and the souls that believe in it have all perished, every one of them devoured by the beast of war, so have their cause and their right to exist also perish with the nation they have so clearly failed to serve and defend.
For the sufficiency of the defense also means a strict purity of arms. This purity of arms sustains the greater unseen economy of sacred life and redounds with immaterial benefits that help keep the military sharp and decisive, being an effective instrument of the sacred life entrusted to the state, both in the calm of peace as well as in the din of battle.
The measure of the strength of this martial virtue may be concretely counted in lives saved from BOTH sides of the ONE side of the peace.
The noble military perceives the victory first, then determines how to attain it, who to attain it from, when it must do battle, where it must do battle, how it must do battle and when it must refrain from battle, all the while being mindful of limiting human suffering and the human costs of conflict. The noble military always attains the victory for where it triumphs it is like the spring where all of life begins to bloom, where it awaits, it is like the winter where all of life awaits with it, where it decides to do battle, it is like the summer where all of life spreads wide afield, and where it mourns, it is like the autumn where all of life begin to await again the spring.
For the noble military, victory may only be delayed but it can never be taken away, for whoever rests in the sufficiency of the defense is indestructible for they rest first and foremost in the greater sufficiency of Almighty God Who with His angelic hosts know every way and every means to defeat the enemies of common human life that threaten the sacred life of creation as a whole.
Thus, it is the universal fate of all tyrants, being correctly perceived, to fall by the sword of the military of the people, and live always under threat of the the sword of God, our LORD of hosts.
There is a common vein that runs through all that is evil and this is a complete disregard for the value of each and every individual human soul and this evil is shared in common by all tyrants with the worst kinds actively pursuing the destruction of entire segments of our common humanity. This is not an evil born of human weakness but an actual commitment of the human will absolutely not to serve which is a commitment they knowingly or unknowingly share with Satan himself. Thus, it is a commitment towards absolute defeat and worse which in the Book of Isaiah has already been decreed by Almighty God Himself from eternity.
This is the one cause of the Guardian State, it is the one reason that make it meaningful and therefore comprehensible to the human soul and amiable to the universal spirit of our common humanity.
However, the true test of the Guardian State does not consist of it's attaining to the victory against a foe who for all intents and purposes have in eternity already been defeated, the true test of the Guardian State lie in the work of it's transition, in the constant realization of it's transient nature and it's resiliency to the corruption which is the great peril of all human authority, a peril magnified one hundredfold by the martial nature of the Guardian State.
The martial nature of the Guardian State where once it was advantageous against a great evil become after it's victory it's own greatest peril, it is here where the virtue of the military will truly be tested for all the military of every nation-state are expected to be combat capable but how many of them are equally expected as a whole to display virtue and forbearance in battle? The answer is unknown for only where peace is the prevailing paradigm can one truly appreciate how virtue beginning with purity of arms work with the greater economy of sacred life to actually defeat war itself. But because the prevailing paradigm of our world IS war itself, the immaterial aspects that is at the root and the cause of every conflict are consistently overlooked and instead, the focus of all our nations are conveniently directed on the material which is the root cause of our reliance on division and the endless battle that this false sufficiency cause at the common expense of all human life in specific and all of the sacred life of our planet as a whole in general.
Now, we all know that the military is like water, it derives initiative from motion and from this motion it derives it's being decisive in time and in dimensional space, and from this decisiveness it derives it's momentum and from this momentum it derives it's effective ability to cut through and to defeat the enemy will and all of this being as one step. For doctrine imparts human potential, method imparts rhythm, cohesion imparts mass and weight, effective weaponry imparts combat potential, effective command imparts exactness, effective military discipline imparts precision, effective military will imparts the unified kinetic explosion of all of these elements, and effective military unit-work (that balance command with control) imparts the decisive shape that channel all of this combat power against the enemy will.
As one can see, the military require motion, it always require motion for it is time that imparts motion to the visible and invisible universe and it is time also that the military require to unify and to consolidate it's active potential in time and dimensional space by utilizing the rhythm (or the shih in the Art of War) of the motions of time (which are the seasons of heaven in the Art of War).
In a Guardian State, the lack of an enemy, creates a space for the military to rest and this is in principle where one can draw the fine line where a legitimate Guardian State becomes a legitimate military absolutism. Where the commander is to fall complacent and the military is allowed to rest, the Guardian State have effectively ceased to exist.
For a military that rests is restless. No active force commander of senior to general rank will ever allow his military to rest save for the one who allows himself or herself to become complacent and to consequently lose his or her eternal vigilance over the people.
A complacent military officer will soon become nothing more than a corrupt individual accidentally clad in the uniform of common respect belonging to the universal ranks of every honorable military soul and tradition.
But for the general officer worth his or her own salt who allows himself of herself to be in this way undone, it is only a matter of time when the plague of corruption begin to effectively diminish and degrade his formidable sense of honor and undermine his great mastery of self and of his or her command over others. He or she, will in time also inevitably submit to the easy corruption born out of the plunder that is left in the wake of the tyrant's passing. This is the calamity of the Guardian State.
Indeed, a Guardian State for it to succeed must be extremely mindful of both itself and of it's time, it must be itself very careful to be able to consolidate it's gains and not betray it's eternal remembrances in order to assume the part of the evil that the military have sacrificed so much to remove.
For to assume the shape of the same evil one has fought so hard and so valiantly to overthrow and defeat is one of the greatest dishonors here on earth below as well as in heaven above; a failure greater than the shame of a hundred thousand defeats in the field of battle.
For it flies in the face of our victorious and sacred dead to whom all living military owe an eternal debt. Unto this eternal debt and upon the remembrance of this debt do every honorable military universally march as though they were one, for sacrifice and uncommon valor is the common and unspoken pledge of their eternal regard for one another as loyal souls forever faithful to his or her nation and as well as forever joined with the united camaraderie of all sacred life.
To sum up, there are many things that can be said about Guardian States and most of them I believe were said without first forming a clear understanding of the government of humanity as it relates to the nations itself, to each nation as a whole and to the most immediate systems of ordered wholes that form the tangible structure of the divine governance of God's own Providence.
It is sufficient for the intent and purpose of this meditation that the stigma that makes it even harder for a legitimate Guardian State to be able to transition successfully into a permanent form of civilian state is dealt with and this evil retrenched deep into the oblivion of the past that now lie behind us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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