A HUMBLE GIFT for your particular endeavor of Country.
Your Stated Aims:
1. To restore confidence in political institutions and the Lebanese political system.
2. To promote moderation.
Some Suggestive Interim Goals of State:
As a Universal Rule: Always be mindful of the time which dictates the natural tempo of the transient state with a mind to pave the way for a seamless transition into the next government.
1. Secure the Will of the State - Proclaim your interim intention.
The Interim Intention of State
MINDFUL of the common good of the nation and eager to restore the balance that conserve and prosper the sacred life of our national communities, we hereby observe with each one of you today, our unanimous and principled commitment to these necessary measures intended to secure for our people, the honorable benefits of all our common sacrifices as one nation and -
PROFESS a Politics of Gratitude; (build Confidence)
ESTABLISH a National Attitude of Peace and Reconciliation; (build Moderation)
ESTABLISH a Constitution of Common Accommodation; (build Confidence)
ESTABLISH a Government of Common Values; (build Moderation)
ESTABLISH the Watches of our Community Police; (build Confidence)
ESTABLISH a Military of our People; (build Confidence)
RE-CONSTITUTE a Culture of Common Humanity. (build Moderation)
MINDFUL of the great significance of this undertaking, we fully commit our lives and our honor to this labor of life and the common good in the Name of God, of common humanity, of the sacred life entrusted to our nation, and of the sacred trust that binds us together as one people.
To Transition: Entrust this to the Executive Branch
2. Secure the Order of the State - Create a Defining Vision for the one Republic whole and be likewise guided by the substance of the Republic Trust.
To Transition: Entrust this to the Legislative Branch
3. Secure the Peace of the State -
Emphasize the nature and the mission of the endeavor of Country and the reality of the Greater Good and then address the lesser lines of common departure as they exist within the national communities and accommodate all legitimate hopes of the communities into the national constitution and make these hopes part of the intrinsic strength of one the Republic whole.
Attend to the grievances of the People, seek to find their individual sense of hope, empathize with and emphasize their hope, console and de-emhpasize any and all traces of negativity and despair, conclusively determine the sum of all the People's hopes and establish the common which will form the basis of the Republic Trust which is the Sacred Trust shared by the Nation and the State.
We all know the natural color of water is clear, likewise is the noble military unanimous in heart and in mind. The motion of water is fluid, likewise are the motions of the noble military determined by the gravity of their sense of mission. The substance of water is cohesive, likewise are the bond between soldiers a measure of their fidelity to the state and to each other. The intention of water is determined, likewise does the noble military commit to battle, it is without hesitation, perceiving victory even before the first shots are fired.
Unify and strengthen the one military whole. O Lebanon, these are your most obedient of sons and daughters, value each and every one of them, never betray their trust, honor their sacred remembrances, provide legitimacy to their existence and impart by your common compassion a distinct sense of mission into their collective awareness, and with paternal concern and vigilance, observe closely their conduct: recognize and reward: honor with honor, love with love, virtue with virtue. And leave the rest to the competence of the one military whole.
To Transition: Entrust this to the Judiciary Branch
4. Consolidate the Gains of the People
Let the common People be their own safeguard to the nation:
Provide a common measure of the Republic Vision - Vision is an ultimate destiny, the measure of Vision is in magnitudes of common reality, a certain brightness perceived by the People in relation to the National Destiny shared by all the People, past as well as present and with every generation of the People unto the Last Day.
Provide an equal order of law and reason and establish reason as the measure of law. Therefore, every law that is unreasonable (serves not) and is no law at all a priori.
Depending on the prevailing disposition of the nation as a whole, you may choose to work to establish the paradigm of the original peace that rely on first principle truths common to our common humanity, enabling truly human values, and are as the sheltering wings of Country that provide for the defense and the prosperity the common people, uphold and recognize the sacred reality of all honorable religions and utilize anything and everything in the meaningful service of human life in particular and the sacred life of our planet as a whole in general, giving praise and glory to our one God in heaven by conserving and preserving as one, our Creator's living creation here on earth.
Please bear into mind when determining the equitable nature of the one Republic whole the vested interest of the Lebanese Christians and all Christians in Middle East Asia who are each familiar to my own heart as well as other faith groups within your sphere of influence.
To Transition: Entrust this to the Constitutional Offices of State
"OF THE GOVERNMENT of the state, it must be said, that there is no state more superior, regardless of it's governing framework, than one that brings peace to the people."
The measure of the success of the State is tasted like as if the State were a Tree in a Garden of many trees, it is not tasted in the leaves nor the roots nor the trunk nor the branches which are all the means of State but in the fruits of the State which is the Peace that prosper the People.
Why is the human life of the common people so important? Because all the noblest of ideologies and the finest of politics in the world will never turn back the passage of time nor bring back those whose lives have already passed from our reality, for their promise have already been taken away from us, but if we remain universally loyal to their sacred remembrances, we will find that their hopes still remain - living in us, upholding us, adding to our resolve, and lending eternal virtue to our common will of Country.
Remember also here and now that the common wishes of those who have left us here down on this world below were never death but were always life, be guided by their final wisdom. Thus do we honor their sacred memory. Lest we forget. Lest we forget.
With every Transition in perpetua: Entrust this to the one Republic whole.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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