THE BATTLES WE FIGHT TODAY are not those same large-scale battles that have defined our greatest generation, for that generation, June 6th, 1944 was D-day and it was their longest day, but our generation is not faced with those same evils, we are faced with the evils of our present time, and this prevailing cover of darkness is our longest night.
The battles that we fight are the battles to end all our battles and to give the necessary respite of Country to our exhausted nations and relief unto our common world, we struggle to wrestle from war the dignity of all those things that mean much to our humanity, things that will in their own time return peace into our each our own people's hearts and minds and into our own present time in need of so much common hope.
In this battle, it will not be the might of our arms that will be most remembered, but their purity. For concerned in this conflict is the very sanctity of human life and the original peace that shall re-establish for our nations, the path toward the daybreak and away from this midnight world of war and re-constitute for each our people, the culture of life.
It is therefore, to be thoroughly understood that for our humanity to prevail, each one must re-discover within one's own human capacity the original order of the wholes, wholes upon wholes that neither oppose nor take comparisons, neither add nor take from itself, but together form a synergy of truths, a silent hymn of peace that is sufficient unto our day, that one may learn to embrace with his or her heart according to one's own capacity for love, the greatest possible whole and be able to come to a true understanding of what is truly worth defending in our hearts and in our world.
Of course, particularly to those peoples whose nations are threatened by conflict, this will involve the skillful use of the military, but for the most part, it is best to practice moral restraint and to conduct the necessary defense on behalf of the people, for it will be a matter of the things that commonly define our being human and from this rediscovered sense of common humanity, a common sense of hope as well as a new perspective on those issues of our present day that question the very nobility of man. A nobility born from the very soul that complete our being human, awakens us to a sense of common humanity, and enables our hearts to rule with fairness and equanimity the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind, amidst the turbulence of the times, nations that are made to exist not as instruments of war but as vessels to bear into their own times, the life of our generations unto the last of our generations.
One would do well to find meaningful expression not through means that conspire against the common life of our humanity, for no nation within this one world is immune to what happens to another, where one has come to believe in our differences, one would think that each nation stand by itself alone and live apart from the rest, but this is not the reality upon which is built the foundation of our world, there is a manifest interconnectedness and harmony in the created universe that is a direct reflection of the will of the Creator.
It invites certain disaster to go against the established natural order of the Providence of God that govern our world as an integral part of the Divine governance of the universe entire. Life is not inimical to life, every life inherently knows how to nurture it's own, our humanity stands more to gain from our believing in the things that make us common, for it is precisely those common things that make us human.
It is and has always been the will of war that have caused us to believe in the things that make us different, it was war that have caused much of the tragedies that the world now blames either on our own wounded humanity or the honorable religions that serve to sanctify our sacred freedoms, we have to be able to look past this mutually excluding, self-defeating convention of this mindless world and return to our own sense of humanity the wonder and the hope that may only come in our embracing the peace and the prosperity that comes with the end to the conflicts that have beaten us down and kept us from achieving together the labors of the human heart and soul that will bring our world forward into the next stage of our planetary whole.
If we do not learn now to be human again, what future does this world hold for our children? If we remain in the thinking that believes in our differences, what will the shape of the next 1000 years be like for our globalizing world? Time is quickening the human soul, imparting motion where there were once stillness, many hearts have awakened and many seek to understand not only the answers but the questions that have led us to the reality of this present time.
Therefore, maintain the purity of your arms, employ them in a manner befitting the nobility of the immortal soul that inhabits your heart, never use it to strike in anger or to indiscriminately harm the totality of sacred life. In this way, you do honor not only to yourself but the God who made you who you are, exactly as you are. Be the exact meaning of the word peace that is the central hope embedded within the lineage of the common promise of each our own particular Abrahamic religions.
It is in this way that together we shall open up a new path to our world and close the doors of the empty past, and we shall leave no one and no nation behind.
Our differences are never reasons for hatred and contempt for human life, they are meant to enlarge our understanding of our own selves and our own wider world. If one is to imagine a world made up of similar things populated by similar souls, indeed there would be an instant accord among them, but it would not be as valuable as the accords that we shall forge here in the furnace of own reality.
Indeed, I personally believe that our accords must have the blessing of Almighty God in order for any of it to overcome the overwhelming number of differences between individual human beings created to be one and unique in the same image and likeness in our souls as our Creator.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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